The Real Reason Why ''I'' Can't Play WoW Anymore

That is a whole other story than “I don’t like 3-button-system (over-exaggeration)”.

The skill animations can and need to be improved. However, pulling FF14 as an example easily implies you want similar animations in quality and impact. And while WoW needs new textures and animations, having animations like in FF14 would, as we both said, not fit the game.

The combat system on the other hand… I like FF14 for being slower. I like WoW for being faster. I see no problem here. Each game has its own system that works well (enough) to be fun.

While playing FF14 is more interesting, I do not like to have to play that mechanically to maximize my damage. Constantly spamming magic as redmage before doing like 3-4 attacks in melee and back to magic feels not really equal. Redmage is more mage than melee, so the weapon feels more like a cosmetic than an actual weapon. It is still fun, but not fun enough for the melee aspect. Dragoon is imo too much focused around jumping abilities. Bard feels like an RNG class to me. Paladin feels like the usual til you reach higher levels. The only class from those I played so far, that felt consistently outstanding, was Samurai.

Has anyone asked for your gold yet? :eyes:

Have fun in FF14 and good luck on your future gaming adventures :blush:

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Damn you I was buttering her/him up XD .

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It is also ironic to tell people “come here with a better character then talk to me” despite your character showing literally nothing as well. Like, for real, there is no difference between that level 20 and you.

So maybe don’t act edgy and then hide yourself behind the “huuuh duhhhh I don’t care about the game that’s why I played it for FIVE years”

Plus you talk about complexity of a game that you played totally casual and also blatantly exaggerating how simple are WoW rotation? Okay I guess.


I get that some people may want to quit WoW and try out FF14. Maybe you like FF14 idk. But I am getting really tired of all these threads.

Oh I lOvE Ff14 WoW sUcKs or vice versa.

If you like FF14 good for you play it. If you like WoW good for you play it. Don’t make threads and trash talk WoW or FF14.


I agree to 100%. Let game be games. Constructive criticism with examples form those games? Ok. Saying either of them is “trash”? Get out!

Have you ever consider that maybe i chose not to get ‘‘such’’ things or maybe i do have a life outside of game and even tho WoW was the main game that i was playing back in the day i couldn’t find the time to do those high end thigs you said? Have you ever considered that instead of calling it straight up ‘‘failing.’’? And yes i said it was my FFXIV opener but i didn’t say that with any intention i just said it cause thats the truth. I am using those 3 buttons to open my rotation in FFXIV, those 3 buttons are not my ‘‘whole’’ rotation.

You pointed out the things that i mentioned the least and even tho i explained them over and over again till this time of our conversation you are still bringing them. Go and read my explanations again cause i won’t write the same things over and over, it is on you if you have reading and understanding problems. It is you who looks like debating a online game topic. Cause you are the one who insist about not understanding the things that the person you are talking explained like million timeo over in his very ‘‘article’’ and in the very conversation you are in with.

Clearly you are understanding whatever the hell you want anyway why are you even bother asking to me lol.

I am telling this for million time now but let me tell you this one more time. They upgraded warlock’s skill animation without locking it’s skills behind a longer gcd. They didn’t change anything with the play style yet they did a great job with improving them. I am saying that they can do the same thing to the other classes like how they did back in legion but they choose not to. And like i said, there are ways to upgrade skill without making them flashier take warlock as an example again. (Yeah i am giving the same things as an example over and over again but it looks like i need to cause it also looks like you have understanding problems.?

And also looks like you have reading problems as well cause you thought that i resubscribed just to talk sh’t about the game that i dont play anymore. But if you have read my article you could have see that i subscribed again because i missed the game but when i felt the things i felt i only decided then to open a article about it. Cause like you said i know how the article and forums works, they are here for you to voice your opinion, right :slight_smile:

And you can go to the FFXIV general discussion and search for article called FFXIV’s Zones Looks Exteremely Dull, Empty and Outdated that was a article of mine as well, and in that very article you can see that i compared ffxiv’s zones to wow and i praised WoW’s zones. You see i am writing bad about everything i play or do just like how i am writing good about everything i do and play. You can see tons of positive articles that i opened before, just like opening a positive article i can create a negative as well. And unlike what you said they didn’t close my article and it got almost 150 answers and it still almost reacheable today, they didn’t closed it or anything :slight_smile:

But that is essentially worthless. Like why would you take into consideration what FF14 does into WoW, and vice versa. There is a reason why the majority of WoW players don’t play that game (from all the people that left WoW over SL, FF14 got ~2 mil refugees max).

By saying FF14 does this while WoW doesn’t, you are essentially saying we want WoW to turn into FF.

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For real though, are there really classes that has ONLY 3 button rotations? I like easy, so bm hunter i enjoy, but even that has more then 3 buttons i have to push.

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No, as I pointed out, even if your base rotation consists of 3 buttons, that rotation changes depending on situations (AoE/ST/Cleave). Its not as cut and dry as some people like to point out.


Having to write a ‘‘programmer’s code’’ for an rotation does NOT make the combat system automatically better.
I play both games and WoW for all its downturns, its combat system is better. In FF I sometimes even start to think if I am lagging or anything.
If we had to compare:
1-2-3-4 but fluid and smooth
Cast A to proc B. If Procs C recast A to cast spell D to enable aura M to start the cd of cast A. If aura N initates while spell H is cast then cast W to start P rotation…
while having a 5000 ms latency between every “command”.

I will take 1-2-3s everyday. :rofl:


That’s BS and you know it. If this would be the case, we would have only like 10-30 games worldwide because other companies would not dare to take inspiration from other games.

Taking functioning elements from other games, adapting them and making your own version of it is the standard in competition and design.

When I make a model in Blender, I also always use reference from other artists/photographers to reach the best possible outcome.


FFXIV has 14 button openers for some classes and 8-10core rotation on others.

But - very little class utility or defensive CD"s compared to wow. It’s not dynamic at all.
You do your opener ! same time everytime for the entire expansion, until heavesward it was the same opener for two entire expansions.

There are very few proc / moments of un scripted play.
The fights are like dances and so it the rotation- very little room for flair or diversified gameplay. I don’t like that - once you learn how to beqt something in FFXIV you will apply the same formula everytime until the end of time.

For the last few mythic clears I’ve done ( guild and pug ) I’ve had three different strategies for most bosses ( most notably Sylv , varies alot depending on raid comp / push timers and choices on how to handle chains/ arrow drops / gateways / class mobility)
You don’t get that in FFXIV.

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That is different. With feedback like “FF14 does X, WoW should do it” you get teh information “copy this”, whit “WoW needs evergreen content” you get a whole different idea.

I cant even imagine having a 10 button rotation and then adding all the utility on top of that :sweat_smile: i’m not a piano player (though i wish i was!).


When did i ever say ‘’ i don’t care about the game thats why i played it for five years?’’ Looks like you do have understanding problems as well. I am just saying that just because i didn’t reach high end goals that doesn’t mean that i failed or something. Maybe i had to work, people do have life outside of game you know? Looks like you don’t. There are plenty of shows that i want to watch as well but i can’t watch them because i don’t have time. Not because i didn’t care about them or something.

And there is a big difrrence between choosing not to do something and not caring to do that very thing. Maybe i didn’t choose to do high end stuff but i chose to role play, how could you or anyone know? Thats what i was trying to explain.

And i am sorry but there is a big diffrence between that level 20 and me. At least people can see my profile lol.

Lastly don’t take WoW this seriously, looks like you are getting frustrated easily, i can tell by the way you write you got very angry and hysteric while writing this post. Don’t do this to yourself its really pathetic. And even if you are not like this, then don’t write like this, learn how to have a proper conversation without spiting things like starts with the ‘‘huuh duuh’’ thing. Even if that was the very thing i said, i still wouldn’t have a conversation with you because you don’t know how to have a proper chat and you dont have respect so go and bark somewhere else please.

Even with a spread sheet of a rotation FF14s combat is boring, slow and ugly.

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I didnt make it past the introduction quests when i tried it back in 2019 :sweat_smile: guess it just wasnt for me.

Combat animations in retail are awesome.

Combat animations in Classic are a bit dated.

It’s also weird to claim that you also ‘didn’t try out other mmorpgs before’ Lets Go For Eso when you made posts about ‘going back to play where you left off in eso’ and how you didn’t realize how bad WoW was until you played another MMORPG but you bring up FFXIV instead of ESO, which seems you were playing before you went to FFXIV?

I really wanna know what devs(!) were thinking another thing present in FFXIV is ‘forced to do old content’ and actually a lot of older content having more relevancy.

Shadowlands Gonna Be The Best Expansion Also made some bold claims about SL didn’t you lol

It’s just funny for someone to say that to me while they struggle to write properly in the first place, you seem to attack people for things you’re guilty of yourself a lot.

Because you’re the one that brought up FFXIV animations, so until you remove that part of your argument about how much better FFXIV animations are… We’re gonna be here. If you wanted to talk about that you could’ve done that without ever mentioning FFXIV right? :3

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