The positivity thread!

Out of curiosity, how’d you begin your worldbuilding? I find that the hardest part myself. Did you just sit down and start drawing a map or how’d you do it?

I do as I did with my thesis: Perse edellä puuhun.

(climbing rear first into a tree).

I just take things and ideas I think are cool, thrown them onto a mindmap and then I begin to sort out things from there.

To give an example: I want there to be primitive/basic firearms in my fantasy setting.

Instead of going like this:
X race exists - > x race has a culture/resource/property that makes them discover thing that allows guns to be a thing → Guns

I do it like this:

I want guns in the setting → I figure out a reason for their existance → The said reason is then tied to the race’s history/culture/story as to how they came about → What lead to this invention in the first place → I brainstorm for an hour thinking about all the intricacies and things that are completely unrelated to firearm making but nonetheless like a butterfly effect helped them to come about.

And then I take that whole map of reverse justifications and overlap it (literally by tearing the page and overlapping it with other pages) with my previous work to see if there are any inconsistencies that need to be ironed out or synergies that can be fleshed out further.

This line of thinking for example lead me to change one of my sentient race’s family structures from core families to communal families- Two things that are completely unrelated, but in some weird way are in the end.

Visualization, paper and writing helps me a lot. And add things that you like. Very important.

I do not for example have elves, dwarves or catgirls or bunnyboys or w/e in my setting, because I do not want nor like them.

Instead I have entire pages dedicated to these draconic- lineage crocodilian/lizard creatures that have been selectively bred to the point that they no longer are capable of spewing gouts of flame, but rather have evolved a beak that has a very tiny hole between the two incisors that they can use to turn their breath into an immensely hot jet/welding like torch in a very short range, that one of the races in the setting uses to make very advanced weapons and armor and accessories.

This is because I have been always very passionate about things like material science, zoology (both real and theoretical), paleontology and medieval history.


The DLC for Cult of the Lamb gave me the 2 things I wanted.

Spoilers since its all end game content I guess?

The first being able to get the other doctrines, being able to have both murder and ascension is a plus, especially because I use the “Good die young” doctrine. Was ascension always darkly comedic or have I not been paying attention? (the follower getting eaten by something above always gives me a chuckle)

The second being able to recruit the bishops like you can with The One Who Waits, always wanted to be able to do that, shame they aren’t naturally immortal (I know why they aren’t, I just gave them all gold skull pendants anyway)

I’m by no means finished (just got to get Shamura now)

So all in all, good update, am quite happy with it.

Spoiler Run

Also having 10 skeletons following me around because I got Kallamar’s Ear in the first floor was very amusing.

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My LARP bow is ready! I now have two bows, this one and a modern one for training.

(Preemptive counter-snark: no, that’s not my LARP costume!)

I stepped into the shop that made it and… just… wow.

I’ll definitely come back for more goods!


I had one can of coke last night and that was my first one in over a week and a half. 2 weeks off Twitter too!

I am actually managing this and I feel A LOT better.


Oh heck that’s awesome!!

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The apartment where I’m staying for this week has the bed and windows placed in just such a way that I end up sleeping in direct moonlight, it’s beautiful!


Got the LARP dress!


Very nice! This is the one you had to have mailed to you, right?

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Nope, the crafter brought it in person. She’s going to the game too (as Finrod, no less!).



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It’s so gorgeous! Happy you got it done!

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I recently compleged the 3 and a half year Apprenticeship i’ve been on as an adult after a career change, and today I get to accept a new job with better hours and way better pay than i’ve ever had. The qualification also makes me eligable for a New Zealand Visa so my partner and I can live out our dream of moving there one day :new_zealand:


I saw a hedgehog in the grass outside my place the other night. It was cute.


Found out I made it to the next step in the admissions process of a school I applied to, and I got a haircut.

Oh, and the sun is shining - again.


The single tank in the russian victory day parade made me laugh.


A few days ago I cycled past a square, noticing a street musician playing the clarinet doing a duet together with another street musician playing the violin at the opposite spot of the square. After the duet finished they bowed to each other and people, me included, gave them an applause.

Was really dope.


So the first LARP I took part in, based on the Lay of Leithian, is over! The finale unexpectedly ended up being… very non-canon. But in a good way. If my character knew about the canon timeline, she would prefer living in this one.

Finrod survived, saved by the dwarves of Nogrod Tumunzahar who stormed Tol Sirion. However, Beren and Luthien died before recovering the Silmaril. Celegorm died too. Then at the feast for the fallen in Nargothrond, Thingol unexpectedly appeared and proclaimed, in memory of their lives, a reunion between the Noldor and the Sindar. He lifted the ban on Quenya and granted humans entry into Doriath.

After that, the Free Peoples reclaimed Dorthonion, and the Siege of Angband was restored.

As for my OC, she mostly spent her time in the safety of Nargothrond, I barely interacted with the main plot, just doing local flavor RP, and I thought I didn’t affect the story. Turned out I was wrong! I chatted afterwards with the lovely GM who invited me to the game in the first place.

— I had fun at the game, even though I didn’t really affect the story.
— You did, actually. And how!
— What do you mean?
— When you told Luthien about the things the sons of Feanor said in her absence, down to threatening war against Thingol if her were to acquire the Silmaril, she saw through their fake graciousness and resolved to leave Nargothrond earlier, before Huan would lead her out. This let her reach Tol Sirion earlier. And it was you and your friend who led Luthien out of the city by the hidden passageways. He damaged my cloak by stepping on it, by the way.
— …Wait… you were Luthien? I didn’t recognize you!

For the best, too. If I had recognized her, I think metagame thoughts would distract me from the RP! But yes, this was a very different experience from D&D, which conditioned me to treat social interaction as mostly flavor rather than something affecting the outcome of the game except in very obvious ways.


Funny how small talk can cause a landslide.

My own LARP days are behind me and I don’t think I accomplished much on this scale.
I was “feared” as the big guy with the really big hammer though.
I made my own warhammer with a head about the size of my torso, so it was a sight to behold I’m sure.

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The guy who just gave me an archery lesson in the forest used to RP on Argent Dawn. Small world!