The pay to win boost must go

No actually im very pro vax. Still waiting for my jab,

I dont see how that is relevant to the topic at hand tho.
Please stay to the subject (if you can)

Otherwise I’d suggest exiting the thread by hitting your back button


yes that boost is irrelevant cos it can’t buy you 3k rating or any speedrun record.

Are you drunk ? :wink:

i could make to you the same answer, what the boost gave you advantage?

oh wow you got a char to lv58…much impressive, such wow, cant wait to see how many of them will achieve rank 1 in arenas.

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He’s clearly too young to drink

thats not so nice eather ^^

I’m just messing really :slight_smile:

I wish i was jobless at times

Dealing with incoming calls from 9-5 kinda grates on you.

But nice try kid :slight_smile::clown_face:

Erm…my company doesnt really use Facebook

Are you finding it hard to stay on topic again?

well you are not making it easier for me to dont laugh at you.

a office man that thinks his job is hard kek.

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I’ll take that as a yes.

then pull stunts like this

oh the hardship of sitting on chair doing nothing

I never said it was hard.
I said it grates on you.

But glad we cleared this up.

I mean you actually seem really upset as you are deviating off the boost topic and start insulting people’s jobs.

It’s a school night, shouldnt you be in bed soon?

Stay on topic

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yea sure, it grates kappa.

go tell that to people that do actual labor jobs kek

A job’s a job right?

Thanks for your input.

and your is doing nothing, try working on shifts, on doing labor work.

than you will learn to dont use certain words so ligthly.

I think customer service is quite valuable actually :slight_smile:

i mean, every company has some form of admin/customer service department :slight_smile:

So saying i do nothing just goes to show how foolish you really are.

Jog on

that is actually sitting on a chair doing nothing versus a stonemason that start when you are still sleeping.

I’m responding to customers.

That is more than doing nothing :slight_smile:

that requires suck amount of skill, that almost all companies have moved their centers in India, Albania, Romania, Turkey and so on.