The Titanforge Problem - A Potential Fix

not only this but Blizzard also stated they speacificaly dont want people to chase BiS thats why they have made it impossible to obtain.

yet people for 3rd expansion in row try to achieve that - hillarius :slight_smile:


what you describe as flaws are in reality low self esteem and ego problems of tiny part of hardcore community .

normal people dont care what pixels others wear in computer game.

i suggest going more outside if what pixels other people get influences your life.

and i dont say it with sarcasm or malicius intent - im always worried about people who loose touch with real world.


Before the forging system and the m+ introduction to the game I would end up with the progression much sooner, would get my tier sets for the difficulty I was doing, weapons I could get due to dkp and some good trinkets ( they didn’t need to be BIS ) and I was done with the tier, that was end of the gearing progression for me. With the current system I can always get some upgrade, and I like it more that way.

That’s the goal for me sorry, if I’m at the 390 il for example at some point than its my goal to get to 400 + and something. When I achieve that I know that my char is than geared to the point I want it to be. And siming was always a thing in MMOS, I remember how I used to sim the things in the MOP expansion to where I wanted to know how much of some single stat will contribute the best to my performance. The people will not swap now azerite pieces once they get the ones they want since they are BIS, and if I get some good item with the stats I want and with decent enough il that one will probably last enough for me to.

you are describing behavious that blizzard tries to eradicate from game since few expansions ago.

clearly you are playing wrong game.

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How would you be finished, when some slots where clearly lacking, while you are currently chasing negligible chances of improvement?
If my guild/raid community would not keep me happy with raiding and M+ I would have no reason to log in, because the chances of getting better gear are far worse than I had them in MoP or Cataclysm (the only addons I was somewhat active in endgame).
I might get new items, but I will destroy them in 95% of the cases. And more often than not, I don’t see if they are better (and I don’t know previously) because the mix of Ilvl and stat distribution in combination with random sockets and some minor tertiary stats, makes it close to impossible to choose better items without simulating your performance.

I would like to try, to set a similar goal, but there where now multiple instances that would teach me, this way is not viable.
I have now 2 425 rings I don’t use for my shadow equipment (I use one for holy I close to never play and I use one for disc, what is nice but only a small improvement since it is not the combination I am aiming for, but raw numbers are likely to outperform in this case). I was wondering if I should set my goal to 410+ in every slot with a good distribution, but as with those rings, I have some slots I fall back to the lower items, because of secondaries or sockets.
A goal I actively avoid in several cases is more likely to discourage me from playing than to encourage me. So there is only the process of gear improvement, that is sadly not exciting me as much as many others in this thread. I am glad you enjoy it, but I am happy that Blizzard is thinking about an alternative (and I hope there are some achievable milestones while keeping the longterm progression in a valid state).

And I think it was worth a try for Blizzard, but I think they took the wrong game. I was interested in the speech a previous Blizzard developer made a few years ago, when he described gearing in WoW and Diablo. I think this kind of gear progression might be great in Diablo, however I think it does not fit into WoW in the exact same way.

I am happy to walk away of WoW if it is no fun for me. But I am currently enjoying WoW as a whole, but I much more liked the way of gear progression we had in Cataclysm. I am just voicing my opinion here, because I think Blizzard was wrong in this instance. And just because Blizzard takes a line, does not mean it is set in stone (as the creator summit showed, Blizzard seems to be on the way that WF/TF will not stay like it currently is and maybe this will be a step towards the ones preferring the previous way, with the possibility to set goals - I hope so).

I think just removing warforging and titanforging is far from a viable option and that’s the reason why I like discussing this topic.
In previous topics I suggested similar approaches like OP, but I think how Taliesin voiced it Blizzard wants to remove RnG upgrades all together.
I don’t know how this might turn out, as I would prefer some middle ground between current and previous systems and I am not the most imaginative about a completely new system.
I would be interested in some suggestions to think about.

I don’t agree with you on this.
People can play the way they want.

Do I personally think their way of playing the game is inherently self-destructive? Yes.

Do I personally think that those kinds of players are blaming a system because it’s not enabling their self-destructive, negative mindset/playstyle? Yes.

Of course the constant whining about not being happy because of it, and blaming a system instead of looking at themselves, gets tiresome after a while. But they do have the right to play like that if they want.

However, I will not stand by and watch as they try to alter the game and ruin things for other players just to enable their problematic playstyle. I’m willing to meet them somewhere in the middle, sure, but I’ll be damned if I let them take away something that a great many people are fine with or flat out enjoy, just because this group of players thinks they are somehow entitled to be enabled.

This is worse than reforming tbh.

Don’t see the point of me describing anything to you anymore when you are so stuck in your mindset, once again - I would get my tier pieces easily and the weapon due to DKP from the difficulty of the raid I was doing and that’s was that, while for the trinkets we had more good enough options to choose from and I didn’t need to have a BIS to play optimally in the content I was doing. At that point there was no chance for me to improve that character more without stepping into the highest difficulty of the raiding content. Now due to the m+ I can get the upgrades above that level of raiding I’m doing which can improve my gameplay.

This is now nothing more than over-exaggeration on your part

What you described here is nothing new and unusual for WoW, even in the past before the forging did come to the game different specs in the game required different stats. And again I think how in some cases the stat itemization in the game could cause the issues which you described here, but that’s not an titanforging issue.

Thank you for saying that i did the same earlier to him ,im sorry i was rude earlier no excuse so i hope you accept my apology.
The guy useing caps for every word makes me want to pull my eyeballs out.

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If that’s what you have to tell yourself to belittle others, then go ahead.

All I see is snide malicious venom from you, commenting on something you don’t understand and lack empathy to ever see how any one else might feel about how something works.

Maybe Candy Crush is more your cup of tea.


She is right tho.

Not even close.

It’s pathetic to stoop to that level to have to try and make a point. It’s as bad as those who say that all those who want TF/WF are just so pathetic in real life that they require everything handed to them on a platter.

Neither has it any place in a discussion on how a system works, a system that even Blizzard has now acknowledged is not working well but they don’t know how to fix.


The people which push the content in the m+ don’t ask for anything to be handed to them, and they have the right to expect additional paths in the game apart from the raiding in which they could progress their characters.

Claiming people have low self esteem. That is just someone being rude ignorant and insulting.


And why the hell should only mythic raiding be the only source of the best gear in the game, I think how the game progressed from that point.

Mythic plus rewards reasonable gear. What is wrong with that.

Mythic + is the path of the progression on its own, and shouldn’t be limited because of the mythic raiding.

400 items plus the weekly should be more than enough if not raiding tbh.

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Yeah its fine now and I don’t want to see it nerfed, because of the mythic raiders.

400 is not WF or TF. So I really don’t get your point.