The Negativity Thread

yeah its absolutely abhorrent when someone uses this thread to be hateful and malicious towards one group but the same kind of vitriol is fine when said group does it based on whatever their online political stance is


It’s not just a few clowns anymore, it’s the whole damn circus.

Speak plain with your accusations.

Yeah, myself included. I deeply regret it and I’ve not done it since I turned 18 and I met my gf. That was 12 years ago.

As better posters like Akamito have said before, it is a self gratifying and corrupting act that degrades both you, others and the RP you participate in.

I’m glad to be rid of it, as well as for others who are.

In fairness, my only critique of Matowa’s post was the attitude about the use of “think of the children” argument, which she has done in the past with the rest of us. I don’t think that makes her two-faced, I just pointed out that there are contexts where it is certainly not used with malicious intent.

She’s one of the kindest and smartest and better roleplayers of AD-.My very own character, Atahalni, was directly inspired by her Rp and character alike and he wouldn’t be the character he is without that background. She’s helped me multiple times in the past with the Hallowed Ball events and other RP initiatives.

Just because I disagree with her on some thibgs doesn’t make her my enemy, let alone two faced.

Agreed 100%.

None of those words have a definition.

meant that as a odd question since no one can give a good answer to why we are numbers today.

Because the physical characteristics of both body options don’t automatically label them as male or female. There are women with broad shoulders, men with breasts, trans/non-binary people, etc etc, so 1 and 2 is ultimately more inclusive (and does not exclude those who want to stick to traditional gender norms - no one is stopping you).

…was I supposed to actually answer that?

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Tried this today and it worked better. The packaging does indeed say they’re to be reheated while frozen.

As for the negativity of today,

On the amount of things that pile up as things go bad for old Terrorizer, the vet bill for my dog has left me wanting to get my severance pay faster.

But I press on.

I stay hating.

Such is life.


Watched the civ 7 announcement. Very pretty. Nice animations. Some heavy ‘inspiration’ from humankind.

But right at the end the “pre-order to recieve this one leader and the Shawnee”, rolling into “but WAIT, if you sign up to the newsletter and use our client to play the game you get TWO napoleon persona’s for free.”

Combine this with the three ages (Antiquity, Exploration, Modern Era). I feel like this game is going to be incredibly predatory on DLC.

Civs and their mechanics now split into the actual civs, leaders and their “personalities” as well as a suspiciously low amount of ages?

Nah dog, this game is going to be a god damned cash cow. I love the civ games. But this has me weary.

3/10 Firaxis.


They have been since Civ V

Yes but the game is split into three parts. Once you transcend antiquity you get a chance to flip your civilisation (e.g Egypt to Songhai) like in Humankind.

Antiquity. The Age of Exploration. The Modern Era. So that’s two flips to adjust your strategy on the go depending on your circumstance. I’m not faulting the mechanics, i enjoyed Humankind but this seems… intentionally low (a bit of a reach perhaps)? I get the feeling there will be an Industrial Era or Middle Age DLC.

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I agree. Even in the last of their games it has been becoming more obvious that the DLCs have been cash grabs, not to mention lowering the quality of the game with their newer modes that people introduced mods to reverse a lot of the “damage” they did.

I have very little faith in Fyraxis to do the right thing at this point with their games.
Basically a second Ubisoft, just less known I suppose or not as big.

Speaking of announcements, was anyone waiting for a borderlands 4?
I’ll keep an eye on it I suppose, but with the game series’ popularity and quality both falling off with each release I don’t exactly have high expectations.

ok nr 1 cya

And the greedy corpo goblin is once again turning a profit…

I think after what the third game caused no one wanted to have a Borderlands 4.
Borderlands 3 was a total grab in the toilet. And here I speak of “Silent Hill 2-style grabs in the toilet”. If you know, you know.

The same why also almost no Dragon Age-Veteran is actually hyped for Veilguard except for your average rpg-influencer who are hyped for it because they need to. Hyping an already beaten horse still can bring some moolah after all.
DA: Veilguard gives me already bad feelings for that new Mass Effect they develop.

Nothing shows better how Gamescom is soulless than the fact that they wheeled out Peter Molyneux from his tomb to advertise yet another “You can choose to be as silly as you want” scam project and present it as some great return.

The man is a con artist. Eject him from the damned industry already.


oh hey randy pitchford, why is your new borderlands game coming to steam too? didn’t you say that steam is going to be a “dying store” and other storefronts (specifically the one you’ve been taking payouts from but that seems to have stopped because their buffoon of a ceo admitted it was a complete failure) were meant to take over??

guy continues to prove he’s an absolute tool

hey peter, remember kinect and project milo?


Negativity prompt:

I’m on holiday with no access to gaming, so my question to all you alleged chuds - does TWW feel good or bad so far?

Based on the beta it’s ok
It’s not out until Friday 00:00 CET though.

I’m looking forward to roleplaying an Arathi, but I can already see the copy-paste Warhammer Templar characters praising the “Divine Emperor of Arathor!!”