The store mounts are ruining my experience

Mr. Krabs: Bobby Kotick
Retail: Krusty Krab
TBC Classic: Krusty Krab 2


The boost is LITERALLY paying to win. It couldn’t be a more perfect example.

Pay money and skip 58 levels, ergo pay to win.

I’d say store mounts effectively qualify as pay-to-win, because do they look like the mundane mounts, intentionally that way, you buy from the standard vendors? No, you have to work to EARN the fancy looking mounts-- oh no, you don’t, you can ‘earn’ such mounts by swipe-swiping (though you could argue it makes you arm ache swiping the card so much).

It’s irritating that people think that just because something is cosmetic it’s somehow fine. Also, don’t you rather think these early transactions set a rather important precedent? People are buying them in large quantities - no surprise there because people are lazy - and that means there is not a shred of doubt there will be more things to follow, A LOT MORE.


How do you “win” by skipping levels? It’s pay to have fun if anything. The leveling experience in vanilla is HORRIBLE.


58 levels of no value come June 2nd, they still have to grind to 70, still have to do all the dungeon grind, rep grind, money grind for flying.

They paid a ONE time sum to skip 58 levels of irrelevant content. Again I repeat a ONE TIME boost they can not re-buy unless they create a new account and re-pay for a new one.

They did not gain POWER or ITEMS or an insane amount of gold by boosting, personally I say they got scammed on the gold front my druid that I have been leveling from scratch has 250g now the boost lands with 25g and trash tier gear. They do not get any extra talents or skills or anything that can be considered PAYING 2 WIN.

You can keep arguing to make it fit your narrative all you want simple truth is that the boost and mount do not fall under “paying2win” it’s Pay4Convinience.

And if the day comes that Acti/Blizz decides to add weapons or armor that will increase your stats or gain you any kind of unfair advantage that you can only obtain by paying I have no problems calling them out and taking my money else where.

But this ain’t it chief.


I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word literally. Also, paying for convenience =/= p2w.

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The amount of lizard mount enjoyers is honestly ridiculous but I’m so looking forward to tbc release just to camp every single one of them.

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I must say that the definition for what P2W is apparently has changed for a lot of people in the recent years… The goalpost gets moved more and more.

What P2W actually means is gaining an advantage compared to someone that doesn’t pay. Example: If two friends want to play TBCC, one can afford the MTXs while the other can’t, that means the first one gains a massive time advantage over the latter. Level 1-58 translates to 150 hours+ if I’m not mistaken. If he paid for the Deluxe Edition he gains a mount as well, while the other person has to pay gold to get his mount at 30. So a DE buyer gains a massive time advantage, some gold and saves gold otherwise would’ve been used to purchase a mount in-game.

Classic isn’t particularly difficult either; above all it’s about time investment. Skipping all this time, which otherwise would’ve been a big time gate/gatekeeping mechanic, is, needless to say, a big advantage. The time saved can now be spent on more raid lockouts and gold grinds; thus getting ahead in gear and gold. The game is a long journey from 1-70 and then dungeons/raids to further increase power level; so skipping any part of this journey obviously is an advantage. Those that already were 60 has earned it because they played, and TBCC already has a catch up-mechanic in that leveling is quicker.


But what the DE owners gets for paying IRL money, the non-payer can still grind in-game and eventually be at par with the DE owner.

Pure P2W to me is that you can buy for example gear thats impossible to get in-game by playing and get an advantage or buy a mount thats twice as fast as epic flying.

I’d say buy boost is pay for convinience, I’m happy there was one, if it didnt i probably wouldn’t play TBCC, because I decided 1 week ago i wanted to go for TBCC instead of retail. And there would be no chance for me to catch up with my personal life and schedule.


I can see the argument for the lv58 boost being pay-to win, but I think the effect of it is way overblown. In the grand scheme of things, on any single toon you’re going to have to:
level to 58
level from 58-70
level your professions, and farm gold
get reputations and attunements for hcs and raids
get prebis gear from hcs
progress the raids <- this is basically the endgame, doing this is ‘winning’
get full honor gear
get high rating, and arena gear <- again, this is the endgame

Getting a headstart (one time) to 58 is such a minor part of the whole journey, that by the end of season 1 you won’t be able to tell the difference. So yea, I guess it’s a BIT pay to win, but to such a minor extent, that it doesn’t matter at all.
The mounts being p2w is just dumb, the amount of gold you save can be earned in a single session. Cosmetics are not p2w, unless you count having more mounts as ‘winning’, which I don’t. I consider endgame success (high rating in arenas and fast PvE progression) winning.
I think cluttering the forums with issues like a store cosmetic will just bury the ACTUAL, sometimes game-breaking issues, which actually affect serious endgame gameplay.


It isn’t dumb to say that. P2W covers things that are bought to get an advantage over others or to get something faster, or something that just isn’t possible to attain in the game. For me I’d rather have some borderline game breaking bug than store bought mounts flying about the place. Bugs can be fixed.

WoW is an RPG, and it’s hard to have a roleplay fantasy feeling with store bought items in the game. Retail went from an MMORPG to just an MMO when things were just handed out to players or made available for purchase with IRL money. It’s all opinions, but to me those who want to play an online RPG do not want store bought items.

On a side note, I find I disagree on what endgame success is to you. Fast progression and high rating in arenas as success seems…childish or something, not exactly the right word for it. That “I gotta be first” mentality. Personally I’m not caring what rating anyone has or how far they’ve rushed through content. Arenas in TBC was the first time in my life I realised I hated other players who played online who take games too seriously, same as real life, competition brings out the worst human traits.

What an garbage take considering blizzard started adding store bought stuff in WoTLK, obviously players of the online RPG wanted them.

And if they didn’t want them they would not keep adding them.

Sounds like you should stick to single player RPG’s so you don’t get angry and offended that people play the game in a different way than you do.

I cant stand the ugly low lv Elek mount. Oh I dont like the male Dran either, so should I make a new topic about that?

I see the new mounts and boosted chars as well but it doesnt bother me one bit, if they love their mount or their char good for them…

Only things that are ruining my experience are bots and multiboxers ( the ones that hinder other players game…).


Not that I think you bring anything to the forums at all since I’ve seen you in other threads with what you say, but you are wrong completely. WoW started to get even more mainstream during WOTLK and Cata, which meant there were those who were glad to pay to get. Not that there was anything significant you could buy at that time and you rarely seen the items, not like now.

As usual with your other presumptuous garbage posts, you should just keep your opinion to yourself.

The Elek truly is terrible in every way. Hell I got the store mount because I was tired of Kodo for my druid.

Seems I nailed the spike with that one.

Stay mad at something you can do absolutely nothing about :clown_face:

Lol you really are a typical internet user, truly sad.

And you truly are the typical snowflake that gets offended by literally everything they do not agree with. Truly sad

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Check online - your stomping ground - on what literally means. Maybe reddit basement dwellers can help you out too.

I’m going to go outside on this first lovely day of the year, and you know, speak to other people in person.

Have fun! I came home from driving the wife to work and went for a swim down the river 25c in the air and sunny as far as the eye can see. Feels good.

Whatever makes you feel better in your head.