You guys say you win a lot because horde players are just more skille din pvp, well we do better speedruns because we are more skilled in pve.
Oh jeez… Here we go.
What are you on about? Ppl complaining about premades? How is it related to anything I’ve said? The premades were stopped more than half a year ago (not counting russian premades).
No, ppl are not born able to pvp. The more you do something, and do it consistently, the better you get at it. This is true for almost anything so why not PvP? Someone who focuses mainly on PvP will generally be better at PvP than someone who focuses on PvE. That’s just how things work. Plus they will have geared themselves toward PvP as well as probably picked up engineering just to use it in PvP. You are truly delusional to think that this wont favor the PvP focused players.
Yeah, and having for example 10-15 ppl in PvE specs that are gimped in PvP vs 40 ppl in PvP spec wont impact the outcome? Give me a break.
Then why was the win rate around 60-70% for horde just after premades were stopped and then increased from there? Saying that its only because of the map would imply that the map has been changed since then… That is just wrong.
I just pointed out that they did make a change that mainly the alliance was crying for… I never said it wasn’t affecting both sides.
These points I agree with.
I never said that.
I didn’t say you personally did, this is just the argument of most horde players.
Ok then, but saying “you guys” kind of implies that I’m part of it
This Is why I said that it is mostly horde that are complaining on the forums about losing in the other two bgs if the horde team were always stronger than Allience with better gear and better at PvP with more PvP specs.then it would be completely Allience complaints here. there is a reason why AV has a terrible win rate for one faction and the blame should not be on the players when the map is this badly designed.
Wow has been out for a long time most players grasp the concept of PvP and in classic there is a handful of skills to use in PvP it is all about the gear so you can burst someone and cc lasts a very long time so little skill is involved in chain cc’ing.players who focuses on pve give them a PvP spec and the gear and it’s very easy to perform well in classic PvP scene especially when AV is concerned since there is alot of pve aspects.
As for the pve spec I have seen plenty prot and fury warriors on the horde side as well both factions have the same issues on that front.
The 60-70% win rate after premades stopped where did you get those figures not every game was a turtle back then anyway.
I’m not talking about the other BGs. You are misunderstanding it. I’m not saying horde players are stronger. Just that stronger players join AV on horde, because they have bigger incentive to do so (high win rate and the queue times making the difference in rewards smaller between AV and the other BGs if you for example queue AV while doing your WSG/AB premades).
Yes, PvP is mostly about gear and talents, and skill plays a smaller role. It doesn’t matter, because the team who has better gear for PvP, better talents for PvP and better skill in PvP will still win in most cases. Many classes would kind of get one-shot in their PvE gear because they lack stamina for example.
And I’m not saying that it’s only PvPers on horde. Ofc there are PvE players on horde as well. I’m saying that because the rewards are much better on horde and because of the high win rate it means the TOP PvPers actually join AV sometimes on the horde side. While the TOP PvPers on alliance will stick to WSG and AB. Those TOP players will make a difference. Have you seen the threads about alliance farming horde at their cave? That was made possible by around 10 TOP PvPers joining that game and you are saying those kind of players don’t make a difference.
60-70% is my estimate from my own experience. I was ranking to rank 10 at that time and did hundreds of AV. I can’t say exactly the win rate but the alliance was much better than they are now. Now the horde almost never lose in AV. Something changed and it wasn’t the map.
Firstly I think the alliance were fighting much harder and really trying hard to win, and secondly I think there were some of the rankers still trying to premade AV, but they got scattered in different teams. Over the following weeks I think they too gave up on AV and the horde win rate seemed to increase. In May, when I reached rank 10 and stopped (yes, I ranked very slowly because I took breaks from it), I was winning around 90%. Now it seems that it got even worse.
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