Not everyone has the same sentiment, it is just a tool, but some people really like that tool.
Sometimes it doesn’t get obsolete, look at Legion and Nighthold trinkets, warriors wanted that convergence of fate, they wanted it in Antorus even.
Killing the boss is the most satisfying part for me too, but it’s not for everybody.
Wouldn’t you agree that those 300 wipes should be rewarded somehow?
Perhaps by dropping the best loot in the game maybe?
General opinion says you’re wrong.
Not only class balance is bad, like you said, but classes themselves are not in a good state as well.
The azerite system is mostly disliked, the warfronts haven’t been accepted that well, the island expeditions are nothing special.
Not to mention that people are really tired of grinding for a system that’s gonna be way easier later and go away in the next expansion.
Only good thing that still remains in the game are raids, and dungeons if you’re into m+, but if you’re not raiding then the game doesn’t really have that much to offer you at the moment.
Yes, I’ve noticed that your guild is 5/9, which I wouldn’t say is anything special.
Did you ask every person in your guild on their opinion on titanforging?
Because if not then you’re doing exactly what you accused me of - speaking for somebody else.
From my experience what I said is still true, most mythic raiders dislike titanforging.
I can’t see your logs because I don’t know your old main’s name, I see your warlock but it doesn’t have logs for HFC.
I personally really don’t care for m+ or m+ scores on RIO but your score is very nice.