The pay to win boost must go

Yea, also this is nice with RAF:
" For every two levels of experience your friend earns, they can grant one level of experience to one of your lower-level characters.* So for every two characters you and, again, “your friend”, leveled up to 60, you got a free 60 ."

Im happy for them to add onto retail those things, but not into TBC. Would like to see any exploits being fixed etc etc rather than retail wow additions

Did we reach the point where I need to explain why gaining progression with ways outside of a game (Not specifically WoW, it doesn’t even have to be a video game) is bad for the game?

Back in TBC you could get a level 60 character without playing it or doing 1 single quest through RAF. While you are getting free levels to your low level char you also had 300% XP and where able to summon your friend making them not having to travel the world.

You see, this 58 boost is not as big of a deal as the RAF program was back in TBC/WOTLK… Yes the 58 boost is a retail feature, but far from the extreeme RAF system.

I gladly take RAF over the boost cus it would benefit me a lot more, and my friends. But the boost will have to do…

Can’t wait to see you blaming the boost cos no one wants you in their raid, or stuck at 1.5 cr.


You know something, I used my boost with Legion, and do you know what, I still play that character, in fact, it’s my second character after my Shaman that I also used a boost (BfA) on as my old realm and guild died.

Oh i’ll be in raids.

Sorry to dissapoint

and you will be dissappointed by people performing 10 times better than you.

That seems a very odd remark of yours.

I dont really care how people perform in raids, as long as the boss goes down thats all that matters.

Now stop being a little baby

says the one still crying about boosts

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Nice fake quote

I think you need to learn the difference between an opinion and crying.
Come back to me once you can have a mature discussion

you can watch this video to see how much i value your opinion.

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And you can watch this one again :slight_smile:


Oh well. That’s your issue then

im not the one that made another post

“boost is bad cos 1+1=fish”

Im sorry my opinion has upset you.

Can i suggest a tissue?

nha actually makes me laugh that are people like you still
are you also a no-vax by any chance?

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do you have something to say about the boost or how it is related to the game ?
You kinda lost thouch with the topic, dont you think ?

baddies get’s touched when someone exposes them like op

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but do you have actually something to say about the topic, that is not a provoke or an insult ?
Like something that maybe could make sense in terms of the topic ?