The nightmare of Delvers joining Mythic+

Tell me, what exactly is “WoW skill”? If its not reacting to attacks in PvP (which are unpredictable compared to mobs), what exactly is this “skill”?
Knowing the dungeon? rotations? This is literally one google search away.

This is what we mean.

This is about what content is enjoyed, not which content is harder.

I’ve never read something such delusion as this. Do you believe a single boss with about 3 mechanics total is harder for a solo player than a group coordination of 5+ people? This is just insane.


Your ilvl at zekvir?? is only relevant by a margin. Play critical mechanics wrong and you are one shot even if you were 700 ilvl.

In other words, skilled players have done it at 600 (and lower) ilvl.

many people with decent to good m+ score are still failing the fight.

Oh, you know. As an example, getting into group content in a prepared fashion as to not ruin the experience for yourself and 4 other fellow human beings is one of many “WoW skill” attributes.

If ilvl isn’t relevant what do you need that gear for?

Why do people with most or all dungeons timed at +10 or more keep failing the zekvir?? fight?

There is posts all over about this fight, check the armory of some of these players.

Have you downed this trivial 3 mechanic fight yourself?

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OK, the two people are literally just going in circles asking questions that were already answered.

The bottom line is, M+ people want to feel special that they have the highest ilvl by doing the cesspool that is their preferred content.

Its kinda like a job interview. You need experience to get the job but you need the job to get experience.

I would pay money to see a high tier M+ player doing the tutorial boss for any souls game xD.
But i digress.

If anything this just made me more curious for whatever the last boss in delves is.

This wasn’t my point at all. I never said you personally cannot do it. Just that you don’t know how hard it is and thus you cannot compare it to m+ levels.

Having played at pink rio score and raided at mythic level previously myself and having done ?? Zekvir, my opinion is that someone that beats him has the skill to time 10s and kill at least some mythic raid bosses in a group that has similar skill level.

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pvp is the same as predictable as the pve lol, you obviously are new to the game, but even in PVP there are rules, they are just not done automatically but pressed by people instead, and you only try to exploit mistakes or play as you are supposed to play same as in PvE. There is zero difference between this.

Oh, don’t be so dramatic all the time. We just don’t want delvers to wipe us in m+ because they have no idea what they are doing in there. It’s not good for us and it’s not good for them. They have plenty of ways to prepare themselves, but they don’t learn any of that in delves, because in there you win every time.

Yes i am indeed new to the game. And im loving it so far. Just going “Eww” at some members of the comunity x)

Well, hats off to you if you can predict every single player with every single class and every single skill they will use in every single situation. Personally i cant. Though i have yet to see a boss that can be soloed that i can’t beat eventually.
Though some players own me hard. No matter how hard i try.

Ill take your word for it i guess.
But my point regarding delves stands.

Easily, becasue just like M raid and high M+, it´s about playing the mechanics properly first and foremost… Not necessarily as a oneshot mind you, but rather with practice and learning, something teh community as a whole and elitists in particular believe does not apply to them, because you´re either born a Progamer like they were, or you shouldn´t even try, not even for fun, paid professionals only beyond this point.

In all 3 scenarios better gear above the minimum required to meet DpS checks only serves to shorten the fights, thereby reducing the opportunities to fail. But if you rrefuse to learn or play the mechanics, you´ll still wipe to it in 12 months when we enter midnight.

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Auto attacks/melee hits you for anything up to 5 mill damage. And then there is his abilities that not can, but will oneshot you regardless of your itemlevel. Play the fight mechanically correct and it can in theory go on “forever” until he eventually dies.

if its so easy, just go and do it. should take 10-20 minutes.

RPers over there just grabbing popcorn and laughing at us >.>.

It really should be simple. Keep M+ as it is or maybe increase the rewards so the toddlers can shut up.
And have Delves give some kind of challenge that rewards the highest level gear as well.

I’ll say again, this thread is so gonna be locked.

Yes you can use runed crests before getting hero but getting hands on hero track gear isnt hard as 7s are faceroll even in base champion gear. The main point of upgrading your gear with crests is getting into pugs whos leader think ilvl matters as much as they think. You can do 10s in 615.

Because of class design meets singular boss design? Same reason why some specs were flying through the mage tower while other specs facing the exact same encounter had issues. Zekvir is no different. Wasnt it a bdk that soloed ?? at 600 ilvl?

HoV Mage Tower fight as a Assa = Still easy not gonna lie. Same fight as ret = Zzzzzzzzz oh boss died.

Or Tank back then. The hardest encounter out of all mage towers. Druids had a massive advantage.

Is Solo Zekvir hard? Arguably. For a 1v1 encounter like Mage Tower (to which it has to be compared to. Nothing else). Probably even more (or less) than MT because unlike MT the fights arent somewhat tailored to the specs but every spec faces the same feet enjoying NPC.

Nothing to do with delvers. Has been the case since Legion. Same amount of mouth breathers as back then percentage wise.

Ye, I hear that since legion.

And for me its the opposite. Personal experiences differ. That and my alt tends to delete packs.

First one happens. Second one is a report (same goes for the first if they fake dc all the time). Third is welcome to international group finder. If you don’t want to ever deal with it then you will have to stick to play with other germans.

Blizzard has acknowledged it. Their response was “M+ is not designed to be pugged” or in other words “Your Problem” and I’m pretty sure it was Ion who stated that specifically. Do I agree with this take? Yes and no. The no part only because M+ is pugged on mass and at least the gear reward levels should be looked at but anything past 10 is no-man’s-land.

Just change the max vault from +10 to +8 and adjust the other levels accordingly and most of the people will shush. It used to be +16 in the old system and not +20 (if we scale it up) but tbh max vault for a +6 would be bloody hilarious because of how easy they are.

pvp is played as a strategy, there are rules you follow and there are things you do after certain things happen. Every time the same. Like if the insignia is pressed by the enemy, that is when your kill window starts, or you pressed it, that’s when their kill window starts.

I understand you see pvp dynamic because you are new, but it’s not dynamic, it’s only reactive, the same as pve. The more you know about the game (the more time you invest) the better you will play. Nothing changes.

In delves, you can literally wait for cooldowns for every pack in your way, you can bypass all mechanics with no effort. This ain’t worth a mythic reward. Give Delve a timer and scale up difficulty then we talk.

This is true enough - Some classes/specs have a more easy/difficult time + something in between. My m+ score is just under 2300, not particulary high - but so far i havent had a snowballs chance in hell on zekvir?? on frost/unholy - gonna try again with blood later. and ive spent some thousand gold on repairs on my failed zekvir?? attempts.

Exactly, and just like Zekvir a 10 key is mostly about surviving by doing the mechanics than doing top dps. I mean if 10s required top dps, something like 15s would be mathematically impossible.

Actually zekvir reminds me allot of a high m+ boss in the sense that he has a few mechanics he spams and if you fail at one of them your are pretty much done.

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I mean no disrespect, but have you even tried an 11 delve before? Because the scaling difference between 10 and 11 delves is comparable to if not more extreme that going from +11s to +12s in M+, and the resulting difficulty is absolutely comparable between the 2, just in a slightly different way, with the delve being slightly simpler mechanically, but also flat out requiring more brute force to succeed.

Using NFS as an example, Single trashmobs go from 9 to 25 mio life (and corresponding damage) in just that one step. I consider 10s mostly a chill faceroll on a 619 Demolock, but in the exact same delve on an 11 I can´t even FD summon blueberry to replace my felguard and pull threat fast enough to survive the first pack, unless I´m really pulling out all the stops and using consumes… If I’m having a good day, I can get 2 out of 3 mobs down before they make it clear that I´m either still too bad of a player or too undergeared to be in there. I wouldn´t personally consider myself a “good” player, but statiscically speaking I´m still well above average :wink: