The reason behind silence in group content?

i’m not trying to be sarcastic here, but it clearly stated i got a warning in the upper right corner of the screen.

upon inspection it clearly stated that i was flagged for behaviour.

the “social contract” you sign at the start is entirely different from this one.
also the social contract bit is a farce and a cheap cop out from Blizzard to make it easier to use their automated system to silence and suspend people.


I was thinking :thinking: in putting this post on the he frowning section but, I think I can post it here.

Today I was in a TW group, with my Forsaken Hunter. Even though he’s the bottom of my priorities, regarding mail classes (4 Hunters and 1 Shaman), he’s almost full equipped in Dreamsurge gear.

The dungeon was TW, The Nexus.
A Haste mail legs, ILV 389, drops from, Ormorok the Tree-Shaper.

I usually would give them to another player. However I had in my group: Nightborne Survival Hunter, Drakthyr healer and a Enhancement Shaman. All level 60+ close to 70.
I wrote: "Roll for (item link). None replied.
Everyone quits after the last boss, except for the Nightborne Hunter.
I go after the Hunter, that was delivering the quests, to open the trade window and the character, exits the group.

I know we have Dreamsurge event now, that provides ILV 402 and weekly tokens ILV 412. But none wants free gear anymore :confused: ?


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tbh after the latest events I think (generous, positive) people like us have to accept to stop chatting, it isnt good for mental health with most of wow community.

my latest 22 neltharus was again with a full party of people accusing others of failures which they didnt do and they accuse with false, imaginary data in the harshest tone and aggressive behaviour. The worst thing is just that people are stating false facts which they would know are wrong if they think or would go for proper data analysis, just to attack.

funnily in games like cs2, back4blood or hunt:showdown, random people are using voice, trying to win and cooperate. Sure there are people on low elo just playing for fun and egoistic, mostly not being toxic though if you dont ta or trigger them. Just in WoW they are toxic af from start.

Do you want to hear something even more crazy?
I got some item and asked if anyone needs it, it was back. No one said anything, I looked myself up people ilvl and traded it to lowest and he did not say thank you or anything :smiley: like dude wtf.

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I genuinely believe most people are just shy or not used to talking to strangers.
Now I’m a lot more talkative, but I remember years ago I’d panic as soon as someone addressed me. Even went offline a couple of time just to avoid other players.
I mean, one of the main reasons I started playing WoW back in the day was I had no irl friends, and I thought it’d be easier to meet people in the cool fantasy world.
I still to this day know people who are afraid to queue for dungeons, and do as few as they can to avoid any social interaction.

Not sure if it’s shyness, more anti social / zero social skills / lazy social skills etc perhaps

Or just basic lack of manners.

You meet people like this in the real world, they can’t reply to a simple “hello” they just stand there like a stroke victim or look at their phones.

Hope you met some decent people, there are some in there, they tend to hide though

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Oh, I have plenty of those cases, as well.
Do you know, what was the worst part of this story ?

I didn’t even got a thanks.

However, there’s also this story.

There’s still some nice people, out there :smiley:

I usually prioritize level 70s, than 69, going down, because I know those players, will use that gear. However I’m not sure if a player, plans to continue to play a character, when he’s under level 60.


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I used to be very talkative back in the early days of the game. I feel like most people were.
But at some point, i want to say between the end of WotLK to the start of MoP. Talking in groups became an active hinderance to your personal success in said group. Because it made you more “visible” so to speak. People would pay attention to you more, for better and worse. If you made a mistake, people would more likely call you out.

This is the same reason why healers and tanks always gets all the blame. Because the focus is on them. No one noticed if Mr. Silent Dps#3 failed a mechanic. But they sure do if one of the “funny” guys makes a mistake, or whatever.

Talking doesn’t just make you friends, but enemies as well. Even if you are genuinely a good person. There is always going to be someone who doesn’t like or agrees with you, or gets annoyed for some reason, or is just itching to point a finger at someone. Etc.

The end result is that no one speaks. Because there is little to gain from it and much to lose. Especially these days when bans are automated and can be gamed.


Too much gogogo, and disgusting behaviour has led me to be silent. The fact that the content also melts while you have no idea what you are doing also makes me quite whatever about talking. It also makes me whatever about my own class abilities on my alts. I just click something, and it usually make stuff die.

I am otherwise a very chatty player, and on classic I talk in groups because the leveling community is different and not just seeking endgame.

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And this tbh.


I met tons of people through dungeon talks back in the days. I guess you didn’t pay any attention to the chat at all. I mean, I do remember some tanks being annoying for that exact reason - no reaction to any info posted in chat, or slow reactions to it. I guess tanking took more attention… most people were chatty from my experience, good and bad.

Haha. This is like me!


Really :slight_smile: TW is under ten minutes theres no time for chat. Fastest ones I see have mega geared tank run through the whole instance and the rest just chasing then its probably nearer five minutes.

I often run M+ Low keys where people cant find heal/tank and fit the role with my 445ilvl paladin or priest. I choose them by searching the queue for the longest queue time. Sometimes I whisper the lead like: “long queue?”. Nobody ever responds to that. And when I carry them their key after they searched for 30mins, rarely every somebody says anything. And btw, i am not doomrushing the key. When I tank I pull reasonable and when I heal I just let them flow, its their ilvl and challenge, and its not fun just following a person.


:frowning_face: It’s sad.
I had once, a similar situation.
I was on my 4th run on Mithic 0, Ruby Life Pools. We had almost everything, I had a healer and 3 DPS. We waited for a long time, until a Mag’har Orc DK Tank, came along, with an ILV similar to yours.
He said, he was just there to help.
I made sure to thank him, several times, just in case, I didn’t do it the first time.

I also have a policy for my Mithic 0 runs: first come, first served.


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I don’t want to talk, there’s nothing more to it.

Please, refresh your memory and go do few dungeons. Half of a dungeons are there with a roleplay of bosses, or long walk and kek, sometimes people die too. There is time. Always.

  1. There is always time to type 'hi" and. “GG”

M+ is easier. I usually uninvite people who don’t say “hi” or reply to my questions about affix, etc. My husband does same. I have no interest in running M+ and most likely carrying them (going out if my way and doing affixes with my husband or just another person) and interrupts kek.

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only time i talk in dungeons is on discord with friends i play with… other ppl? ew no

I basically always say Good morning/afternoon/evening and bye/gg/cya.


I merely use /greet and /goodbye in dungeons these, days, unless something happens that warrants mentioning, or someone has a question in chat.

Like my mage’s glacial spike causing me to die to snap aggro two consecutive pulls in a row. I just apologised for it and we carried on.

A lot of the time non-verbal communication is enough, like waiting for someone at a crossing where they took a wrong turn, or running back to them to give them speed boost to catch up.

In leveling, TW and low M+ I tend to turn off my brain while listening to some youtube stuff or music, the content is way too easy for me to pay attention. For higher M+ it’s just the usual “Hi” and “Ty BB” in most cases, unless someone is either bafflingly bad enough to peak my curiosity as to learn what they are doing wrong and point them in the right direction (if I know it that is) or if someone is exceptionally good and I congratulate them. This is how I have treated dungeon conversations ever since vanilla, idk if you guys are treating dungeons as a social cafe. I’m more chatty in raids during trash, because I’m lazy.