Whining forum threads are ruining my experience.
I’m tired of seeing them. I’m tired of seeing complaining characters. I’m tired of seeing anti-boosting topics. I’m not sure even I wanna continue with tbc-c forums at this point.
Whining forum threads are ruining my experience.
I’m tired of seeing them. I’m tired of seeing complaining characters. I’m tired of seeing anti-boosting topics. I’m not sure even I wanna continue with tbc-c forums at this point.
I know it is annoying to see something that is not earned through playing and bought off the store in a MMORPG and I also know that it is irritating. But saying that it “ruined the game” is a bit too strong of an explanation imo.
And I also have been telling that store+boosts will ruin the game in the long run. But i don’t think the reason to this will be how ugly boosties or their mounts look. The main issues will be those that will actually affect the gameplay, such as bringing in more bots, devaluating gold through boosted profession alts, worsening the faction imbalance, bringing in a lot of clueless players to max level that don’t know much about how to play etc etc.
The aesthetics are annoying but I don’t think it is the main factor for ruining a MMORPG.
You have the option to cancel your sub and quit the game at anytime.
Mounts/pets/toys and boost is here to stay, adapt and get over it or quit.
How exactly will be your experience worse ?
You have to option to get your disfunctional brain out of the forums if you don’t like discussions.
This is the TBCC discussion forums. People discuss/rant/whine here. Get over it or quit. Find yourself a place that is fit for your small peanut.
Dungeon boosting went on far too long. This blizz boost doesn’t have any impact on me anymore.
When there is a new classic realm I hope level difference in instances crushes exp gained and ZG doesn’t need to give much experience since it’s a level 60 raid.
The mount is whatever
Luckily the forums are not a part of the gameplay. You can avoid it without it having ANY consequences for your ingame story. I can’t escape the ruined economy, the ugly big portal toys, and the mounts, they’re everywhere.
What? What?! Tell me you’re joking, I’m gonna have to look that up. Not that it would surprise me, retail is a farce.
For me having that stuff attracts the “wrong” crowd though, those who want things easy, those who want to buy to get instead of working in the game for it. Cosmetic items were always for F2P games to make revenue then the big gaming companies caught on and introduced it into paid for and/or sub fee games. It makes the game seem so cheap and silly. If the skins were in line with the style of the game it would be a bit more ok, but there’s games with pink or gold armour, or as someone said to me recently here, a clown costume in retail!
It’s pretty hilarious. Check the thumbs up and down ratio.
I don’t mind cosmetics or mounts or pets or boosts.
But when I saw the spirit darter set, I actually felt my blood boil it’s so cringe.
And it’s not because they made you pay for it, no it’s because it’s such a low effort transmog.
Well, it kinda affects me because those that had a 6 month sub got that one for free, so I saw them all the time, in arena etc. and it made me cringe so bad
Using the spirit darter set is the equivalent of putting on a clown suit and thinking you are edgy.
It’s god awful
People don’t think there’ll be more to come? After the success it seems of how well the mount and stuff has sold? They haven’t just got their foot in the door, they blasted the door open with a bazooka.
It makes me shudder to think of the producers and money-people at BlizzHQ right now rubbing their greedy paws together. “Just think of the $$$ we can make. How about an Ilidan or Kaelthas costume toy? Now what flying mount can we put in that has a unique model. WoW Token, oh yes of course to ‘fight botting’ oh yea, they always fall for that one. Race changes because people want to change into pretty Blood Elves.”
Who thinks they can predict what the mount will be in the ‘deluxe’ edition of Wrath? My guess is one of those shoveltusk bison like animals.
As I said before TBC Classic is well on its way to Retail, it’s made a superb start. I mean is that what people want? Two versions of effectively the same game in a couple of years?
Bye, gnomes make my eyes bleed so I can relate. I just kill them.
I’m a bit confused as to how they ruin your experience. They are only cosmetic right? Does not affect gameplay in any way. I’d be more concerned about 40min bg ques, a truckload of bugs, ruined economies and the incoming 5hour launch login screens than cosmetics. You know, things that ACTUALLY make the game worse to play.
Same bruh… And in comes them saying both are bad. But they won’t advocate for those things.
Tho the gold stuff is beyond repair at this point. It’s just to much gold in the economy. Even if they ban every single bot day 1 they start a new one. It’s still gonna take many years for the economy to stabalize again.
Of course classic will become retail version,how is that news?We are just restarting the whole mess thats about it.I just dont get some people who complain about cosmetics/mounts in classic while retail is filled with it.Cant you do simple math and realize it will also happen in classic.
I dont like your name it should be removed
You see according to the echo chamber posters here: The mount and boost is pay2win.
Because… reasons
Why worry about stuff like BG queue timers, bugs or a ruined economy when you have imaginary issues that have zero impact on the game to worry about.