The pay to win boost must go

Almost all?

Wow, the UK must have collapsed without my knowledge then lmao

there is not only your rainy island in the world

I am aware lol.

Boost is good news, hope they do not revert the decision to implement it

I am trying but couldnt understand entire 58 boost topics.

We will see a 1.000.000 gold bid on warglaives at some point of tbc.

This game is full of bots and rmt. Do you really think a 58 boost (2-3 weeks gameplay at prepatch) is our main problem? Do you really define it as a pay to win feature?

Wonder if the bots will even buy the boost. They can get away cheaper by botting it up from scratch and with less risk if it gets banned.

Spoken like a true prole.
I did it all, from fast food kitchen, through construction jobs, customer services, night shifts in a shifty hotel and freelance translation. If you think pouring concrete or laying bricks with your peers is hard, you never sat alone for 8 hours listening to customers shouting at you why their shizz don’t work.
Answeing customer calls is by far the hardest thing I did, and that includes disaster relief after flood.
So shut up about what jobs are hard and get back on topic.


It’s one time.
It’s one character.
It’s not the new races.
It’s skipping NOTHING in the BC content.
It provides you no progression other than through the most boring and repetitive part of the game.
It is not mandatory.


I’ll add in that if you think that it will stop there, I just need to point out that retail followed this exact same pattern.

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yet… ma dude yeahyeah slippery… I know :smiley:

Repetition of your previous statements, will not make the 1-58 leveling any more relevant.

Yes, it is an advantage to skip this process. No its not relevant enough for skipping it to be problematic. Scale matters. And the scale of something a character spends less than a percent of its lifetime in, is miniscule.

I am repeating myself ofc, but what the heck:
A boost allowing to skip 58 levels is not problematic. A boost that allows to get instant T5 is problematic. Both are skipping progress for RL money, so what’s the difference between them? Scale.

Don’t forget:
I am not “pro boost”. In fact, I’d prefer for it not to exist.
However, I am also not “Anti-Boost”, simply because the scale of the thing is not on a level that bothers me.

Aaaaaand we are right back to the slippery-slope, which would be an argument if anyone could actually come forth with proof :wink:


You people have a lot of time to debate what other players are doing with their money…


Meanwhile the world is in full pandemic mode.

U stil argue for nonsense in a video game:)


ok lemme try:

  1. Why is the history argument not valide for you here ? You can clearly see the progression in there aaaaand ^^ ( i think you agree on that ) Blizzard is as greedy as it can be, atleast more as in the past. So the trendency is even more likely to go that way.
  2. You can actually see that progress even now. So people got a boost —> now there are people who want 300 professions with the boost ----> next ting is maybe a higher lvl or something, or faction changes… There is a connetion here, right ?

Because historically, the things that really damaged the game (endlessly repeatable boosts, faction/race changes, etc. took many years to be put into the game, facing a lot less resistance by the community.

If Blizz was open to the idea of a cashshop-ped classic, they would have done so from the beginning. They have shown a certain degree of reverence for the fact that it’s a classic remake.

I think this actually is an argument in favor of my point of view.
Cashshop Classic…what happens? People leave. A lot of people. Subscriptions are not renewed, revenue is lost. Greed is unhappy.

If they implemented the level of BS that goes on in Retail, I would uninstall. So would many others.
Blizz isn’t stupid, they know what their target audience is for this game. Greed actually dictates showing a level of restraint when it comes to implementing cash-shop options.

Isolated threads, most of which are immediately flooded by more “No!” than a fastfood franchise offering pickled-turtle-eye burgers.

Just because some people state they want something, doesn’t mean they get it, doesn’t even mean anyone seriously thinks about it.


The proof is retail where it started with “It’s just 1 mount” to a game where you can buy pretty much anything with your wallet, including raid gear (Buy token => sell it for gold => get boosted).

A slippery slope is a fallacy when there is no link between the reality and what’s expected to happen. And what’s expected to happen has already happened before with the exact same start.

People wanted Classic WoW because (among other reasons) they wanted to go back to a version of WoW where commitment has full-value, where you have to grind your character to make him powerful.

Now we’re barely at the first expansion that we’re already seeing one of the reasons that made people leave retail and ask for Classic, get into Classic, but hey it’s fine because “I don’t have time” and “I don’t like this aspect of the game so it’s fine for me to skip with my wallet”.

But hey I guess that 15 years of experience is not a proof for you.

Edit : I avoided talking about the mount that got datamined less than 1 month after the annoucement of TBC Classic because we have yet to get the definitive proof of it, but we all know there is a very high chance that this is another “earned with wallet” part of the game, to which a good amount of low-average IQ player will answer to with “It’s fine it’s just 1 mount we can easily get mounts” “It’s just 1 mount” “Don’t like? Don’t buy”.

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its only a few weeks and people start with this stuff.

oh man, i wish i could belive that. Dont get me wrong its well pointed out, but it could (slipperyslope inc ^^) just be a faster progression with the cashshop. Maybe its just me, but i dont have the feeling that alot of people would leave, not when i read the forums. You would and i would, but would blizzard implement a boost when this is their mindset. Maybe… Maybe its a question of balance that they try to sort out: Like “what can we do to maximise profit and not pissing too many plaers off.” Its possible, but i would feel pretty unsave to play classic tbh then ^^

Yes you are right, but having the boost like 3 expensions prior than before is not a good Omen, isnt it ?
Thanks for sharing that was interessting.


Please. People have been writing this stuff since the classic forum opened.

Maybe you are right, maybe we really are a dying breed.
But if that’s the case, well…then there really isn’t anything we can do about it. Sorry if that sounds a bit like Hakuna Matata, but why worry about it?

If they change the game to something I distincly don’t want, I leave. Yes, I would be a bit sad, because I like WoW, but I wouldn’t be sad for long.

And in the Meantime, I chose to deal with the situation as-is, instead of needlessly worrying about the situation that maybe-could-be, not until I see hard evidence that it will actually develop in that direction.

That certainly leaves a sour taste, I agree. To be fair though, we did have RAF back in the day (albeit late in TBC), which wasn’t that dissimilar from the boost. So one COULD argue, that such services actually did start during TBCs lifetime, and it still took many more years for the game to go to sh_te.

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The pandemic most go, not a nonsense argument about boosts in video games.

We already live in a bad world wich is in a bad state.

Wow its just a game, for better or worse in the grand scheme of things, stop beeing so emotional about it, its entartaiment and thats all.

Truth to be told from what i see has mote negative impact on people s life than pozitive.

Take it how is, enjoy tbc how will be and how will last.

U like it, good, enjoy it, u dont, quit and find other games or real putposes in life.

Gluck to you all! Stop arguing, the truth is 50/50!