The State of Horde RP

It’s right on Stromgarde and near Wildhammer HQ in the Hinterlands having read posts. Why would the Alliance not respond to aggression near two of their holdings?

I accept the OOC reasoning. But you’d think they’d want to keep it on the down low IC, and you’d also expect after the likes of Garrosh and Sylvanas, the average Horde member might be a little more wise than blindly following some old guy with a chip on his shoulder.

Now why would a character want to go and do something? Why does anyone do anything?


Sure they can. Then the Alliance should wipe them off the face of Azeroth for attacking the wildhammer.

Yes actually, and that my friend is called consequences of ones actions, you know, core component of RP.


Except they won’t because that would require accepting the consequences of doing stupid things. They will go on attacking Alliance holdings and pretending they wouldn’t be wiped out.

Well, based on what was said, the group they fought aren’t even Alliance so that would be one reason.

The other is, the areas are alot bigger in lore. So while it’s close and mentioned close for our reasons, in actuality it is probably far away enough.

Or it could be they don’t consider a threat despite the Horde group themselves thinking they are.

These could just be seen as excuses, but it’s stuff I think makes sense for smaller groups.

Probably, but it could be that this or these group aren’t the average Horde member.


Have you seen anyone do this?

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keep complaining on the forums i think that’ll help


No, but a lot of people wouldn’t do something so egregiously stupid as a skirmished sized party as to attack Alliance holdings. Or totally not Alliance lordaeronians as claimed.

Cheers for the input. And I’m the troll. :thinking:

Also, both cities are sharded right now, so there’s not much else to do.

That’s all you need to say really.

Not really, like I said, the majority of roleplayers don’t do this.

But then, I am sorry to be blunt, what is the harm? If it’s a minority of people doing it both as RPers and as characters, then that seems fine?

Because it is something not everyone would do, but a small group might.

They can do what they want, like I said, they then expect other people to be party to it. That’s where the issue is.

How are they doing this though exactly? If it’s just them sharing a forum post about it, I again don’t see the harm.

If they are actively going around Orgrimmar OOC telling people that “Hey, we’re still at war. And you better play that or else” that would be an entire different thing.

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I might be a stickler for the Lore and characters that respect/promote the setting, but Bulletchewer; your attitude in this thread makes me not want to roleplay with you. No matter how authentic your character may be.

Promoting authentic Horde RP is a single-player game.
While people flock to support good roleplay, every lore-embracing guild starts with one person purchasing a guild charter. Every community event starts with one person taking a big gamble.

If you’re a troll? Gratz, I took the bait. If you aren’t? Its time to decide what sort of gamble you want to take.


I am going to eat the bait as well.
Only because some character says something, doesn’t mean they will do it or anything like that. As one of the groups in the Hinterlands, so far, the human bros attacked us first. We fight back, but we are not really moving the fighting further than the middle of the forest. So I don’t see the entire problem that some nobodies, are fighting each other in a forest. And doubt that even the Horde or Alliance care what 20 people are doing. If you want a change, do it, go ahead. Start a community or a guild, that has your type of preferred rp. But trying to take jabs at people for rplaying together, ain’t it.


They’re actively saying they’re involved with these conflicts and when questioned, you are spoken to ICly, like you’re an idiot or you’re in the wrong. This is extremely offputting if you don’t want to be involved with such things, you’re not exactly spoiled for choice.

Well, I’m not posting on my main because I’ll probably judged for OOC opinions IC. I am posting here as opposed to in game so as not to troll or cause conflict.

I am not seeking to piss anyone off and we all pay a sub so we can do what we want. I just want an alternative. This seems to make the people who engage in the schtick I do not like quite annoyed, and that’s fair enough.

This is another thing which might make people think that you are just posting insincerely and trying to get a reaction out of people. If you want people to think that you are trying to engage in a constructive conversation, you might want to avoid that.

Actually, one of the most fun parts of roleplaying in this guild right now is questioning motives. I know that this character is an advocate for peace, as are many others in this character’s guild, and they often argue with the guild leader and the more bloodthirsty members of the guild.

There’s a lot of wrestling with morality and these characters often struggle to justify the things that they do for the warband. It’s a source of conflict and it’s fun to roleplay, at least in my opinion. If someone from outside wants to accuse my character of being a warmongering criminal, they’re welcome to, it sounds like it could be a fun encounter.

Unfortunately, that requires a lot of effort that people are unable to muster. There’s just not enough interest and no one who has the clout to be able to create a hub out of nothing again.

My guild does this too, actually. The vast majority of events over the past several months have involved pacifying centaurs, quillboar and troll cults in Stranglethorn and the Hinterlands alike. The RP-PvP with the Alliance is mostly just a bonus.

I think you’re referring to this particular post:

It seems to me like you’re taking a silly tongue-in-cheek post and blowing it out of proportion, which is something else which might lead people to assume that you’re not trying to have a reasonable discussion.

So far the skirmishes have included:

  • A failed attempt to ambush a Horde warband on the slope that leads down to the coastline.
  • A chance encounter and a clash between two scouting parties in the wilderness of the Hinterlands.
  • A failed attempt to stop a Lordaeronian wagon full of supplies from reaching its destination.
  • A disastrous assault on an abandoned dwarf bunker that the supplies had been moved to, near the coast.

Considering that according to the latest canon, the night elves of Ashenvale still regularly assault the Warsong lumber camps without any major diplomatic incidents, none of these events seem like they are particularly canon-breaking.

Hopefully you’re now a little more informed.


Albeit there being a truce or something, not everybody is going to comply after 34543543 years of war.


Kudos to your patience, Shogganosh.