I am explaining, why I don’t like titanforging, you are attacking me… I have no clue about it? I have experienced enough of this bad system in Legion… so no reason to experience the same nonsense again
I played a lot during Legion, I was NOT able to optimize my character, I was NOT able to get the best gear availaible for the content I did… so I don’t want to do try that nonsense again
You have no clue about the difference between the current and previous system coz you are not even playing your character, that’s the reality here. I and many players like the current system more. The Blizzard shouldn’t be changing how the game works for majority of the players, and the system which is working for the players in the game just to cater to the small minority of the whiny individuals like you which can’t adapt to the changes.
there are no changes, besides the probability of how many pieces forge… there are no relevant changes…
azerite gear can not forge? these are only 3 pieces… this does not have a huge enough impact
weapons can not forge high? makes 4 pieces out of 15? (I am not sure, correct me about that)
not enough of a huge impact…
there is NO reason for me to experience the same nonsense again
also I can link you a holy priest spread sheet, which tells me, which traits I have to chase to optimize my characters…
so there is no choice here
I and many players don’t like the current system, so this goes both ways
you can’t make both sides happy…
if you make one side happy, the other will be unhappy and complain…
there is no way for either of us to know, which side is the minority and which side is the majority
Like you had the choice with the tier sets, you didn’t, you had one type of the abilities each tier for your spec and that was it. Anyway if Blizzard makes the changes to the game, which minority of the hardcore players now demand, than I’m certain how the forums will soon get the threads here how there is nothing to do in the game anymore for a lot of the players because they cleared the content on the difficulties they are doing and there are no upgrades in the game anymore for them in the content they do, which will lead to them unsubbing. And since this game is played by more casual players than the hardcore, the mythic raiders are just a minority, you get the picture what will happen….
you still don’t have a choice with the azerite gear… there are BIS traits, and you have to have them, to clear content…
for example, if I wanted to push M+ keys, I need specific traits to do so, if I don’t have said traits, I can’t do enough healing… there is no choice now either
but in case of Tier sets, I didn’t have to rely on simulations and spreadsheets to get, what I need or what I don’t need, if the set bonus was bad
Its not hard to get the azerite pieces which are BIS atm, because the pieces can’t proc and its already known from day one the new content gets released which traits are BIS for certain specs and where those pieces can be obtained from. And those which are BIS work in the any content……
did you know, that the holy priest is the last healing spec you want to have in M+?
do you know the reason why?
a hint: it is the same reason it was in Legion…
Holy priest brings little to no utility… also ST healing isn’t as strong as for druid for example…
if I wanted to push higher keys, I need specific traits to enhance my ST healing, because these spells are not strong enough… I don’t need the AOE traits in M+, because they are pretty much dead traits there
also didn’t I already tell you, that I HATE M+… I HATE time events in all Games
For you maybe. I’m noticing a HUGE difference. I definitely liked TF a lot more in Legion. And with it nerfed already I just don’t want biased people to try and take this system away from all the people who DO enjoy and benefit from it.
And yeah, I’d even agree with more nerfs (proc limit and socket removal), because I do understand some people have issues with it. But you simply can’t take this system away without providing a GOOD alternative (and the things OP mentioned are NOT a GOOD alternative).
Guess what for the holy priest the main BIS traits can be obtained from the raid gear, like treacherous covenant and bonded souls, and they aren’t related to the aoe healing, one flat out increases your primary stat and the other offers to you a passive self healing + it offers the haste when it does proc to you and your nearest ally which is great to have in the m+.
About the balance in the high mythic dungeons between the healers I know and I agree with that with you, but for most part you should be able to still push at least the dungeons as a holy up to 12-13, maybe even 15, like other priests do currently.
I am talking about pushing really high M+ here… but like I said, I don’t like M+
and yes the treacherous covenant is one of the best traits, I got it once… but these two aren’t the only traits I need
Alright. But then we get to the second issue; what should this cap be.
The people who dislike TF want it was low as humanly possible, but that removes the function it has for a lot of the more casual players; prolonging their gearing playtime.
I’ve proposed a +20 limit. This will make a nice enough difference to ‘keep trying’, but not so big as to ruin progression completely (for instance, it wouldn’t be able to proc as high as the last boss of the next tier; so there’s upgrades to be had in every difficulty that you can’t get below).
Also keep in mind that this +20 will be the new max proc. So it would be RARE.
Mostly people would see +10 TF procs (with +5 ofc being WF) and sometimes +15.
To heal in the m+ content ( even higher one ) you don’t need any other BIS traits. And the others you might need are on the same pieces of gear as the BIS ones.
I earn lower level gear from the easier content, then I use the power gains from that gear to do the harder content and upgrade my current stuff. That’s not invalidation, that’s progress. What’s invalidating is having a path of progression laid in front of me only to have to easy stuff drop better.
And in case you respond by bringing up catch-up again, I’m not sure how that’s relevant. I say “titanforging causes A”, and you respond “catch-up also causes A”. For all you know I might dislike the current catch-up system.
But the address the point itself, a soft reset in gear progression every ~6 months isn’t comparable to some derpforged item popping up mid patch, diminishing the potential for reward until the next content patch.
If I remember correctly without looking it up again, Blizz’s problem is keeping players like you interested. If there is no TF/WF they say players reach their potential in five weeks.
Yet at the same time they must realise that it’s unrewarding at higher level (raiding, m plus etc). M plus rewards 400 ilvl baseline when you start doing 10+. That would be simple to fix. Reward higher ilvl for completing higher keys. Something like mythic level gear for the top end M plus players doing 20+ keys. Then some other level for doing 15s. Break it up that way.
I am not sure how they fix the casual player issue.
By not changing the system at all. You mythic players do have enough of the perks in the game as it is already, you have special difficulty in the game of the raiding just for your small minority of the players, the idea about the m+ started to from the high end players, you have much easier time to form a groups for it to since you have reliable roster on the disposal. You have specially designed sets in the raiding created just for you ( the heroic raiders are screwed here coz they don’t get that ), you have mounts from the last bosses made just for your difficulty, you still gear faster than anyone else in the game and have higher gear than anyone else. But I don’t agree with you, how the entire game and the way how everyone plays here should be changed just to cater to the ones like you again.
We don’t have specially designed anything for us. There is a reason they had to introduce the TR vendor. The days of us having any special things are long gone. They stopped making tier.