The Negativity Thread

Mhm. Anti-trans and they’ve even been biphobic in some instances.

I hope they disband.


For context on what I’m talking about in regards to Thalstarion too:

They did the same thing in other threads in GD.

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Let’s Go to the Bin Alliance.

“to” and “the” aren’t included because they don’t like the letter T being included in their acronym.


I read more on them and jfc DISBAND PLEASE. What an awful group.


They are literally just a hate group. Showing any sympathy for them completely demonstrates the person’s viewpoint.

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I disagree.

Whether you desire it or not, no small amount of individuals identify as conservatives or at least lean towards conservative views on certain subjects.

How would you propose dealing with such individuals in the present and the future?

I think that leans towards reductionism and dehumanisation. Certainly, there are many views I may disagree with but I would not desire seeing people prevented from holding or expressing them. It may not change my mind, I may not change theirs, though civil debate is a cornerstone of polite society.

I am not ‘playing dumb’. I genuinely believe you either have me mistaken for another poster or you are deliberately twisting my words to mean something completely different. My stance in those threads was to either have the changes reverted to where they used to be or embrace a compromise by adding additional options.

I enjoyed reading her books. Certainly, they’re not my favourite but I do appreciate her contributions to literature. I even met her once and she was rather personable and polite, so I will judge her on that basis.

That does not equal agreeing with absolutely everything that she has said or done, though. Where are you getting that impression from?

It’s less the group in question some support so much as the desire for a group to exist that is exclusively focused on the needs of lesbians, bisexuals and gay men if that makes more sense.

Could you give some examples?

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What on earth are you talking about? Please point out where I defended ERP.

I’m very much against online grooming in a game where adults can have easy access to unsupervised children, and I don’t see how that contradicts with gay stuff at a gay pride parade being visible. Seeing a man in biker’s leathers isn’t exactly equal to grooming kids, I’m sure you’d agree?


Oh there’s another 180.

It doesn’t. Simply put, if you allow the rights and liberties of trans people to be taken away and don’t support them, then you ultimately allow for the rights of gay, bisexual, and lesbian individuals to also be jeoperdized.

There is no LGBT without the T, because, as mentioned, everyone in the queer umbrella stands together or falls apart. I genuinely believe that to be the case. It’s also the case historically - Martha P. Johnson was fighting for gay rights back in '69, and while she used different terminology back then - words which in today’s environment I think might be a slur - by modern definitions, was a trans woman.

The first person to lead the uprising in the most culturally significant display of gay rights activism was a black trans woman - or at the very least, a black gay drag queen. To “focus on just the lesbian, gay and bisexual” side of things is actively excluding one of the first people who openly fought for the rights of queer folk in a modern era.


Plenty of things in this thread.

As some examples.

Throw them in the bin. They adapt or they fall behind. It is that easy.

That is what conservatism leads to yes.

But that is not what the group EVER wanted, it was always about transphobia.

The packaging on the pre-made chinese buns says “Microwave for 40 seconds at the highest setting.”

So I did it. And they were still cold.

So I re-heated them. And now they’re overcooked.

I miss her bros.


I see only two posts by Thalstarion in that thread and neither is particularly egregious compared to how you depict him.

Does he post under the name of some other char in there as well or am I just missing something?

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Alot of it has been curated already. He’s also been on other threads, some are removed.

We’ll simply have to agree to disagree on that, then. I’m largely disinterested in politics and I do not see them as having much relevance in regards to my sexuality in the current era.

On many fronts, I see the ‘Right’ and the ‘Left’ as little more than two sides of the same coin. As such, I prefer to expend effort on local issues pertaining to my community, friends and family rather than affairs which are largely distant to me.

I have respect for those who can hold but a banner at every turn for as many different causes as possible but to be quite honest doing that is not only exhausting but an excellent path to depression, burnout and illness.

I’m not looking for a fight and neither am I trolling. I weighed in on the gender threads over in general discussion because as a gay guy, I dislike the idea of taking away explicit references to ‘male’ in the character creator.

If it wasn’t being promoted as being ‘inclusive’ then I would have kept quiet, though I do not believe it to be inclusive and would rather see additional options added to the game as opposed to removing established options.

It isn’t any more complicated than that and I am not sure how to reassure people that it is the truth.

From what I have seen, none of my posts have been particularly spicy or inappropriate and they have not been removed either. I imagine if they were truly so terrible then I would currently be unable to post altogether.

Either way, this is very much a ‘he said, she said’ scenario and cannot be proven one way or another unfortunately.

It’d be great if you could turn up something more substantial when you levy hefty accussations, as right now I frankly don’t really know what to make of it.

I’m not really interested in calling you a liar but I do know that you can at times get pretty riled up/carried away in forum disputes, which sort of makes me cautious about taking these things at face value.


Whoever wrote that on there is stupid if they’re supposed to be stored in the fridge
Next time you want to eat those let them sit outside the fridge until they’re roughly room temp, then do the 40sec on max thing

Alternatively use a lower setting and a slightly longer time
How long depends on how thick the buns are

I deeply, deeply disagree with this sentiment.

That’s what I feel is enough to say on that matter.

It is ultimately a choice that harms no one though, but it might make some people happy. I really do not see why it is a massive issue.

You’re free to think that. I don’t hide that I get emotional about things I feel heated about. I am very aware of that.

Ultimately it was more that someone I have seen some stuff I really do not vibe with posting more things I really do not agree with rather than to persuade you.

That’s fine. I am not expecting or demanding that you agree with me. I am simply basing it on my own personal beliefs and experiences.

I do not want to get deep into the political talk though I simply oppose the idea of reducing either side to unhinged caricatures and then projecting that upon absolutely everybody who even remotely shares any ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ views.

I have met lovely, supportive conservatives. I have met hateful, manipulative conservatives.

I have met lovely, supportive progressives. I have met hateful, manipulative progressives.

I’d simply prefer to find ways to get people to come together and compromise than go scorched earth, in other words.

That’s your belief, yes. I respectfully disagree with it. I think it is deceptive to claim a move is progressive if it is taking away something that exists and replacing it with a very clinical term instead of compromising by making a third, fourth or perhaps even more options than that.

At any rate it is getting rather late and it was not my intention to start an argument in this thread. So with that I shall bid you - and everyone else - a pleasant evening.


Horseshoe theory is starting to look like a circle now