The positivity thread!

Albeit feeling utterly crap today, I got a positive thing happen involving an appointment for future changes I can’t wait for!

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I read a fun news story from Yle today.

We have these new food robots in finland that essentially deliver your food from the store to your front door. Robot couriers essentially.

Apparently if they fall to a ditch due to an error in mapping, they know how to ask for help and even say “thank you.” If you assist them.

Equally if you try and grab them or steal or assault them, they will start by gently saying "Please stop, all the way to “Hands off!”, using their cameras and sirens to deter any would-be burglars.

But what is the absolutely most blessed thing is that 3 of these have been named in a store as Huwey, Luwey, and Duwey from Donald Duck (Tupu, Hupu and Lupu in Finnish).

Donald duck is kind of a Finnish spirit animal because everything always goes south for him, so they are very beloved here.

Idk just gave me happy tingles. Picture related:


We got these robots in my town last year and for the first few weeks they were everywhere, now I hardly see them. But when we do my oldest daughter always goes up and says hello and goodbye to it.


I am finally expanding from my comfort zone and roleplaying a warlock as an undead, and it’s genuinely amazing just how many transmog options have opened up compared to playing a mage.


Woo, change!

(This message brought to you by the Tzeentch PAC)

Got my archery stuff in order. Now to buy spare arrows and make a target.

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I’ve been feeling really demotivated and had a hard time finding roleplay the past five months, severely doubting my ability to find walkup interactions and confidence to stay true to my ambitions. This week, I suddenly found my spark again! I’ve been roleplaying super confidently and have found multiple fun interactions for myself. I’m super happy. I hope everyone else enjoyed them too.


I didn’t eat all my Pizza yesterday.
So today i have leftover in the fridge.
This brings me joy .

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Just a few days 'til Remnant 2 comes out.

It’s nice to have a game release I’m actually excited for every now and then.

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Saw em once, they’re delightful. Always help a robo bro out!


Same here. Very excited for it.
First one was a unique lil’ gem to play with buds.

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Motivation for my short kings. :heart:

Moved apartments recently, and while at it, found some very old stuff that I’ve kept. Even related to AD! Among them, this poster that I made for an Argent Dawn server meetup in 2007 - handed them around so people could leave messages for each other as a souvenier. Back when I was the age that my mum would be suspicious and worried about the wee me going to meet up with some nerds in another country…

Don’t think any of them play WoW anymore, though I’m still in touch with a couple of people who were in the same Vanilla guild I was part of. :heart:

Also found this oil painting from 2006 that a fellow artist, who I initially started playing WoW with, made of Acrona before the gate of Darnassus in Teldrassil. It now sits on one of my shelves as a sweet memory!


a close family friend passed away, which is why ive been away from the forums for 2 days.

On a positive note i played some Hogwarts Legacy with a friend and we died laughing at some of the stuff we saw and heard. Somethings i didnt notice when i played alone. it really brightened up my day after the funeral.

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Dove into Remnant 2 in its ongoing 3 early access days. Having a ton of fun with it.


I love seeing how active this forum is recently!! Lots of returning players, new RPers, it’s so much fun to see multiple new threads every day!

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Jack Sparrow’s… sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow’s arrival in Port Royal is one of my favorite character introductions ever, as well as one of my favorite movie scenes in the history of cinema.

That short scene establishes so many important things about him:

  • His goal is the Black Pearl;
  • He can keep his cool even in dire situations;
  • He has a flair for the dramatic;
  • He’s a pirate and proud of it;
  • He’s an improviser, quick on his feet;
  • He takes refuge in audacity;
  • But also he’s a somewhat comedic character;

All in less than two minutes with no dialogue whatsoever, just cinematography and music. Impressive.


After more than two decades, Final Fantasy VIII. is still the best and still holds fun little secrets to explore
Not to mention, the Final Fantasi VIII. Remastered is awesome
One day I even be able to finish that trice-cursed Queen of Cards questline…

why would you say something so controversial yet so brave

I’m mostly having a good time with it though there’s been a few less than stellar moments. Did have one incredible performance spike with a certain boss

the boss in question

Nightweaver because her arena has so many overlayed distortion effects that are seemingly incredibly unoptimized that it made my PC sound like a jet engine after being pretty much fine through the entire rest of the game.

Both me and a friend I was playing with just straight up had to lower our settings significantly after that and close the game for a while just to make sure nothing literally melts.

Though we did later have a very cool segment that made up for it.

more spoileriffic gaming

On the now root-rotten Yaesha we found a giant spiral stairway room that we had to rush through with a kill floor and ceiling below and above us that slowly moved along, all while sniping out exploding crystals, keeping our health up, and cutting our way through a neverending mass of low tier enemies. Really felt like all three of us got to play a specialist role through it.

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The Turth have the bad habit of being controversial
But I’m willing to die on this hill!

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