It is an odd way of typing but the points are no less valid because of the strange capitalisation.
i know just really hurts my eyes to read and i agree with some of there views but he/she has been asked not to 4 times no and i supose they are doing it just to annoy .
My Typing Titanforged. Deal With It I Guess, A Small Amount Of People Might Not Like It But Others Don’t Mind. Just Like The Topic Of This Thread
I Legit Have Typed Like This For 6 Years, Not Like I Can Just Stop It Now Hehe
What part dont you understand that i agree with you ,still find you annoying and obnoxious.
I laughed out loud
The WF/TF system is and has always been garbage ever since its original introduction in MoP(!).
As Puny mentioned, why should we be forced* to sim an item to see if its an actual upgrade? It takes away the fun and even wastes time.
What is the point in pushing for a higher Mythic+ key than 10 with WF/TF? Where’s the incentive? The goal? The reward? Half the loot tables are pointless at this point. I didn’t see threads like these popping up every other day during Wrath, during Cata or heck, even during MoP up until ToT and EVEN THEN.
Meanwhile I see mud being flung at both sides, I ask the “casual” crowd why do you need 425ilvl for WQs? World scaling stops at 350-370ilvl bracket iirc.
Also as one who did bloody Mythic content as a casual stop using it as an excuse for not even trying to improve the slightest, everyone can do normal/HC/Mythic if they just sit down and spend 5 mins reading a class guide smh.
There’s no clear goal in gunning for gear anymore, unless it TF caps then what is the point? We already repeat the process by running the same content over and over.
*For optimization’s sake, we are forced to sim to see if the loss of 20 versa is worth gaining 5 mastery as an overly exagurated example.
The problem lies within you. Two words: Greed and Jealousy.
Mythic players don’t have time to whine on forums, they just play, progress raids. Or as recently, higher keys. No good players are jealous because some Joe got lucky from LFR 425 item. Because they know, gear without skill is meaningless.
I Finished BoD In World 24 Guild, I’ve Done 17-21 Keys. I Agree, Skill Is Required Over Gear But That Isn’t The Point I’m Trying To Portray.
There Is No Fathomable Reason Why People Should Be Rewarded A Much Higher Item Simply Because They Play The Game. As I’ve Said Numerous Times, Gear In My Opinion Should Be Scaled Around The Content A Person Plays. If They Do WQs They Get WQ Quality Gear, HC Raiders Get HC Gear.
I Think They Do Need An Aspect Of WF To Remain Simply To Allow People To Farm For That Procced Item And Keep Farming Over And Over. But Trivialising Content And Rewarding Gear That Much Greater Than The Content They’re Playing Is Crazy To Me.
So that your inferiority complex doesn’t kick in? They should have garbage gear so you can feel better?
Lmao, Surely You’re A Little Smarter Than You’re Acting Now. They Should Be Rewarded With The Gear Quality Of The Content They’re Doing. Like A State Of Progression In Gearing. Instead Of Being Given Rewards, Earn Them.
As someone who only raids HC with his casual guild getting overgeared by everyone’s alts is something you have to deal with.
As someone who isn’t the luckiest one it’s even pretty normal when guild mates that do the same amount of raiding and M+ dungeons have 10-15ilvl more than you after a few weeks.
It’s annyoing, but not as bad as doing any kind of content 2-3 weeks after a new ilvl increase and getting frustrated that nothing that not titanforges is an upgrade anymore.
It feels like a mobile game where you progress pretty fast in the beginning and than you have to pray to the rng gods to get an improvement once in a while.
I don’t need mythic equip to do 10-13 keys and raid hc raids, and I think a lot of people would improve their gameplay if this wasn’t the norm nowadays.
It was good in MoP because 6ilvl weren’t such a huge difference, just a nice little upgrade and a bit motivation to rekill bosses.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
Now you know at least one.
Also; hyperbole.
More hyperbole. ‘Some’ of you. Not most.
Ok, and that’s fine. But why then must you set the bar so ridiculously, unrealistically high as to want/expect BiS gear?
Look at it from my point of view:
I don’t want to be done too quickly. The sort of content I do makes it so that if there’s no TF (or a neutered version of it), that I WILL be done quick. And get bored. And quit.
You really should think before you write, thank god people at blizz actually does thinking.
Now imagine a situation that some joe plays only like WQ. He eventually gets his 375/385 gear from WQ then what? No more content for them? No more chance to get something better?
That would be stupid beyond imagination. Also you would need ilvl cap removed because M+ scales infinitely so each 2-3 levels of a key should reward even higher ilvl gear. Thats the point of having multiple drops from keys beyond 15 so you can have a chance.
As You Can See I Mentioned That Something Should Be Still There, In Order For People Who Play Content To Keep Farming It. There Needs To Be Some Boundaries, Whilst Allow People To Play The Content They Enjoy Repetitively.
But Eventually Doing The Same Thing Over And Over, Yes You Should Hit A Barrier. That’s How Progression Works. If Someone Enjoys WQs They Will Keep Doing It, Not Based On The Loot Reward More On The Basis Of Its The Content They Enjoy.
Yes remove the mythic raiding from the game ( why should any content be created for only the small minority of the players in the game and the development resources spent on it ? ), let the heroic be new barrier. Don’t allow the people to do the same content with some things scaled up in difficulty and a new mechanic here and there.
This Comment Genuinely Confused Me. This Would Change Nothing. Instead Of Working Towards Mythic, It’s HC. This Doesn’t Change Anything About The TF System. Instead Of Mythic Raiding Being The End Game PvE Content, HC Would.
Because of that reason I said before how there should be multiple ways to progress character in the PvE content in the game, and how the m+ shouldn’t be any less worthy path than the raiding.
M+ Is A Great Way To Progress A Character To A Certain Point. I Think The Higher The M+ Key The Higher Ilvl Reward Should Be, Again Scaling The Gear Around The Content Being Played.
M+, Raiding And PvP Collectively Should Have The Maximum Ilvl Cap. And To Reach That Cap You Play At The Highest Level, Rewarding Those Who Put The Time And Effort To Get There. For Example You Time A 20 Key You Get 415 From The Chest. You Kill Mythic Jaina, You Loot 415 Item. You’re 2.4 In PvP You Get 415. You See My Point?
But No Point Should A Mythic 5 Key Give The Same Reward As A Mythic 20 And That Goes Across The Board For Raiding And PvP.
Yes for me would be acceptable if the same content in the difficulty would reward the gear around the same level. And I agree about your comment about the gear scaling in the m+ content to.
the difference is that those “who want WF/TF” are blizzard themselves
and those who whine about this have been told countless times that the kind of gearing system they want is not what blizzard devs want.
the only one jealous and having problem with self worth are those who care what other people get.
do you also get pissed irl that you work hard and live on certain level while there are milions who work 90% less yet make thousands/milions more $ a week ?
mechanism is the same
you should focus only on yourself not on others.