I have never met someone with such hatred and disdain for people doing a proportion of the content that you have no interest in.
PvP has had it’s own looks and sets some are exclusive that require ratings and if you don’t acquire those ratings in the right time frame, never once have I felt entitled to those. If it’s not something I do then I don’t feel I should get it.
Alternatively anyone can go and collect any look of any set from raiding because they never expire. They may have to wait until it’s older content but anyone can go get it.
I don’t have any hatred for the mythic raiders at all, in the game I even have some friends which are the mythic raiders, so you are wrong about that. What I stated above are facts how the current game works and what I wouldn’t like to see to happen from the Blizzard part. Before changing anything in the game Blizzard should think how every single change affects everyone in the game and not just a certain types of the players which post here on the forum.
There IS no casual player issue. They are largely fine with how it is. Just want the actual content to be fun again (which is a BfA issue).
I won’t pretend to care anything about M+. I think it’s a horrible system.
So I won’t go into solutions for that.
All I know is they just can’t adjust a system in favor of a minority of the playerbase when that happens at the cost of the majority’s fun. It just wouldn’t make any business sense.
the amount of toxic sh…t and absolute abhorent levels of abuse that came from exacly the crowd you defend towards casuals and people who do stuff like lfr over past 15 years is imposible to count.
you rip what you sow.
the irony when content they hated so much is wining over players in game - and all those because blizzard realised that 95% of players is much much more important to them then 5% who are very vocal on forums.
i personaly find it beyond hillarius how karma in wow works
As a casual player, there’s not much rewarding about doing a world quest and hey a ring just titanforged to mythic raid quality with a socket
I’d also be fine keeping myself occupied in gearing if I wasn’t the center of a loot bukkakke where I just keep getting gear that’s powerfull enough to come from content I probably won’t do because of general disinterest.
I mean, let’s say you get a titanforged ring from a WQ where, if I wanted an upgrade, I’d have to run a +10 key and the ring would have to come from the m+ box because otherwise it just won’t reach the titanforged WQ ring, as someone who hasn’t done higher then +6 keys in BFA (the gearing system itself is keeping me from doing them at all tbh, if I do one in a month it’s a lot), I’m not going to be bothered upgrading that ring, which means that there’s one less incentive (ring slot with no real way of upgrading it) for me to go out and do stuff
The current system simply takes those 5 weeks and extends it without really adding anything to fill up the extension with, it’s only purpose is to soullessly extend played time, intended or not
I see flaws with this reasoning, because I don’t know anyone who got highly geared by doing just the world quests in the game. For the players to get actually geared now they need to do some higher difficulty content. And you are not aiming to gear up for just one slot anyway. Besides the baseline items which drop now in m+ and the raiding are higher with the higher difficulties and the chance of the titanforging for a decent level of gear is higher in the raids and m+ than in some trivial world content, that’s coming from my experience and I have been playing this expansion since launch without the breaks.
you don’t seem to understand my goal… I consider my character finished, when I got the best gear availaible for the content I do…
which means, if all my pieces are the highest they can be in heroic, I consider my character finished for now… of course this will be replaced later, but I can have the same goal again… with TF I can’t
The example I gave was a personal one so its mostly on how I feel about it and esp. how I experience it so yeh it isnt bulletproof, probably should have disclaimered that
What I’m trying to say is, if I got that ring after killing a boss my group had struggled to overcome, I’d experience more emotion then just the ‘meh’ I feel now from the titanforge example, considering I wont upgrade that ring, that’s one less slot to be excited about and therefor is a net loss and because upgrades are just arbitrarily more powerful pieces of flat stat gear which is dull the acquisition shouldnt be in order to make up for it and well, to me Titanforging is just dull and not rewarding at all
Not everyone, but there is not a small number of the players like that coming from the lines of the mythic raiders which are just like that, especially they are very noticeable here on the forum.
what was that about vocal minorities? most players do not care enough to be on the forums
like I said, not all of them are like that, and I also doubt, that there are that many toxic players like that, while you also have to consider, that the players complaining, are the ones, who were happy previously… now you are happy, while the others are unhappy, so they are vocal about that
You can still get that feeling in the game, nothing prevents you to pick the content you want to do, if you want to challenge yourself go for it, there is a lot of the content to do like that in the game.
I don’t consider the items which upgrade my character in the power as a loss, I’m actually happy when I get them.
The gear in the game was usually always about the stat increases, only small number of it had some special effects associated to it.
So then it is not false. If you say that people on the forums mostly whine about the game, that means the general opinion here is that the game is in a bad state.
Go on Youtube videos then, go on Twitch streams, the sentiment will still be the same from the majority.
I can because those complaints were based on the big big drawbacks on the system itself.
How every tier you had to regrind the SAME traits that you had previously.
Azerite armor wasn’t meant to just replace tier sets like you claim, it was also supposed to replace legendaries, talents, it was supposed to basically complete classes.
It failed to do all of those and therefore the system was considered a failure by Blizz themselves and the playerbase.
Dumb idea? Pretty much every mythic player already has like 5 sets for raiding alone, how is another set for pvp players dumb?
It makes sense that pvp has its own gear because its a completely different aspect of the game.
Everyone is still asking for pvp vendors because they want real pvp gear back.
So hoping for a 1% chance to get an item that titanforges is what’s keeping people playing the game?
Do they find that fun?
They are happy for 20 seconds after getting a tf item and then it’s just back to grinding world quests and hoping for another piece.
If you really want to have fun you’re gonna join a guild, make friends and play with those people, it’s why older expansions are remembered so fondly.
We still had like 9 months of Antorus, sure it’s not 14 months but it’s still a content drought.
Pretty sure that people actually had more fun at the end of MoP though, seeing as how classes were actually good back then.
So you don’t need gear then.
You said it yourself, you only do casual open-world activities and just like being given some shiny loot once in a while.
Guess what though, that hurts the other people in the game who are not casuals like you.
Them trying to satisfy everybody is what makes the game worse.
Cata heroics weren’t even that hard it was just people refusing to get better for some reason.
What? Mental problems? Guess you can’t connect to anything over the internet then, what about roleplayers? Do they all have mental problems too?
No people in Legion complained because of too much content, because they were forced to grind everything because of tf or else they might fall behind.
How do you know that I will unsub? What if I like playing the game because I simply like raiding and playing the game with my friend?
People actually like being done with their characters, maximising their character and then competing with others who have the same.
It was always about the grind, but not an infinite grind that the ap and tf systems are.
You could actually be finished with your character once and nobody complained.
The problem for me is I hardly want to do any current content and systems like titanforging but also randomized sockets, weekly rewards, catchup, warfronts and weekly quests being able to get you gear that is the ilvl equivalent of the current heroic raid are the main reason for that in my case (titanforging is lowest on the list for me but its on the list)
Personally, I’d be happy if we all said warforge is always +5 and titanforge is always +10, the Valor upgrade system being tied into that would be nice but I’d be completely statisfied with just the +10 cap
I dont even think its too unreasonable, there would still be a chance of a power increase and it wont make normal raid gear surpass the base ilvl of heroic raid gear
Dont get me wrong I’ll take the Gear, but I’ve been happier in all previous expacs about upgrades. The sense of accomplishment is missing, the high of a challenge being completed, stuff like that.
On a side note because this is one of the things that bother me in the current game, what about Azerite Gear uprades that are statistically better in every way but require you to sacrifice a fun or interesting trait that you like for any given reason?
I know, thats what I was getting at, I never tried to say that that was different in the past, I was getting at the acquisition of gear and how that had changed
I just don’t get why others have to resent different parts of the game. I do what parts appeal to me or what I feel I have to do to stay competitive in the content I do.
No you can definitely finish a character, you get your bis, you’re done.
Sure after a new tier or expansion launches that changes but for at least a couple of months, you’re done.
The true irony is that the exact things that they put in the game to appease the casual players is what’s given them the problems they face today.
They can’t take away anything because people are gonna whine, they can’t change anything too much because people will whine, they can’t make the game harder because people will whine.
I mean look at the Mage Tower in Legion, people were so salty that the rewards are gonna go away eventually, they were so salty because every attempt cost 100 nethershards, they were so salty because they actually had to learn the game a little to even have a shot of completing the challenge.
Even at the end with 950-960 gear that made the challenge a joke people complained, all casual players that wanted Blizzard to just hand them out their appearances.
They put themselves in this situation by appeasing people like that and it finally caught up to them.
I really hope we get a challenge like that again… I completed it on all 3 priest specs in legion… I wasn’t able to do it on my Warlock, even though I really wanted that red scythe… but well, I just wasn’t fast enough… so nothing I can do about it, I just say, next time I will level up my alts faster
The problem is that you are actually doing that stuff here which you are accusing the others to do, you are here in this thread basically saying almost how you can’t play the game because there are some systems in it which are made to appease the casual players ( which is a bullcrap ).
I don’t want for my character to get finished, for me in MMORPG its fun to always have something to do, and look forward to, some upgrade for my character, and that upgrade doesn’t at all need to come from some determined in PvE singular way of progression.
I’m not doing anything. I’m not even saying what you claim. But you are so narrowminded that you can’t ever take on board anyone else’s point of view.
Although I don’t agree with Tahra, I can at least see why they want to keep the system as it is. I can see that they want to constantly get random upgrades from doing the daily, mostly open world content in the game or the non pug content (mythic dungeons, mythic plus, rated pvp, nm/hc/mythic raiding etc).
My reasons (again) are…
And I have to sim every drop. Nothing is straight forward any more. All excitement of getting loot is now essentially gone.
So whilst the casual player can be excited by every little thing they get, the other end of the scale is disappointment.