The Negativity Thread

I was okay with the flight of Kralkatorik and a Destroyer attack forcing an armistice - the start of the story in 2012 was the lowest point of the world’s war against the Dragons, and the tenuous Charr-Humanity peace was an integral part of that ennui.

I’m moreso bitter about the Icebrood Saga writing decisions - someone on the team wasn’t satisfied with the Olmakhan’s introduction.

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This is how I feel about Dracthyr. Alright, negativity time. Dracthyr are lame. 99% of Dracthyr NPCs are lame. 99% of Dracthyr RPers that I’ve encountered are beyond lame. Then again, you can say that for most groups of roleplayers except dwarves. I sometimes lie in bed and wonder if teh_nerthRP.exe will ever get tired of doing the exact same thing for years on end. I feel like these people just kill or abandon their characters only to make new ones that are exactly the same. How many times do I have to run into a PALADIN character that’s actually a lord of some ruined northern fiefdom (and a horrible person btw), or the servant some such lord? I never understood why they have to be paladins either, when nothing about the paladin class fits into their character concept that’s basically just >random white human male noble from Game of Thrones. And they’re horrible people! Petty, rude, prideful, greedy, violent and corrupt… but hey I’m a paladin.

How many times do I have to run into a female human northerner that’s >stoic and withdrawn posh lady that barely speaks or ever says anything worthwhile with her TRP profile denoting the intricate notes of the perfume and nail polish she’s wearing and is also filled with artwork to assist the male members of the cliqueguild in fawning over her. Her hair description includes words like raven or ebon, her eyes are not eyes but orbs, her fingers are either digits or talons, her emotes and/or sentences take like FIFTEEN MINUTES TO TYPE FOR SOME REASON and I wonder if the fault lies in that this person’s either afk and partially present or on some Discord voice chat with her MATES (read simps). Not to mention the language these people use. Maybe it just takes them 15 minutes to look through thesaurus.

Why does it take you 15 minutes to emote that your character looked at someone, or sat down on a chair, or had a sip of her drink??

Anger anger anger die die die.


I just wish they allowed players to understand more often that there was actually a large % of the Garlean population (the populares) that were against the War and didn’t really have much care or mind for “outsiders” (there’s several notable examples of beastmen being allowed in the Imperial Capital) but unfortunately Squeenix (and also the playerbase) really went for the complete tone-deaf button when it came to Garlemald (in large part, I imagine, because it was meant to be its own whole expansion going over the politics, rebuilding etc. etc.).

Garlemald is very clearly meant to be the post-war loser faction that’s struggling to pick itself back up again after the losses suffered; and whether you sympathise with the military-industrial-complex of the nation, its always the citizens who end up suffering, and most of the citizens are just. . .normal people, really. Utterly normal people who just drew the short end of the stick.

They could’ve made an (actually) morally-grey story out of it all and there’s still a lot of potential to do so since we still haven’t visited 70% of the Empire but I hope they don’t just press the “it was all fixed and the politics were all replaced by our benevolent dictators instead” button. :pensive:

Edit: The one time that Varus was allowed to cook, and it was really just him going “y’know this meeting feels really hypocritical coming from racial-segregationist-dictators numbers 1-4, maybe you guys should get your houses in order before talking about mine”, shame that he went completely off-the-loop and loony just a second after dropping that hot bar.

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1% represent

Does Hatescale hate his brethren as much as Crazymon does?

In good Draconic fashion he hates everyone.

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recently I came across a northern character whose currently said 'orbs robbed of slumber"

black/dark-coloured plain plate mog? :white_check_mark:
growth pot? :white_check_mark:
the blandest looking twohanded sword mog in the game sheathed in a SCABBARD? :white_check_mark:
cursing, mentions of “wenches” :white_check_mark:

the lowfantasy got/tolkien enjoyers are so lame

reminds me of that one time I approached a group of them on my monk and they couldn’t comprehend what he was or where he was from (“so you’re a monk from northshire???”)

pandaria doesn’t exist in j.r.r. tolkien’s azeroth don’t you know?


brooding human male with grimdark backstory involving the death of a family member and/or FAIR MAIDEN :white_check_mark:

venn cosplayer? :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

reminds me of that one time I approached a group of them on my death knight and half of them just ignored me while the other half literally left. Sorry bro I won’t interact with a killing machine who by default is stronger than my character.

Also have you noticed how many of them are like

“tHe beSt SwOrDsMoN aVe eVA sE3n”

the sword of dusk

the grey blade of <insert made up place that not only doesn’t exist but also doesn’t fit into the WoW Lordaeron aesthetic> hill/mere/mound/garden/vale

arthur dane wannabe


damn you’d think with this army of master swordsmen their rp would move past killing trolls who still seem to be a problem twenty years later, where are they coming from?

makes them look like a bunch of phonies tbh…

it’s because they’re not killing trolls, they’re killing raid markers

Also doesn’t their RP revolve around secret ERP with the forementioned posh ladies of the court or the attempts of which? Am I missing something here?

or horses

don’t forget about the horses

Speaking of animals, can I just express how absolutely PEEVED I am that furries are so often and so liberally umbrellad under the LGBTQ by so many people? I will never be convinced that furrydom is not a fetish thing in 99.99999% of cases and I for one don’t want to be associated with it. It’s annoying enough that the extremists on twitter make us look like lunatics but now every breed of niche oddity has to be dumped on our backs?

Lots of negativity today.

You sound immensly, personally upset over that people like to chat and look at cats.

Its worth reflecting on.

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How dare he be negative in the negativity thread?!


do like loras did and stay in your containment zone

Personally i think it is quite a difference in being negative vs activily throwing temper tantrums and spinning some fabricated reality.

But maybe that is just me.

Thats my addition to this thread.



Unironically what Crazymon did themselves though, thats sort of my point.

Judging on how you often seem to perceive things, yes it is.

Epic reminder that Le LowFantasy Human Swordsman gets neg-diffed by any class capable of a minimal amount of magic