If you miss two interrupts in mythic the team still survives, which shows everything there is to show.
You know what a cascade is, yes?
That’s extra stress on the healer/tank/group. Those failed interrupts may now mean the healer/tank/dps don’t have a CD they will need for an upcoming pull. Wipe. Key disband. All because you can’t be bothered to interrupt. /clap . I hope it was worth not pushing your ability that isn’t even on the GCD and costs nothing.
Lot’s of little fails can lead to a big one.
There’s no excuse to not interrupt.
in their current state, they dont harm anything, however, if they do reward mythic track gear it would force everyone to play such content because it would be significantly easier to gear up for whatever reason. And it’s not just a small handful of m+, it’s everyone who runs 10+, myself included, and Blizzard as well.
Finally, someone pls give me one valid reason you need that mythic gear if you run just delves and solo world content. I ask for just one, because before you force everyone else to run delves there should be a reason for it. Greed and power desires of casuals are not valid reasons.
I’m surely not the only one thinking that anyone playing mythic dungeon content successfully killing a boss and getting a drop is just as entitled to it as Mr “I’m an important fox” here who seems to think that only people who enjoy mythic should be doing it…
Ive seen some pathetic excuses for elitist gatekeeping but this guy… Oh he’s on a whole other level isn’t he.
you don’t even play the game, why do you judge me for wanting a fair reward for everyone? If you desire mythic gear for completing delves, you should not ask for a loot ilvl increase, but for more difficult content that could possibly reward endgame stuff instead. Delves are clearly not meant to be endgame content, you just gotta deal with it somehow.
The problem aren’t the delve goers. The issue happens with all players whether they come from delves or raids or dungeons.
Once you hit 7/8 stuff gets real and if you don’t know tactics you will brick the key.
That is the easy part btw. Once you get to 10’s and above, one wipe can be enough to brick the key.
They said they are gonna fix it for next season. For now we gotta put up with it.
So, in this purely hypothetical scenario, it´s a problem if people are “forced” to play delves if they want to go full sweatlord.
And yet it apparently remains non-problematic that everyone, without exception, has been funneled into M+ for gear upgrades since SL S3? That´s well over 1/3 of the total lifespan of the M+ mode at this point, almost 4 years now…
Considering that in almost every season (source: RaiderIO) less than 50% o fM+ participants completed +10s even under the old scaling, and fewer than 25% current 10s /old 20´s, we are very much talking about a small minorit… even if M+ players were 100% of the playerbase, which they absolutely are not, we would still be talkjing about under 25% of all players… and the more realistic the base number gets, the faster the latter number melts away to nothingness… If we assume a more reasonable 30% of total players enngage with M+ at all, including untimesd 2s, then we still only are talking about 7,5% of all players. And that number also explicitly includes players like myself that inflate the numbers by a factor of up to 10, simply by not being able to reclear the raid and running 20s (now 10s) purely for the crests and vault slots. on multiple chars.
By the exact same reasoning, why does anyone need gear >626 for to clear 11s and 12s? Or are the greed and desires of M+ runners, that have been propped up for literally years by raiders like myself that despise M+ on multiple levels but cannot reclear the raid for even a miniscule fraction of the crests, but are instead forced to either run M+ or go pound sand, somehow immune to the same criticisms they levy at what seems to be like every other PvE activity?
Because for some reason it seems from where I´m sitting to be the end of the world and teh death of teh game every time a +5 level M+ fanhas to raid to get their BiS trinket… but that the raiders that have to spam M+ for their BiS trinkets, and crests and still only get the crappy hero track versoin unless tehy have luck with the vault lottery? Bah, pfft, who cares…
because you need it for higher keys?
if you are running 12s, you certainly want to push even higher which requires more ilvl because it is infinite scaling.
most people dont need and dont have >630 ilvl in +10 dungeons.
if for example +10 vault would not reward myth track, i would not need to play my char anymore after getting all portals.
the implement it to let people keep playing obviously, not because you need it.
for delves: you will never finish gearing in delves because the crests are so few and you rely on rng map drops to gear faster. that means solo delvers have still a small carrot with crests they can farm indefinitely, they dont need myth gear to let them keep playing delves
ilvl got so inflated now that we even had 3 last boss wipes in ara kara yesterday and we still timed it.
the hard part about 10s is that you are much more limited with your cds because now you need cds for trash and bosses not one or the other.
from my experience 8s are currently farm mode for most and very easy, especially during fortified. we are already back to tank with high ilvl/rio applies with 0 rio 0 ilvl friend for free carry.
7s seem to be complete crap show and below that are the worst players i have ever seen in my life (between 1k - 1.8k rio). iy is even questionable how they got that rio given they are completr dead weight and even sometimes it would be easier to just 4 man the dungeon
For higher keys that, if the last 10 years have been any indication, the vast majorits will never even attempt, much less clear. I don´t mean to be combative, but just take yourself as an example: you run 10s, Successfully. So, why do you need better gear from teh vault to re-run those exact same 10s if the difficulty remains the same? becasue the majority will not even reach 10s much less actuall lpush above them, unless this season is somehow lightning in a bottle and everbody is suddenly pushing far higher than they normally would, which then runs contrtary to the flood of “this needs nerfs” posts of hte past 3 months.
Again, I don´t mean to be combative, but It appears to me that , esp with regards to M+ and rewards, people are regularly not entirely cognizant of what they´re actually arguing for, other than “something I want that therefore must be the best thing since sliced bread”… especially when it comes to punishing players that don´t eat keyetones for breakfast and /or cheapening their expereince
i dont. i typically never finish gearing my char in a season because it is just boring grind.
why i would still do the grind is not to push krys, but to have an easier starting point in season 2. if you can join immediately “higher keys” in season 2 and get a head start out of the low cess pool of keys to avoid the people who dont own a keyboard, it is so worth it.
and no i dont agree that the difficulty stays the same.
some weeks ago 10s were quite sweaty and now with many partys above 625 ilvl are just chill, at least those free dungeons. myth track gear does play a big part in reducing the sweat mode
i wished that myth track gear generally wouldnt exist.
but if you give it to raiders, you should give it to m+ players too otherwise the gap would create issues. For the very top end it doesnt matter as they usually play this game as a job and do both anyways but for the try hards in the +15 range or so it will make a huge difference.
for the most part you dont even need hero gear to time 10s. so if you eant to keep difficulty the same and very high, you could cap gear at 619 in general.
but people want to progress gear and also key levels. for what? well humans are competitive, withput it people would just quit e weeks into the season.
At points in the past i had all portals in week 3 and could just move on, but i still had some fun to gear till it was too much of a grinding slog that i switched to an alt to have fun with a different spec
We are 100% on the same page here, Myth should be a cosmetic upgrade and nothing more. I would have no problem whatsoever with 619 /hero track bei9ng ilvl cap. But blizzard needs something to keep people playing after 2 weeks, and have correctly ascertained that the majority play for rewards and not actual fun, the yplay to hav a char in BiS equip that then collects dust until the next season. And ao they add more purple pixels for pugnacious pushers to pursue, so that hyper-schweatys don’t go off the rails every 6 months about having paid for a full month´s sub but being done after 2 weeks
No, for me personally, it would not make delves less enjoyable.
I have worked for that gear by clearing all of them, going for the achievements and making sure that my vault had 8 max-upgraded slots every week.
So I consider it reward to be able to blast through them because the gear allows me to do so.
I can understand Coollerqq’s point of view.
Some people just love doing the challenging content, and don’t “get” that others like to play the hero and run through trivial content.
Each to their own, as long as each playstyle doesn’t limit the other.
You left the core problem out of your thoughts. Delvers do not even want to attempt lower keys, because they already have received better gear from delves. They want to jump into at least +8 immediately, because that’s where the next significant upgrades come from. They have missed the entire steady learning process and now they ruin the runs for themselves and others. That’s the issue here.
The question is; who is inviting those 0 experience players.
We got so many complains about players not getting invited in keys they have already done, but here we somehow get people with 0 experience in keys?
I do agree delvers should start at +2 and learn.
It’s not delves, it’s just how the seasons work.
I don’t have time to push keys lately but I had some time off when DF s2 (I think it was 2) so I pushed my key a bit and timed an 18 uldaman. After that I never did another 18. Was just doing 15-16s mostly 1 for weekly. I can tell you, that 18 was the smoothest run I did the whole expansion.
The reason is that the rest of the group were people with pretty good score from the previous season. These people surely progressed to doing 24s+ over the next weeks. So the chance of finding them again at 18 level was pretty much 0.
Over the course of a season people get more gear and more experience so the key range for all players shifts upwards. The same happened in tww. The first week, only very good players were doing 10s while average players were probably capping at 7s. Right now most average players can do 7-10s, if they have been active during the season. That leaves really low keys like the ones you describe to really bad players.
Even average players on alts don’t spend much time on keys around 4. Because they have that accumulated experience from higher keys plus some catch up gear and maybe some friends on alts that allows them to skip to higher keys faster.
There is a problem with seasonal content, when if you miss the initial weeks and fall behind it’s way harder to get through to your skill level appropriate content. Because you will meet those bad players. But it will happen if you do have the skill.
Now if you read the forums, half the complaints about m+ is people that have done up to lets say 7+ and can’t get invites into 8s etc. So even people that have the relevant experience cannot find groups easily. So how can people without the experience but with delve gear get into keys? Especially when everyone knows that if you have that ilvl without m+/raiding experience you are a delver?
Of course nobody is inviting players with green m+ scores into their weekly +10 runs, but you can’t always tell if a solo delver has zero experience, because they can simply buy m+ score with gold. A full set of +10 carries costs 1.2 million gold right now. There are solo delvers with 2500 m+ score who clearly have no idea what they are doing. Once they have the score, they keep getting invited and carried.
That’s nothing new of course.
Not that i ever had the idea there were many boosted players, but that was always possible.
I do agree from ~7 and up my pug experience on my mistweaver is wild. Like players are missing so many real basic things. And i can’t compensate anymore with more hps.
Yeah if you see someone with +4s and suddenly one 10 key which also is 2 chested you can guess it was boosted. So check the run history. So late in the season a person with one 10 per dungeon and several failed lower keys is someone to avoid.
If you decide to invite a guy with 619 ilvl and 0 rating because ilvl is all you care about, that’s entirely your fault.
Please stop speaking for “us delvers”.
The sole reason we refuse to touch mythic keys is because of the toxicity in mythic+.
Nothing more, nothing less.