The pay to win boost must go

And stopping all talk about our hobbies, the things we like and spend our passtime in is going to help achieving that goal…how exactly?

No, it isn’t, that is called “argumentum ad temperantiam”, also known as “false middleground”. If I cast a dice, it doesn’t show 3.5 on every roll, even though that’s the exact middle ground of a d6 dice.

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Stay as u want, cant waste my energy

I will, thank you.

Because a) I like me as I am, b) I don’t change because a forum post tells me to and c) My time/energy, my rules.


This is an amazing video that overlapped greatly with wow classic pay to boost…or win.

Thank you, it actually deserves a good watch.

Here, i would love to see your take on that:

My take is the same as with the datamined mount:
Unless I see an announcement or store option, this means nothing.

These are global strings, putting them into code doesn’t necessarily mean anything, especially in a beta-version. I am sure if I combed through some of my repositories, I would find any number of such info buried away in my codebases that just exist, without doing anything.

I don’t mean to diminish the efforts of the dataminers (although it’s not exactly rocket science either, but the mere existence of these strings doesn’t mean anything.

What is happening here is understandable though: people are hyped for TBC, new information is scarce, so naturally, the human mind finds something to focus on, and (in some cases) worry about.


So you’d rather cut off your nose to spite your face.

Imagine being so childish and petty.

Tom Petty.

Im not completely against it but I know what path this will go down to. Soon you will see pokemon pets and space mounts popping up for some bucks.

So NO. Remove boosting please.


thats fair :slight_smile:

How is wow p2w?How is someone boosting one char to 58 a big deal?Blizzard doesnt sell gear,max level of the new expansion,power boosts,buffs that give you something more than non paying players,…you people are deluded to think that boost to skip old content is somehow p2w,or it will ruin the game.


You pay and instantly go to BRD to bot pick pockets. As time from start to ban for botting is very long or infinite it vastly decreases time when a bot starts making gold thus even initial boost cost is less than time needed to bot-level new bots.

Plus people willing to spend money may get extra alts for extra profession cooldowns or other activities. They will be in better standing than people that did not spent the money.

Aside of that it burns content quicker making TBC same as Classic - raid logging game. Anyone crazy enough to level up “normally” will also have less players around to do so and there will be higher pressure to do it quickly to move the “current” content from the “obsolete” content.

And if paid boost is ok, then why not a mount for a paid deluxe edition or extra long sub. Followed by faction and race change (maybe even class change).


“And if paid boost is ok, then why not a mount for a paid deluxe edition or extra long sub. Followed by faction and race change (maybe even class change).”

Sure,why not.Basicly all games do that these days just in a wrose way,people go and buy 70e game,pay another 30 for season pass,10-20e extra for some deluxe edition,maybe few more euros on something else.Those games give actual advance and people just keep buying it and supporting that model.

If blizzard decided to start selling bg maps/classes/races/dungeons/raids and lock that stuff behind pay wall then I would understand your stance but one char boost to 58 to skip old content is nowhere near anything bad.But all they are selling is to skip old content and your account services/cosmetics.There is no power gained.

People keep going on and on about "bots will buy boost"You realize they can just buy an account for that price,probably even lower.Bots have been there since the start,they have plenty of accounts/chars on those accounts.When they did the 30 dungeon limit,only one who got hurt was the regular player who couldnt farm anymore how they wanted.Bots would just go to another char for 30 dungeons,log other server and just keep going…

And of course there will be less people in old zones,most people will continue with their mains now or switch already leveled alt to their new main char.Or maybe they will level shaman/paladin which will be out before BC comes.So there wont be much people leveling in old zones at all when BC is launched.


Wish they put “game change” services into the game shop so all these spergs and shills could buy it and not play a MMORPG.

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I guess multiboxers are P2Wing as well then? :slight_smile:

How far can you stretch a point until it breaks?

You can apply that same logic to anyone with a WoW account: ‘they bought the game, they pay a sub so they’re 'paying to win’.

Is an athlete who has to pay a registration fee to compete also ‘paying to win?’. What if they’re super-competitive and want to compete in both the 100 Metres and the 500 Metres? so they ‘buy two accounts’?

No, because it comes down to intent the athlete’s fee is a means to play fairly, buying an account is a means to play fairly, even buying a second account is a means to play fairly. Buying a boost is not ‘playing fairly’, it’s paying to jump the queue and give yourself an advantage over those who cannot pay.

It’s the equivalent of the same athlete buying steroids, and using them to give themselves a speed boost.

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What advantage???What are you on about?Most people who will play BC are already leveled(their mains or switching from leveled alt)Shamans/Paladins are coming before BC is out.Who exactly will level in old zones anymore when BC is out?

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every bloodelf and draenei, thats actually alot

They are out before BC is out

Some multiboxers were paying to win, for sure. That’s why Blizzard banned mb software, so that they can’t effectively do the things.

My server had like 35-36 multiboxers with 40 characters, all mages/priests or all shamans. Now after the ban we have 0. So it actually worked.

Yeah I know you can hardware box etc. but it isn’t as good as ISboxer simply broadcasting everything and perfectly following the master character, creating formations etc. So it’s not profitable or good enough anymore worth the hassle.

so why not lvl with them ? you even get an xp discount of 15%. prepatch and stuff