The Real Reason Why ''I'' Can't Play WoW Anymore

Don’t get me wrong but where did i say that mages in wow need to throw overdimensional magic at enemies, or where did i say demon hunters shoudl jump araound like a dragoon or paladins should make giant crystal shockwaves.

Ofc i know these things wouldn’t suit WoW. But they can improve and even upgrade skill animations like how they did with warlocks. Pyroblast can look better, same goes for everything else. I wanna feel like i am throwing ice not triangles, i should be playing frost mage, not ‘‘math professor’’ mage. I wanna see something that resembles ice or when it comes to shadow priest i wanna see darkness, i dont wanna feel like a last spagetti bender. I want something better then throwing straight, outdated, ugly looking, purple line as a shadow priest. And as a paying customer i think i am allowed to have such needs and desires.

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tbh, i have watched a friend stream their raid in ff14 and oh my god. i couldnt stand it. almost gave me an epilepsy attack. i really dont like flashy animation at all. :frowning:


Me playing FFXIV at night:


I have no experience with mage so I wont comment on that but there are plenty of classes that have a higher skill ceiling if you are looking for a challenging rotation. What you can’t argue with is that the spells feel impactful and responsive. I will criticize WoW when it deserves it but the gameplay itself is fun.

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I don’t need to know that WoW is using borrowed systems, grindy, covered up with daily quests and getting handled by bad developer systems. Its almost 2022 so 5 year of play time should be enough to ‘‘know’’ and understand these things if you are not a total imbecile

How would you know if it was your first MMORPG and you’ve admittedly only played it and FFXIV in the first place? What’s your experience like in FFXIV so far, savage raids perhaps since you’re talking about ‘optimal rotation’? Though again, you’re not supposed to use addons like damage meters there so… How would you even know what optimal is?

  • It’s weird to talk about how ‘bad and easy’ WoWs ‘3 button’ combat system feels while getting grey, green, and blue parses as ret.

I never said that i know what the optimal is. But i can see that WoW is wasting such promising zones that had tremendous potential like nazjatar with daily quests.

I can see that WoW is trying to implement new systems every expansion ( this is my 3th expansion and same thing happened in all of them) and almost abondining them after failing badly. (Take island expaditions and warfronts for example.)

And i can see that developer management of this game is bad by seeing how they don’t care about comunity and putting no effort to change the way things are.

I don’t need to play tons of mmorpgs to understand these things. And even worse if i am thinking like this as someone who didn’t play that many mmorpg i wouldn’t even begin to play WoW if i had played tons of them

And last but not least like i said i am not saying it should be like that, i have no idea how it should be. The only thing that i am curtain of things are ‘‘shouldn’t’’ be like this. And i am saying this based on my feelings. Like i said these were my opinions and to me WoW is no fun, and feels bad to play with.

Because they decided to prune specs in Legion, turning them into some kind of ARPG/H&S gameplay style rather than a true MMORPG style.

You’re aware of how this occurred in FFXIV a lot yeah, especially with relics and other systems? How can you know what’s being abandoned/not being abandoned in FFXIV since you’ve admittedly not been playing it that long that somehow just going over and playing it gives you the ‘insight’ on all the stuff WoW is doing incorrectly.

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start reading
stop reading


Thats the whole point, i am not saying the things that i am saying about WoW based on my FFXIV expreinces. (Except combat and skill animations.)

I am saying all of the other things based on my thoughts and feelings. I am not comparing other things to FFXIV as you can see in my post. Only things that i compared WoW to FFXIV were skill animations and combat system because these were the things that i had a great time to expreince with.

And i didn’t said anything about FFXIV’s way of handling things or management system or FFXIV’s systems in general. Because like you said i know that i don’t have enough expreince on those topics. But i believe i have enough when it comes to WoW and thats why i am writing these things.

combat in ffxiv is horrible, it’s the only reason i’m not playing it. probably you’re just playing your WL wrong :slight_smile:

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Yeah, FFXIVS skill animations of BRIGHT LIGHTS FOR EVERYTHING to the point of you being unable to tell most abilities apart in the first place is sure great. It’s kinda funny how you mention

When most of FFXIVs attack is just throwing light at enemies and ‘light explosions’ without much actual definition.

Just like FFXIVs general art design and style, it’s very generic eastern MMORPG that if you threw a bunch of MMORPGs side by side (Especially char/NPC design) I’d be hard pressed to differentiate.

Looks like you’ve ran out of things to fight me for and now you are throwing rocks at these? Please try to write me with some better char then 20 level vulpera so i can take you more seriously so i can have a urge to continue this unnecessary conversation

Mm, not really? Just pointing out most of the stuff you complain about WoW about, including 3 button rotations, also exist in FFXIV But you praise it there because that’s just what people do these days when they’re being angry at WoW but can’t find good reasons and give more legitimate feedback.

If you want to go the route of “I don’t want to have a conversation with you because you’re level 20” I could also pull the route of “I don’t want to have a conversation about the game you didn’t play enough to ever actually get cutting edge, let alone a purple parse” when you want to talk about combat mechanics and rotations. In which, you did cite WoW’s animations for spells and such as ‘outdated’ meanwhile, FFXIV is far more generic and outdated in it’s own.

Less for some classes:

My most pressed ability in the game.

Well tbf its her/his subjective opinion. I mean you are free to like either one of the 2 styles, even though one is objectively worse.

That was my experience with if as well lol, I could not stand the amount of those effects blew out of proportions.

Even the most stupid spell look way flashier than every WoW spell.

Excuse me, what are you relevant achievements? you act a bit too edgy for someone that got Keystone Master like 10 days before SL prepatch.

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It would be ironic for me to play a game that i didn’t enjoy to care about things like ‘‘cutting edge’’ wouldn’t be? And to be expreinced you don’t have to do high end stuffs, to have a opinion i think 5 years of playing is a enough time.

You were not pointing out the stuff, most of the time you talked about me saying borrowed systems, bad management etc. You didn’t talk about combat or skill animations as much as you mentioned about other things i said.

And also FFXIV trully not a 3 botton rotation game, you can go and look foryourself, go search for summoner or something. And i know these two game has diffrent styles thats why i am only bringing skill animations. As you can ‘‘read’’ in the first phrases i said WoW could do better like how they did with warlock but they are choosing not to and thats the problem. Its shouldn’t be that hard to upgrade that blue triangle with some proper ice animation, or it doesn’t require some flashy animations to do that. Look at warlock again, they didn’t turn it’s skills some flash carnaval but they still upgraded in a good way.

And i am the one who is voicing his opinions as saying ‘‘my opinions’’ and ‘‘i’’ and you were the one who feels the need to write against almost everything i said in the topic. So who is more angrier? :slight_smile:

Considering you had what did you say, almost 5 years to get such things? Maybe, if you want to talk about how bad WoWs ‘3 button rotation’ is when you failed to perform the 3 button rotation… Yet you mentioned that’s like your opener in FFXIV.

I pointed out inconsistencies in your argument, yeah. That’s what you do, is this your first time in an online forum perhaps debating a topic?

Then I can refute your prior statement about WoW being a 3 button rotation game since most class/spec rotations are more than 3 buttons can’t I?

Which lock the game to a far longer GCD which if you’ve been around WoW fans you know how much we dislike long GCDs and were upset at Blizzard putting more things on a GCD like FFXIV does. I dislike much of their skill animations as most of them, to me, are very generic ‘bright lights’ animations that don’t really make me feel ‘powerful’ or like I’m anything but possible a strobe light or a laser.

You, it would appear. I sure don’t go subscribe to FFXIV to post on their forums about how bad it is and how “X game” does all this stuff better and I won’t be coming back. (That sort of post would 100% get removed from the FFXIV forums, if you’ve ever posted there because they don’t like negativity.)