The positivity thread!

having played this game when it came out, i can confirm it is lovely. very beautiful to look at and quite fun, if a little challenging in terms of difficulty to play

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I ate a bag of chips just now. Feeling pretty good about myself. :sunglasses:


Enjoying a four-day expedition RP event in FFXIV!

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Friend: “Shall we dance in the forest tomorrow?”

I have the best friends.

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Made garlic bread by myself, just to try.
Turned out pretty good.


Should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?

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Never doubt it.

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Negative: I’m turning into a gym bro.

Positive: I can now do the plank for over two minutes.

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I too can do the plank.

…it’s to lay flat on the floor, right?

That one’s just called caving in to the weight of a dying world.

So much for a positivity thread.

Hey, I read when I do that. I’m too stubborn and spiteful to cave.

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I have listened to the fury of the storm outside for over two hours.
I am motivated.


Doing the szszskera vaults a couple patches late, and I was pleasantly surprised to see blizzard have added the vault keys to vendors to prevent it from being dead content until next expansion

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Happy thing:

Got some watermelon. The best snack for hot days.


The faction vendors in the main area all sell them for a whopping 50 dragon isles supplies

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Cool, thanks. No more lengthy grinding.

It’s an obvious thing to be happy about, but I’ve seen draenei, kul tiran, night elf and pandaren warlocks around in the open world and it’s cool to see people taking the time and/or money to make these character concepts.


With all the stuff announced for Night elves, not specifying which for spoiler reasons, it made me consider maining one again.

I always had my most fun RP when i was a Night elf. Its amazing to see they are getting the love they deserve after losing so much.

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Go for it. I’ve never regretted roleplaying a night elf!


I just might.

I’m mean… this song alone gives me shivers