The Negativity Thread

If human footmen are so good, how come you replace them with spellbreakers asap in wc3 HUH???


imagine not mastering the garithos maneuver and destroy the enemy with footmen and knights

Is this somehow the opposite of pet peeves thread


Its basically the same but slightly meaner, edgier and in some serious denial about it.


Change Thread to RP and you have something you can bond over. :joy:

Ah but you see my enchanted family heirloom sword which my great grandfather lord archduke of Nonexistantvalehill battled the first orcish invasion with can cut through magic!!!

wait what do you mean im not as fast as a demon hunter??? uhhhhh demon hunters dont exist and i refuse to roleplay with them because they are bad!!! uhhhhhhhh these mages are just on a power trip uhhhh

Oh, you’ve actually answered my question of why all of these unpaladinlike characters play paladins. So they can feel like they can compete with people they intentionally never interact with anyways.

“I hate working with these… people.” >nerthrper whenever he has to interact with the broader AD community at a server-wide event.

It’s like the pet peeves thread but with a higher amount of testicular fortitude.

Also lol @ pet peever crying in chat about people making their own pet peeves thread that isn’t filled with talking heads clownposting about some obscure video game no one cares about in which TODAY they used a different unit and ooooh it’s so cool that this particular unit functions in this way oh wow.

Hey Jeyce today in guild wars I finally farmed the three hundred frozen winterberries I needed for the ascended trinket and I love my asura engineer he looks so mean but so cute like baby yoda all grown up using gadgets awww. Oh shucks sorry I have to get back to my pretend office job but not before I post some vaguely condescending pseudo intellectual take on an activity I haven’t engaged in for a decade oooh boy here I go again


While we’re on the topic of troglodyte behavior worth being negative about, here’s an almost comprehensive red flag list regarding our fellow Role-Players within the Alliance.

  • Firewater and Growth Potion users
  • Man’ari Eredar Role-Players
  • Dracthyr with LGBTQA+ friendly in their TRP
  • Dracthyr with any reference to sexuality or relationship status
  • Dracthyr with Surnames
  • Buzzbox Addon
  • Musician Addon
  • Half-Elves
  • Half-Orcs
  • Blood Elves
  • Child Roleplayers
  • Smirking Redheads
  • Alteraci/Vrykul/Half-Vrykul Mountain Men
  • Anyone acting like they are from a High School drama series
  • Characters that swear like sailors yet are portrayed as fey and wise Elves or Draenei
  • Female Characters with oversized dangly bits
  • Characters copypasted from Warhammer, For Honor or Anime
  • Horde Diplomats (refugees because Horde RP is Dead)
  • Smoking Cigarettes or Joints
  • Headcanon about peacebloom being a hallucinogen
  • Mentions of IRL Age, Stance on AI art, Sexual Preferences and Political agenda in TRP profiles
  • “Ignores the usual”
  • “Ignores X Guild/PCU/xyz community” Tribalism
  • “TRP Wiped” for months
  • “Troublemaker”, “Sociopath”, “Spectrumite” who argues for a living
  • Listing actual mental illnesses as a character descriptor
  • TRP Titles of Ex-something, family status, hobbies, exclusively traits that are not titles
  • Millennia old Night Elves who were born on Teldrassil
  • Dark Rangers, San’layn, Darkfallen and other Undead that aren’t Death Knights
  • Eredar with an Illidari trampstamp declaring they are fine to walk around in public
  • Excessive profanity
  • Excessive profanity while using a terrible accent to avoid the in-game mature language filter
  • Terrible rendition of any accent that makes the character incomprehensible
  • Chronic Cathedral Rooftop Percher
  • Using IRL languages (German, Polish, French etc.) In-Character as if they were regional dialects on Azeroth
  • Modern Weaponry
  • Barely disguised Scarlet RP
  • “Veteran” or “Experienced” Role-Player while any of the above listed red flag applies to them

All in all, Gatekeeping is fine

i wont elaborate


yeah i always found elenthas to be a weirdo, good to hear he hasn’t changed

we’re the Mean Peevers dude, we’re all about being mean. It’s actually good practice for me because I have a big business call in half an hour and I’ll have to be pretty aggressive or else we’ll be swarmed with stupid requests and ideas

(does this fill my blogposting quota for the day?)

based and true


I’d argue only in Stormwind but I’m yet to see a good one either way.

bzz bzz delta bravo team come in 10-69 at the Shady Lady i need backup bzzz please bring the 1k year old female draenei priest that’s also a Stormwind guard for some reason bzzz hey im the guard maskot would you like an apple?? bzzz

where my nword Levy at?>

Did you know I’m disclexic?

Or Game of Thrones, or the Witcher, or the Lord of the Rings.

Also you forgot people who have more than one title. And people who use ‘’‘’‘’‘’’ to simulate what they conceive of as a British accent. ‘ello guvna’ hows ‘bout a cuppa’? ‘Omelanda’ done killed me wife

**** you

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I’m sure you’ll edit your post at least 8 more times but those are there, albeit differently worded.

1v1 me, cigs don’t exist in the setting

Read between the lines Venn, I read your unpublished novel, I know you can do it

No, they do exict in the MK setting, just not in WoW

Oh yeah I forgot people even roleplay smoking joints and making peacebloom brownies.

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BE SPECIFIC. and stop copying me

I graduated to being a hard pipe hitting nword in 2015.

Why? it sucks. I’m writing a new one starring Ryan Jeyce, you’ll love it


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woah dude that’s me



the only question is, what’s better? sci-fi superhuman detective ryan jeyce or 1950s fantasy wizard serial killer hunter ryan jeyce?

okay crazymon tone down the blogposting


what? I thought this was the pet peeves thread? ah where’s vixi when you need them

I thought this was the negativity thread, not the Pet Peeve thread?

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If anyone was wondering what a circle jerk looks like.

Sorry, I mean curated browsing experience to escape inane drivel from the same pundits - wait… a minute…

Hello my evil bastard thread of edgy hyper-masculine gamer alpha males.

Something else has made me mad today. Driven me to unbridled fury that would shame the gods of old.

This may oust me as one new to the wondrous world of Argent Dawn, but, why is Silvermoon City a brothel?

Quel’thalas has fallen. Billions must embrace the void.


Is it? I thought it’s deserted.

Wandered through, old marbled streets, wishing to reminisce 'pon the fallen petals of a bygone home.

Lo, there, as I wandered across inns more ancient and refined than the collective of human civilization; an orc ‘Double-fisting’ his – alas.

Crude, crude. To see our horde envoys still be put in the position of diplomats yet preferring to swing around appendages rather than their axes.