The positivity thread!

Today is Street Fighter 6 day and I am working from home eagerly awaiting my copy to arrive so I can take a giant Italian lady online and beat everyone up.


Itā€™s pretty big.

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Janfonā€™s at it again with a masterpiece

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Got started with writing a story I meant to forā€¦ potentially months.
Mostly a personal little fantasy flick, combining a lot of separate stories and characters me and my friends made into one cohesive whole. Pretty proud of myself for that.


Finished the Mistborn trilogy, the first books I have read in close to a decade and I remember how much I enjoy reading.


After farming the goblin event religiously I finally got all the drops. Not only that but the final drop, the HS toy, turned out to be my 300th toy for the achievement and a mount reward.


This morning it rained and I could hear thunder. It didnā€™t last long, but I really needed that short respite.


Itā€™s such a pleasure to dance with an experienced partner (by which I mean experienced in that particular dance).

Moving in synchrony, adjusting to the movements of inexperienced partners intuitively, without words.

Like a hive mind.


It finally rained after a week and a half of sauna, making the weather acceptable once again.
Additionally I met one of my neighbors cats when I was out on a walk and I got to pet her.
Double win.


Still one of the best shows.

Moved this post here from peeves thread since I figured it is more appropriate location for it.

My holiday back home in Finland is about to come to an end this sunday.

I will be returning back to work in Norway, and thankfully thereā€™s a lot of work waiting for me.

I have had a wonderful stay, staying and seeing both my family, relatives and best friend.

I also finally bought Warhammer Total war series, and so far it has been an absolute blast to play. I am still learning, but thatā€™s half the fun. I think I will try dwarves next, and then maybe Lizardmen.

The summerā€™s also been very inspirational for my world building and writing process; I have made quite a lot of bounds and leaps here and there with the flora, fauna, magic system, key characters and factions.

Without revealing too much, one of the key parts of my world building and/or setting is imagining a world that, through evolution, mass extinctions and magic, has animal groups and species that we can all recognize as something familiar, buy they fill completely different niches compared to what we are used to seeing.

To give an example, a lot of the terrestrial herbivore niches that we see in our world (deer, buffalos, horses) are filled by a vast variety of large flightless birds.

Equally, in the oceans, instead of giant whales we have massive penquin like marine birds, and in watering holes/semi aquatic niches instead of hippos there are giant herbivorous amphibian/toad like species, with tusks poking through their upper jaws like the ancient tamnospondils. Many hard shelled sea organisms have also developed various levels of electric-eel like electro defense and attack mechanisms, due to a certain common nominator that i shanā€™t reveal.

Thereā€™s also dragons (an entire order of them, actually), with a large variety of species as they have more or less become the apex predators or key species of an eco systems. They developed fire breathing relatively early on in their evolutionary history, with some species developing incredibly specific or powerful forms of fire breathing, while others gave it up entirely to for example be able to ruminate plant based diet, like cows do today.

Fungi, ferns and many other species that are rare or fill minor niches are instead very common. Mammals and marsupials exist too, but they are small or prominent in the polar regions of the world. Thereā€™s for example a horse sized kabybara like creature.


Interesting writing ideas for sure.

I got the thunder parrot drake skin today.

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Torille. :finland:

Hopefully you get to enjoy a nice midsummer back home before heading back, without rain this year :pray:

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I have once again commissioned my favourite artist and a dear friend, Azarya. The latest WIP looks so promising and I canā€™t wait for it to finish :pray:

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Summer is here, got a new job lined and put a period of wow rp behind me that was doing nothing but making me unpleasant. A very good day generally. Well, days.

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Launched Diablo IV under Wine.

Configured the development environment for my Dalamud plugins under Linux. Turns out the current .NET (which XIVLauncher and Dalamud are written in) has excellent support for cross-compilation and is not just for Windows anymore. Today I coded a new version of the Roeplay Profiles plugin under Linux.

Now the only reason I boot into Windows is to use my old Linux-incompatible scanner.

taking a bit of a break from wow as i got bored/ burned out from roleplaying

I will come back for events though hopefully.

The positivity news is that i got 2 new games ive been wanting to play on the playstation for a while now. They may be taking up majority of my time, hence i will only roleplay in wow during roleplaying events!

so excited for the games. hope everyone has a lovely week!

oh and for anyone wondering:

as a hunter/ mage lover, this sounds like something i would enjoy. So excited

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Wait, wait, wait. She used her staff as a bow? How does that work?

to tell you the truth i have no idea. It is a nice concept. Reminds me of arcane shot.

Itā€™s only 81 days until Cyberpunk 2077ā€™s expansion launches and I am psyched for it! Iā€™ve booked 4 days off work, I am putting money aside for a new GPU and Iā€™ll be ordering pizza throughout.

This makes me happy!