The positivity thread!

That sounds amazing! :smiley:

I absolutely adore birds, they’re probably my favorite animals. Even more so when it’s been a long winter without much chirps and songs.

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There really is something awesome about listening to birds < 3 I do love it! Especially in a morning when it’s quiet outside and one is singing. Ahhhhhhhhh.


I am slowly starting to figure out the main plot for my novel. I’ve just kind of been writing individual pieces of completely disconnected story parts, but now it’s starting to take somewhat of a shape.


I agree! Love hearing bird sounds.


Made home made pizza last night, and one of the toppings was shaved carrots, an idea given to me years ago by an old friend who is vegetarian, and then
 as if a bubble popped in my head I wondered when and why I stopped eating raw carrots

(I generally eat a lot of root vegetables)

They are good any time of the day, and as I have grown somewhat tired if bread it’s a good light breakfast. :carrot:


I had a very nice interaction where my character learned mantid venom gland extraction from a rastari they’ve gotten to know after an event with the Painted Shields.

Might make loaded nachos for d&d later today.


The RNG god finally saw fit to bless me with the last missing piece of the winter leather set just eight hours before my sub was to expire!


Returned from my week-long holiday (the first in many years!) to Venice and it’s truly beautiful, words or pictures don’t do it justice, I’m both sad I had to leave and happy I got to stay there for some time and explore at my own pace. Would recommend a stay more than the usual one to three days people usually go with! Also glad I went off-season; it wasn’t too crowded in most places, it didn’t stink, and I had some fun encounters with locals, including an old man that showed me pictures of his cat while we conversed with his poor English and my poor Italian (the cat was very pretty)

i also saw more pictures of jesus and/or the virgin mary on a daily basis than i’d seen in my life in total before, im quite sure - impressive stuff


This will be my first forum post in half a decade, but I have some positivity to share!

Today our national news in Norway ( ) Shared that the documentary “Ibelin” was among the most popular films available in theatres this week, surpassed only by “Kung Fu Panda 4” and “Dune 2”. More than 50k people have seen the film since it opened last weekend.

Forum veterans and others may remember Ibelin from this thread: My disabled son - ‘the nobleman, the philanderer, the detective’

In other words, our hobby is earning a lot of positive attention in the public eye! I’ll keep it deliberately short at that.


Nice, I read about this movie not long ago in the news paper, don’t remember if it was NRK or AP
 one of them!

Thought it was wholesome :heart:
Thanks for the up date!

The yahoo answers preganté video still brings me to tears with laughter. The line delivery is perfect.

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by now I made the choice that I want to write it all done before I “publish” it voiced and all because the way I write I will always need to do some tiny adjustments and change it again
and that doesn’t work when i have already voiced and posted it on youtube or wherever

buuuuuuuuuuut I don’t want to be a [
] and post nothing so instead I just will have the links to the first five chapters here
A thats basically the prolog
and B because the chapter I had so much fun doing in the original post is chapter 5 :]
but don’t get me wrong I know people might not have the time to read a few thousand words done by a randome orc online but I am still proud of it and wanted to share at least something

(also note that it is orcs
and clearly my idea of orcs os warcraft pilled but its not warcraft, just to set aside any confusion

Heirs of Hatred

Chapter 1: The Darkling and the coward

Chapter 2: Family

Chapter 3: In the Shadows of Karn’Arak

Chapter 4: Fire and Venom

Chapter 5: Dragons


Got assigned to a different year group at work so my days are now spent teaching number bonds to ten, the very basic ideas of quarters and halves and colouring. Lots of colouring.

I’ve never enjoyed my job more (I mean yes there’s the discipline and general neediness of 5 year olds but that’s also trivial).

Also rediscovered ghost recon breakpoint, flawed game to be sure but oddly addictive.


Spring has come, and the sweet scent of flowers fills the air.


Still hysterically funny. The little voice crack tops it off brilliantly.

I have to wonder if awkward dialogue like this is a translation thing?

I’m considering where to go for a vacation, and now that I have all of Europe to choose from, the total freedom feels paralyzing. There are just so many places and they’re all so awesome!

Maybe a pilgrimage to Lesbos? But I’d rather wait for my wife to come over here and then go together.


I finally got accepted for Dialectical behaviour therapy after having waited over a year in queue. I’m excited to start and hopefully get to a more positive mental and emotional state :grin:


Finally posted my writing stuff on WattPad and have been quite happy about some feedback,
even more so after I read some chapters to two friends over the easter weekend (while everybody had a chill glass of whisky). quite happy about it all :]


Plenty of good things to go around this month!

  • Finally heard from the state, regarding some paper work and got two meetings coming up.

  • It’s spring, and 7 degrees-ish

  • They finished the roof on our side, so privacy and use of the balcony is back, just in time for the sun and warmth.

  • My furniture’s /rest of my belongings will arrive next week.

  • Had such a wholesome time with RP recently down in Gilneas :heart:

  • I feel content again :smiling_face:


More FFXIV news: I finally implemented everything my Roleplay Profiles plugin to get access to editing Chaos Archives character profiles without asking for the user’s password in-game.

The changes are not yet live, as there are some bugs to iron out, but I spent the past week implementing the protocol behind this, which will also allow other third-party apps to authorize with the Archives like this!