Most people then, since retail raiding kinda took a nose dive and Classic raiding has been exceptionally popular. You should never forget that the vast majority of players are not super skilled at the game, nor are they super invested in tightly tuned and highly complex fight progression.
People just wanna log on and kill bosses, get rewarded with the best loot and then log off to play alts or other games. That’s why Classic raiding has been popular, it’s easy and accessible. Cata raids were harder than anything that came before, and so were the dungeons, that’s why they added LFR and nerfed Dragon Soul into oblivion over time.
The complaints on the forums were only the tip of the ice berg, people hated the Cata heroics and rejoiced when they were nerfed.
Cata was a funny one, at first in beta they went back to the classic idea.
Once again you had to CC mobs or die in dungeons…
You had to use 2 braincells together to multitask to get that done.
But then they complained about it in the beta so they nerfed it.
Only to end up in the facerolling dungeons we getting now once again.
The raids which defined world of warcraft from the beginning wer dull.
Firelands was the only “real” raid we got and that was at the end of the expansion.
The problem is that we already got wrath and wrath was the beginning of the end, here we got dungeon finder, elitist, achievements.
Actually wrath was the beginning of the solo gameplay we are at right now in retail.
Wrath was the big fall off, that is why people stopped playing in cataclysm.
Not cataclysm itself, actually cata got people back instead.
Only to leave once again when MoP came out.
And Blizzard will never give us server for every expansion.
And for the best, I say, otherwise you would have pvt servers with 1000 on them at the max, if you lucky and it is peak time.
And for that reason, I don’t think it’s so simple as “Cata was bad”, as Cata was bad for the player base that they had built.
You still have to interrupt. You have to CC, you have to stop dps, you have to think. The difference to me with Cataclysm and its mechanics, is that they can’t be overwrought by massive meta DPS because they’re more punishing.
Hence with the different difficulty levels, it would make more sense to me, for people to tailor their expectations to their circumstances, and not shout that the game is unfair/inaccessible/needs more QoL, etc. That, and not writing off competitive time/effort and results/rewards mindset being elitism to cope.
Besides, depending on the guild, facerolling your keyboard and expecting the best loot is disrespectful.
As for the dungeons, they were hardly tuned, particularly Stonecore, but some coordination and use of CC and you were fine doing the heroics in some dungeons, it’s just that, that type of play - as already stated - seemed alien to people after AoEing their way through Wrath. And to a degree, it still is, in my personal experience from running Gammas.
You get a bunch of fresh 80s who have no idea what half their abilities are, and it’s a disservice to them how much of a discrepancy there is between the ease of leveling and the difficulty of endgame group content. This was also the case in Classic vanilla and BC, and the reason it’s more noticeable now, at least to me, is because the content is piss easy.
I can 100% confirm this. I don’t hate wrath but I missed something from my time in TBC. The whole world felt more dangerous and exotic, which is imo not the case in wrath. Grizzly is one of my fav zones in the game but all other zones are mostly forgettable. Not the case in TBC in my personal opinion.
Attunements are fully gone. I really liked doing these on my main. I agree they went a bit overboard with them in TBC but they made you feel like you deserved to go into the raid and kill the bosses there. it also built up the story to the raid, especially the BT attunement.
Healer gear and caster dps gear should never have been merged imo. I know in wrath it’s mostly clear what is actual healer gear but it doesn’t stop caster dps to need or reserve it when they’re undergeared. I mean in ICC my bis offhand as a disc priest has hit on it…
I don’t know about this. the definition ‘retail’ to me is the way we play and the extra system we get. Cata and MoP were very similar. You didn’t have badges but points and could upgrade gear. Only final patch of MoP which gave us Timeless Isle is kinda retail yeah, but that content was generally praised as amazing, to which I agree.
Outright saying ‘cata ruined wow’ is just untrue since retail is still around and is still a very popular mmo. Cata was a weird time in gaming back in the way. MMO’s were becoming a dime a dozen and MOBA’s became the shiny new genre. Combine this with cata being much different than wrath in a lot of ways and people that considered wow ‘done’ when arthas died, you get a decline that kept going until they stopped revealing sub numbers, but that’s not cata’s fault for being ‘trash’. Sure it was a controversial expansion and final cata patch was not good, but it has a lot of good stuff too.
But Cata was bad, aside from the difficulty being too hard for many people you have to also consider how it ruined a lot of Classic specs, front and centre for me the Fury Warrior which ended WOTLK as damn near perfection. The death of hybrid builds, the blandification of Glyphs (every glyph is now just a 10% buff to spell value, so 10% more damage on Mortal Strike for example.
The World : They removed the old world, they also removed ZG/ZA mid expansion for 2 mega dungeons, which were just not great. The levelling experience was meant to be improved, but the XP rates were so high you outlevelled every zone long before you finished it, meaning they were pointless from day 1.
Dungeons : Long and annoying. unforgiving and poorly paced, and bland to boot, some of the worst past and present.
Raids : I’m going to say it, Firelands was boring and I took another break after it came out because I just didn’t feel it. That’s before considering Dragon Soul which wasn’t as draggy but was a big let down. And this has nothing to do with difficulty for me, I cleared much harder content than Cata dungeons/raid in future expansions.
Guess our flavors and opinions are very different then. I’d pick vanilla and Cata over Wrath. I’m also sure Cata can be an even better expansion with the right changes. Since we’re deep into ICC prog, I think they’ll wait closer to release to drop the deets. This felt more like just an announcement to put a rest to speculation.
And with the survey, apparently Cata and MoP classic is a popular enough concept that Blizzard is actively making Cata classic and is considering MoP classic. (Although I believe their main intention is to try sell whatever micro-transactions to exist)
OG Cata sht on a lot of casual players, but in today’s cultue I don’t see how the difficulty should be a problem, HC Ragnaros being the exception. It was mechanically the most fine tuned version of the game without the oversimplification we have now.
The main complaints going around about the talent tree seem to be about the MoP one.
I can agree it was somewhat condensed in Cata, but it worked almost identically to vanilla-Wrath talents, imo. They mostly removed talents that gave basic damage increases and built those in the classes. As for hybrid builds, sure, it locked you into a specific tree until completion, but I can see why devs chose that direction in terms of balancing class power in Wrath. Giving players 61 point trees and allowing hybrid builds would probably have been nuts.
Or hey, let’s give people the option of playing hybrid specs but not play them because they’re bad, and play the same talents that go down a singular talent tree that everybody else does like they’ve been doing for 2 expansions now.
Let me ask you then. How many do you see leveling out in the world? I’m on one of the megarealms, and most people I see in the world are bots. Active players hang in cities, or spam RDF on their alts. The JJ buff in itself was in high demand by the playerbase.
Besides, people rather buy boost to level up and gear up as fast as possible these days. If I want a slow, rewarding leveling experience I go to Era, because it’s incredibly fast in Wrath as well. But even there people buy boost, which became a thing already in 2019.
However, someone did suggest a possibility of a Chromie-time phasing that lets people who want it return to old Azeroth.
As for ZG/ZA. Yes. After the decent raid content in Tier 11 (BoT/BWD/TotFW), we’d had expected that to continue into the next patch.
I personally loved it, but I can understand why some people disliked them.
An upgrade is that it’s a weekly cap, and not daily.
My own complaints about Firelands is that one day it was blanket nerfed. Dragon Soul was an insultingly lazy design, and LFR was unbearable yet mandatory for everyone to go for the trinkets.
Up until then it was great. The PvP scene was amazing as well.
I have both mounts in retail and classic. Did you have any point, your post had no substance, seems like you’re the one who is mad here based on your overall response?
I think Ulduar was too hard for a lot of players and ICC is proving the same, so I don’t think the average increase in skill/computer performance is making up enough of a difference, the bad/new players are just as bad as they were in 2008, just with more FPS. ICC has a casual friendly solution though, Dragon Soul did in Cata too but not the rest of the expansion.
This isn’t about me personally, but indirectly it is. I’ve played with a lot of people I liked over the years and I know their capabilities would make it hard to take part in harder raids, it happened to my original guild on retail, particularly in WOD and Legion. In WOD I had to leave my friends to go join a very dedicated/skilled guild so I could kill Archimonde.
Interestingly I joined a top 100 guild for Emerald Nightmare, didn’t enjoy myself and mid progress went back to play with my friends, who had not even killed Normal Xavius while I was working on Mythic Ill’gynoth. But I rejoined them and we pulled something together and cleared Mythic Emerald Nightmare… What’s relevant about this tho is that Emerald Nightmare was the easiest raid to overgear in many years, and it was the first raid that guild had fully cleared on the highest difficulty since Throne of Thunder.
In Classic people have become used to taking these guys along, that’s part of the beauty of the easier raids, and I think that ends in Cataclysm at least to some extent.
Well, that’s where retail comes into this. Right now the Dragonflight talent trees offer a hell of a lot of customisability with huge talent trees, it’s not exactly like the pre-cata hybrid situation, but it’s a massive proof of concept.
My point was that they revamped the old world, replacing it with an inferior experience and in the end it was pointless because the XP rates meant that you’d vastly outlevel zones before finishing them, making the whole experience disjointed (as it is to this day).
I thought these dungeon conversions were lazy and boring, and they removed content from the game, I didn’t like it then and I don’t like it now. I had both mounts already before this conversion, so that has nothing to do with this either.
Firelands needed to be nerfed, for the reasons I mentioned. Same reason Ulduar got nerfed in WOTLK or even T5 in TBC Classic, not enough people clearing it. I can’t remember the timing of the Firelands nerf, I wasn’t super active at the time but I recall I probably did most of those bosses in the nerfed version, when I returned to play Dragon Soul.
I agree with you here. The most fun I had in Cata was levelling Arms/Holy Pala with my friend in BG’s. That was legit good, though I recall Arms being kinda meh balance wise?
You’re upset that I called Cata bad, so dismissed everything I said. Your last post said nothing and didn’t seem like there was a reason to even reply? So it just seems like you’re mad. I’m not complaining about anything, I’m giving my take about why I think Cata is bad.
In many ways I think Cata is the worst expansion in the game’s history, and traditionally it held that title almost as an official widely accepted thing. But as usual, people have short memories and there is a lot of copium going around, and with that comes dismissal of any negativity surrounding the expansion.
Lmao keep dreaming. for example sl S3 and 4 were the most dead seasons ever, tbc is autoattack simulator, garbage, trash class design, some specs or even classes almost unplayable in most scenarios.