Here is a decision tree.
He can assume they aren’t going to get kicked and coil / fear / stun them or pop a defensive. If they do get kicked hes just wasted something that won’t be back for a while.
The above but hes correct. A def may save him. The stun / coil / whatever delays the inevitable cos they aint kicking. Worst case he coils / stuns and somebody whiffs a kick. Now the group is worse off than it was.
He can assume they are going to get kicked. They don’t. He dies.
Just looking at one player and saying “you have tools to stop this” is stupid. They don’t play in a vaccum. And I checked. No wonder you’re 636 and hardstuck at 2.6k.
Even in the MDI people in organized teams on comms still miss interrupts… I guess they should all stop playing M+, too?
But unlike the typical 2,5k failbob that refuses to accepot not pugging as teh obvious solution, they adapt and overgome instead of themselves giving up"because everyone else in my team sucks", thereby directly contributing to, nay outright provoking, the eventual failure of the run. But its still everyone else´s fault.
This is why IMO team-based game modes should never have a solo queue, especially not a ranked one, and it doesn’t matter if it´s Quake TDM or m+. Because all it ever does, and this goes all the way back to Doom TDM in the early 90s when people weren`t quite as selc-centered as they are today, is an outlet for refusing to accept one´s own defficiencies in favor of blaming the team for all failures. “Waah, I´m in Elo Hell”… No, you simply don´t play anywhere near as well as you believe you do, but your Ego can´t accept it.
Even if I show it to you you answer will be “Oh, that was a one time occurrence, that never happens in real life”. You´re not the first to “debate” in this fashion, nor will you be the last…
I’m sorry but no, that ain’t truth. Pve is about logs, you will have good logs only if you don’t die, keep the most uptime, and do the most damage, which means pressing your rotation correctly all that while avoiding harmful stuff around.
Pvp is about comp knowledge, no matter what is facing you, you are still trying to do what your comp is supposed to do.
Both of these are equally skill-based content and require a lot of repetitive game knowledge, which means you need to play a lot to get good in either of these. And yes, this is called a skill, same as if you play on guitar for example, you will have to play a lot to get good at it as well, or any other example you can think of. Any skill requires time.
Delves exist only to satisfy casuals who don’t want to do group content. The problem is that Blizzard is pushing these people into M+ and raid when they are maxed, while we who enjoy M+ and raid don’t want them here because the skill gap between delve and end-game content is significant. It’s just a bad game design, not a player’s fault, but we all still face the consequences.
the solution is not to force anyone to do content they don’t want to do, because they will never be good at it, cuz they don’t care about it. However, you don’t want solo content to reward mythic gear either, because that would devalue the group content which is MMO type of game all about.
So you don’t care about the mythic+ content, just your gear somehow being less valuable when someone else is running around in mythic track gear?
Because if a deliver runs around in mythic track gear, you can still do your content, no?
Group content doesnt make one “not casual” surviving in delves, especially as a DPS can be as difficult.
And again, i apologise but you can just copy paste a build and make a macro and press the same button over and over again and keep good DPS that way. That does not take skill. It takes knowlege sure, but you cant look down on people if you do this.
Personally, i dont think that’s fun in the slightest, but thats not the point. The point is Mythic+ players thinking they are somehow better than other players.
You are really not. You are just number nerds who have been playing for a long time.
People are not obligated to deal with that kind of content and being called casual for not wanting to join your groups. The gatekeeping is just sad. Like a hot dog eating contest champion looking down on skinny people.
well, here is the thing. M+ and raid players need that gear to survive the higher end-game content, beat another boss, or something like that, these people need to upgrade themself to continue further in content difficulty, so a mythic gear for such content is a needed reward.
Delve player is capped at 619 just by doing t8 bountiful delve and earning a hero track from the vault. They don’t need better gear for such content, however, they still want it, so my solution would be a reward like 5 gilded crests per highest possible bountiful delve. I’d not mind it, cuz like that they would slowly upgrade up to full hero (626), or save them up for crafted spark gear which is close enough to mythic track.
This way might solve the power desire problem enough so they don’t spoil the end-game content for other people while being enough rewarded. But you cannot expect the same reward for solo content while in a group people have to work together toward it.
it does because in delve you are doing that by yourself, in a group we work together and we can’t do it without each other. So if you learn from your mistakes in a delve, you will eventually beat it, even when you struggle for some reason. In a group content, you still might perform the best and not get anything for it, because it’s a team effort.
Mythic gear needs to be gatekeeped for people who doing the mythic content, just to give them something in return for such effort.
I’m not avoiding your question, I thought it was obvious it didn’t prevent me from doing anything. I was trying to explain why I have a problem with it, because it’s unfair and delve players don’t even need it.
I feel good about my character progression when I win the item I desire after defeating a boss. Why would you take that away from me just because you want the same? And for what reason do you want it anyway? when you don’t need it for the content you do.
Wouldn’t it make the delve less enjoyable if you blast it in mythic gear with zero effort?
I disagree, I don’t think delves are the problem, clueless players jumping into m+ has existed since forever, the only difference is that they can get higher ilvl gear, but so what? If anything, it makes it better, because in lower keys at least those idiots have a chance of surviving even if they fail every mechanic.
A fair point, since i am being somewhat agressive.
But keep in mind, i dont care how skilled a player is. I care about how much fun they have and how they interact with other players.
So far, all i see is those players calling others “casuals” and gatekeeping rewards simply for playing a different game mode.
People dont like Mythic+ due to how current players carry themselves. Let them upgrade their character another way.
Delves giving rewards in no way prevents you from enjoying your content. So if you are against Delves giving gear, you are just as bad as the afromentioned players.
And once again, doing a dungeon 600 times and pressing the same button over and over again in quick sucession does not make one “skilled” so calling people casuals is honestly laughable.
yeah, it will make it better, but only for delve players, this would harm the whole game. Because people who do end-game content would feel even less rewarded than they feel now, and trust me, timing a hard key for 52 gold doesn’t feel as great as you think.
And secondly, we might end up in a situation where a delve runner has better gear than a mythic raider, which would eventually reverse the problem and force mythic raiders to do delves. Doesn’t that sound ridiculous?
seems like casual is an insult to you. I wonder why? What does “casual player” actually mean to you?
As I asked the previous dude, what do you need that gear for? You don’t enjoy group content, you believe smashing buttons the right way ain’t a skill and fun. So what do you need that gear for? You can always wait for cooldowns between each pack if you struggle in a delve run lol.
I don´t see how delves harm delves, and raiders are not complaining about people with delve gear, nir are PvPers
It´s literally only and exclusively the small handful of M+ elitists that believe themselves to be something better and above dealing with inexperienced players that are complaining… And historically they complain about everything and everyone that isn´t themselves, anyway, so there´s no reason to lend any special credence to this new strawman.
it makes you more skilled than doing the exact same thing 600 times in delves but with 0 thought.
delves are an issue, when they overlap with M+. Bad players who shouldn’t be above M+ 0 are getting geared and wondering in to content they are incapable of