The Titanforge Problem - A Potential Fix

Higher difficulties of the m+ content give additional il because of the forging, and that should continue to be like that. Because by removing that the additional path of the gearing would be effectively killed, and then number of the people doing that content during the season would heavily drop down.

That’s not how it works, it’s all baseline 400 from 10+ onwards, it’s increase of number of drops depdending on timer etc in higher keys.

What you don’t understand now, that the people have the chance to obtain the items higher than 400 il from m+, that’s a known fact.

Yes if things TF or WF.

Yeah and a lot of the players doing that content are doing it because of that fact and like that.

I d/e 98% of drops from all mythic plus. I never do it for the chance of a WF/TF. Nice if you get them but they aren’t exactly a reliable source.

People do Mythic plus to do keys.


I dont know a single person who enjoys WF/TF due to the fact that with the current system its more or less impossible to be “done”. Most of us want to work our way through our BiS list and actually be done at a point. Bold of you to assume people only do M+ and Raiding for gear when there’s tons of people in the game who do it for fun. I just want to be able to at one point say that my character is finished and i no longer need to hope for that 1% TF luck.


I don’t care what you do and what you don’t, you are mythic raider atm, and have another additional path of the progression besides m +.

And the people are doing the m + not just because of the keys, and because the fact that they want to challenge themselves but because it offers to them a way to progress their characters in PvE and find good enough upgrades there. If the drops would be caped in that content only to 400 il atm, the numbers of players as I said would heavily drop down and that content would stop be additional way of progression in the game, and the players would have only one way of progressing their character in the PvE once they would finish the heroic raids and that is mythic raiding, and now we have 2 paths which is better in my PoV.

I know that I and many others do like it. And I don’t assume anything, the people aren’t doing the content for the sake of challenge alone.

Why should I care about your opinion then.

I would be fine with them adding 415 gear for completing +20 keys.

However you clearly have a bee in your bonnet about players doing the hardest content of the game and being rewarded for it.

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Apparently Players Who Only Play LFR And WQs For Their Content Enjoy Titanforge. I Guess They Want To Be Rewarded Items Better Than Mythic Raid Content For Completing Trivial Content.

I Don’t Raid For Gear, I Raid For The Shear Progression Of The Raid. The Items Are A Reward From Spending Time Progressing Said Boss And Should Remain As A Reward Rather Than Something That You Should Be Given.

Raider: Hey You Spent 600 Pulls On Mythic Jaina Congrats Here’s A 415 Ring.
WQ Player: I Saved Some Turtles In 1 Minute Here’s A 425 Socket Ring.

Just Scale Gear From The Content It’s Earned From Imo, Swerve TF System It’s Legit Trash. And People Who Disagree Can Keep Wanting Their 425 Items From LFR/WQs So They’re Able To Keep Doing LFR/WQs In 425 Ilvl Gear.


I don’t have any bee what the hell, why would I - just because I want alternative paths of the progression , and not have everything locked behind raiding ?

A lot of you mythic raiders are self centered elitists which think how the entire world and the game should be centered around you only, and are stuck within your narrow views of the things.

Can You Explain, Why As A WQ Player You Deserve 425 Loot? And The Purpose Of NEEDING 425 Loot? It Serves NO Purpose For The Content.

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Who is talking about the world quests here ?

This is a myth that is perpetuated by players who don’t raid at mythic level. Mythic raiders are just people. Some are nice, some aren’t.

I have met some incredibly lovely people who raid mythic. I have met some incredibly horrible people who do no content or raid at low level. Does that mean one equals nice players and the other equals horrible. No of course not.

During Legion I will never forget a lovely paladin outside of my order hall whispering me and advising me about my gear and some tips on what to go for next. They were a really nice MYTHIC raider with a far higher progression than I had.

I also remember running into a member of our realm first guild in a dungeon and having a quick convo with them. They were really kind and not remotely judgemental of anyone else in our group.

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When I check the EU forum I can get a good overview of the things, and how things look here I very much doubt how that is only a myth.

Okay So, Why Does Any Content Need A TF System? Mythic Raiders Should Get Mythic Ilvl Rewards. The Gear Should Be Scaled Around The Content Being Done. A Normal Raider Shouldn’t Get Mythic Equivalent Gear.

There Needs To Be Some Sort Of Effort For Reward System. Like Mythic Raiding Requires More Effort Than That Of A HC Raid. Therefore They Should Be Granted Access To More Powerful Gear Unique That Only They Are Able To Access.

This Is The Same In PvP. Why Should A 1200 Rated Player Be Able To Gain Access To The Same Gear As A 2500 Player.

It Genuinely Boggles My Mind People Defending The System And Actually Think They Deserve Max TF Items Just Bc They Play The Game Too.

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I explained how the current m+ system works now and what would become if it would be changed, don’t see the point of repeating myself on that.

Again you have no idea, we have all sorts of views from all sorts of players and the number of people posting on the forums is actually a tiny fraction of players.

Your prejudice just shows. Rather than judging a person purely on themselves you have preconceived notions.

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You have been asked by 3 different posters not to type like that i will flag every single post you make until you stop .