The [PCU] 😈 now recruiting! [250]

let it wash over u


I’d like to thank this awesome community for last nights HUGE event. It was so cool, and plenty of people to interact with. Thanks everyone who attended last night and made it such a great event! Wish i could been there sooner to take part in the entire event.
None of these cool screenshots was taken by me but i do think they need to be shared!

Now if only i had joined this community earlier to take part in more events like this one…


A successful community wide event for the PCU!
What an achievement, I say. o/


The ENTIRE P, C, and U?! Together? Unimaginable…

It was a real blast, MASSIVE event with free-emote combat and virtually zero drama! A solid 10/10 masterwork.


Extremely proud of this community @ yesterday’s big endgame event - we hosted over 140 players, all of them part of the PCU community, in a massive plot event that featured themes of betrayal, conflict and even death between three distinct factions (each made of several guilds with their own unique agendas) with none of the drama you’d typically associate with that kind of crazy stuff - and despite some small attempts by much lesser communities to cause some disruptions, it all went off as close to flawlessly as you can expect

Massive thanks to the officer team for the help (it must have been a nightmare to keep up sometimes …) and to the PCU gamers that turned up and made the event really pop. It brings me great pride to think that from this community’s ranks alone we can run what are effectively campaign-sized events while cutting out the reason I don’t like running campaigns that much anymore

Let’s make the next one even better + more primal :crazy_face:

Extremely cool …

If you see these intense and heavily cinematic screenshots and think “hummina hummina hummina awooga awooga” just PM any PCU member and they should be able to direct you to an officer. We have guilds for basically everything but humans and void elves at this point (and that will be changed in due time … )


What an amazing event big P, I’ve never seen so many people fully involved. It felt like everyone had their moment to shine in an event with so many people.

It felt almost surreal for an rp event, top class.


This event was an absolute blast and I feel so lucky to have been able to attend something so well-run and so enjoyable. I can’t thank the PCU and it’s officer team enough for hosting an event like this, all without any internal drama, this is such a fantastic community to be in and I’m so glad I made the choice to join.

Here’s to even greater events!


A great event and without any doubt the largest single emote fight in the entire history of mankind

Are you even role playing correctly if you are not in the PCU !? Just kidding, haha. . .

. . . unless :smiling_imp:


:flushed: unless …


I feel so lucky to be part of PCU and need to thank all the officers and gamers last night because it was AMAZING.

So good that afterwards I was so hyped up and talking about it until I fell asleep… that we forgot to put the garbage out! :crazy_face:

Having officered in a couple of the guilds, and been a member in a couple more I can’t speak highly enough for the dedication that is put into making this community fun for everyone. If you want to be part of it join, pick a character, pick a guild, try out for yourself why we all rave about it so much.

The door is open, come on in!


Quite honestly, best RP event of this scope that I’ve ever witnessed.

IC conflict? :white_check_mark:
No OOC drama? :white_check_mark:
Left people abuzz talking about it for weeks to come? :white_check_mark:


Yesterday’s event was truly something to behold. Everyone involved was motivated purely by a love of RP and a want to engage in that with each other; no drama, no attempts at placing anyone or any guild above others.
I have been to events or projects in the past where there is an apparent pecking order of players but here? Not at all. Interractions were fair, no one was ignored and even when some of my members were surprised by the sheer CHAOS they were still enjoying themselves and excited to have taken part.

I really am so glad that myself and Khaltarr made the decision to re-assess what we had been told and what rumours we had foolishly taken on board, to instead take part in campaigns and reach out. We were since welcomed into a top notch community and this was an event that will be a forefront experience and an example of why I love RP.

If anyone has been entertaining curiosity about PCU at all… there are a lot of guilds to reach out to so you can get involved!


Look at those screenshots. Amazing captures.

Great event. There was so much going on, each step bringing a new sense of dread. Great tension and great atmosphere. And a great community.


Good to hear this!

As I’ve said before, there has been a bit of a lack of big events lately, so I am glad some are still being organized. :slight_smile:


hi. I am Xueyan and I feel targeted by this comment.

All joking aside, I had an amazing time at this event! It was huge, and I’m still not over it.


Those screenshots look really good! Must have been a blast :open_mouth:


Am I sighting the beginnings of a Draenei guild?

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Never saw better taken screenshots. Hats off for what you all created


It’s definitely opened up a lot of doors since this guild was placed in the PCU community. The opportunities to join and help create cross-guild events (like the MASSIVE one on monday!) and assistance with your own guild’s content like members volunteering to act as NPC’s for your events so you don’t have to beat up raid markers make being a part of it all too worth it!