The positivity thread!

You can ask Zyretha, perhaps? He boosted two of my remix characters to level 70 by running me through raids to collect infinite threads of experience.

  • You run some dungeons, but don’t pick up the bonus XP loot items. They will be mailed to you instead.
  • At level 30, you run the raids for XP multiplier boost.
  • Then you open your mail, and all the bonus XP items get looted at once and applied at your current XP multiplier.
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Thanks for the suggestions, but don’t worry - at the time of writing this I’m already level 64 :bow_and_arrow: :cow: Focusing on raids makes it a breeze because it’s 5 minutes of this yielding a level each time:


My route to 70:

  • Heroic dungeon spam until level 25
  • Mogu’shan Vaults at level 25
  • Heroic dungeon spam until level 35
  • Heart of Fear at level 35

Then I go and open up my mailbox and collect all my bonus XP loot, hit level 70

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Say my name and I appear!

Its different depending on if its your first Timerunner or subsequents based on your cloak starting with 100% bonus XP.

The most efficient routes are right now for subequent Runners:

  1. Heroic Dungeons to approxmiately 42, not looting XP as mentioned, open your mail at 42 and that should be enough.
  2. Heroic Dungeons to approximately 32, also not looting XP. Do Mogu’shan Vaults normal, Not looting XP, then open your mail once you’ve completed Mogu’shan Vaults.

In either case, loot everything EXCEPT XP. Threads are best looted as you go. Don’t forget to loot the raid ones.

First runners, its reccomended to do Dungeons to 35, MSV, Heart of Fear, Then a few more dungeons to get to 40. Then do Terrace, then open.

EDIT: I’ve done this like 20+ times now, so these numbers are pretty much correct from experience for Prepatch. There are helper addons for doing this, browse your favourite addon platform and see whats out there. I don’t use one but I know the numbers largely by heart now.


Annnd lvl 70 with my first Timerunner, 'tis a good time to :sleeping_bed: :zzz:


Just completed a RP campaign last night, and now got room to work on two more!
Inspiration all over the place :pen:


Well done Lorrus! :partying_face:

Leveled a Nightborne in remix too, in case I ever have use for one in RP. Currently leveling up a pandaren too.

What characters have others leveled up in remix? Going to level up any more on the last weekend? Got roleplay plans for them already?


I finished acquiring everything that I really wanted to acquire from Pandaria: Remix.

Overall, I enjoyed it and hope to see other expansions given the same treatment in the future. My only complaint is that there isn’t a separate currency for upgrading gear.


Managed to level up 5 characters in Remix - a highmountain, pandaren, nightborne, human and lightforged. All races I never bothered to level up before, in case I may have use for them for future events. I usually level up only my roleplay main per expansion and leave all others to dust (or buy a boost rather than level them up :snail:), so this was a good opportunity to expand the roster a little bit.


I also managed to level 5 characters. Fun while it lasted, but I’m looking forward to unlocking the heritage set and give my gnome the hunter pet he deserves.

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Think I managed to level up a vulpera, troll, orc, human, and night elf. Of course I have loads of the latter two but more never hurt anyone.


Pumpkin spice lattes are baaaack!

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The first sign of autumn.


There’s a little less pollen in the air, I can finally open my window!

[sneezing commences]

I’m so glad that it’s cooling down, this summer has been a hot one.


A lot of names were released with TWW, and as a Finn and an old fan, I thusly claim this name.

Good luck to everyone in their name-checking endeavours to get the name they’ve always wanted, or finding something new that sounds good.


Very cool snag! Also Nightwish is incredible :heart:

My teenage years involved ALOT of their music.


Same! Now I have to blast their music all the time while on this character. I already wanted a night elf warrior after leveling up Nightborne warrior in Remix, and it’d be a crime not to put this name to good use.


Nothing quite beats doing some epic content to the tunes of End of All Hope.

On another note the AGoT mod for CK3 is allowing me to live out all my Valyrian house dreams.



Thanks for reminding me. I just got a name I wanted omg.


Oh, excellent! I managed to get Adelais without the dumb í!