The Negativity Thread

Wait I’m lost. How did we get ERP from a Pride convo?

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Because we’re a pattern seeking species.

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Tell me more of it.

So few I have met that I would like to see more of.

Yeah, but if enough time has elapsed between then and now - is it really a case of being two-faced, or just an acknowledgment of fault and subsequent growth?

To me I think it’s the latter - I don’t think I’m a hypocrite for saying ERP is bad after having done so in the past. It was bad - it was a source of drama and completely warped the way I interact with the game for a while, and that’s the benefit of the doubt I’m going to offer here too.


Negativity made manifest - So-called ‘A.I’. Slop, in its totality.

Burn it. Burn it all.

It is also pretty fishy to come out of the blue and be like “heh, this person erped in the past, did you guys know???” as if that had anything to do with the argument.

It’s just a really weak ad hominem and worth less to a discussion than a wet fart. If anything it shows that there is no actual counter-argument.



I think I’ve alluded to the tale once or twice on this forum about how I got roped into ERP by adults who knew full well I was a minor at the time some decade+ ago.
That junk is simply not good for you and it wasn’t good to me, so shockingly that experience kind of informed my stance on it later on when I reflected on it.

Though I have no idea what particular incident amdusias is referring to so I truly can’t say if it’s some overnight change or not, which would be a bit peculiar.

Also total aside what the hell is a pick-me because the way it’s being used in this thread reads like ‘LGBTetcetera person that disagrees with me’ and boy I sure hope that isn’t the intention.

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The way I understand it is that it’s someone saying “PICK ME, PICK ME!” making themselves seem like the best choice. In this case, it’s accusing somebody who is under the queer umbrella of sanitizing themselves in order to appeal to heterosexual sensibilies rather than being authentically themselves.


I gotta be honest this is not beating the ‘LGBTetcetera person that disagrees with me’ allegations but thanks for explaining

It generally originates from women’s gaming circles and similiar, where it is not uncommon to find women who treat others absolutely horribly to fit in with the guys. Basically, by being misogynistic and gross to other girls they make themselves more desirable and “not like the other girls”. Which also means they want to be picked as the token person of the group.

It is also not uncommon sadly to have people from LGBTQ community doing the same but instead trying to fit in with conservatives as “the good ones” to put it bluntly. Which involves throwing other queer people under the bus in the same vein.


It’s a difficult one to explain. I think there’s absolutely cases of this sort of thing occurring that are fairly inarguable - Milo Yiannopoulos springs to mind, a gay man who really did his best to suck up to a lot of the American far-right ideals, maybe as a counter to the party being homophobic.

That kind of collapsed on him when he seemed to advocate for consent with the underaged and he became just another “gay person who is a predator” in the eyes of his previous “supporters” (who probably only supported him because he said what they wanted to hear.)

Is that what’s happening with people in this thread? Honestly I don’t know - I don’t know these people well enough to say definitively. My gut instinct is that it is, but I do wanna give benefit of the doubt.

Also Vixi just did a much better job explaining it than I did in the post above.

Hello to the entirity of the LGB Alliance.


Perfect example.

I swear there is a meme about it too.

A gazelle talking about how the Leopards That Love Eating Flesh Club might hunt less gazelles if they simply stop zigzagging, and how they’re one of the ‘good’ gazelles, unlike those other degenerate gazelles, which are clearly the reason for Leopards That Love Eating Flesh activity, and not the leopards that eat flesh that have been eating flesh since before gazelles started zigzagging, all while talking about how it is the gazelle’s duty to simply change the minds of the Leopards That Love Eating Flesh Club in the “I Quite Enjoy Being A Gazelle” day.


I found the meme!


I think it’s a fair deal more nuanced than many in this thread would be willing to ever admit. A lot of people, myself included, do not care for performative pandering from corporations for example and so roll our eyes whenever a particular business trots out the rainbow coloured merchandise and reinforces certain stereotypes surrounding gay men.

My personal belief is that it would be far more efficient to allow different groups of individuals to have the option to seek out specialised support as opposed to completely different groups being lumped together ‘just because’ when they often have very different and sometimes competing preferences.

Though to have a conversation about that, individuals in this thread would need to be capable of not reducing conservatives or progressives to predictable and overused stereotypes that lack much basis in reality and are simply peddled as an attempt as a ‘gotcha’ to stifle any constructive and good faith debates.

I say that as someone who sits comfortably in the middle and sees merits and drawbacks on both ‘sides’ of the political spectrum.


You already made yourself extremely clear by being openly transphobic with full on bigotry in general discussions over the last couple of days. Your post history is just abhorrent.

Your opinion, to put it bluntly, is irrelevant and stinks.


Ew. I wish them a very good disband.

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How so?

The point of contention in those threads is over the change to the character creation as I do not find it acceptable to take something away in the name of ‘being progressive’ and would instead prefer to see additional options added.

I think that’s a strange thing to wish for. I think gay men, lesbians and bisexuals should be allowed to create organisations to deal with needs largely exclusive to themselves.

Much in the same way as how it is often more efficient to have a separate support group for women and another for men. It often comes down to personal preferences.

Perhaps you are mistaking me for another poster, then. I have had not had any posts removed or curated. No worries if so, mistakes happen!

Yeah I know, I saw your comments, including the ones that got curated and deleted due to how much genuine hatred you spouted.

Again, stinks. Your opinion on this matter is absolutely unwanted.

Transphobic remarks are never acceptable.


The reason that organization deserves to go in the bin is because it is a hate group. They have no other agenda beyond being transphobic and allying with conservatives.

People like that deserve no respect.

Not at all, I know exactly who you are and that it was you. You don’t need to play dumb. You completely flew of the tangent for being called out for supporting JK Rowling being transphobic in the same way you did the LGB Alliance here.

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