Even When High End Raiders Provide Suggestions To Help The Game (As We See It From Our Perspective) But Get Called Elitists Without People Being Unable To See Our Point.
TF System Is Bad Full Stop. If People Think They Remotely Deserve A Max Ilvl Piece Of Gear From A WQ Then Idk What To Say To Them People. Ofc By All Means Let The Gear Have A Chance To WF // Socket To A Certain Extent, But Not Let It Be Relevant Beyond That.
TF Serves NO Purpose Imo, Just Scale The Loot Around The Content Being Played. Mythic Raiding // High M+ // Gladiator PvP = Highest Ilvl (With Possibility Of +5 WF And Socket) And Scale It From That So All Content Provides Equal Opportunity For Gear.
Rewards Should Be Earned And Worked Towards, Not Given Out Just Out Of Luck.
Blizzard obviously saw the reason because of which it implemented current gearing system. Its funny when you call other people narrow minded but you are that yourself, you are stuck with your own vision of the game and what you like not even considering how there might be the people which see the things in a different way than you do. I’m also tired of your elitistic obsession with the BIS gear like the gear is for you the only reason to play the game for. And btw the players still get excited about the upgrades they get currently in the game. The siming of the gear was done in the game even before the forging got implemented, and the systems like RIO existed to - remember the Gearscore, yeah that one did also come to the game before the forging.
Just because you’re done with your character’s gear doesn’t mean that now you can’t play it anymore.
You can look forward to working on maximizing your dps and see how much you can push your character
Tell me, would you still like to chase gear 5-6 months into a raid tier? That seems incredibly boring.
People are different, most people I’ve raided with would rather get their bis and be done with gearing for now than spend 3 years doing the same boring content hoping for a titanforged proc.
You might be. But many others won’t be.
So what makes it okay for you to be pandered to, but not those players?
That’s one of the problems. Because it IS unreasonable.
The TF system has to remain ‘working’ and with +10 it loses one of its effects to the point where those 5 weeks mentioned aren’t really prolonged and many players WILL be done sooner rather than later. And that will cost them subs. Many, many subs.
Now, TF is just a means ofc. We need the game itself to be fun and engaging. Something that BfA has been lacking.
I made several suggestions earlier with fair and balanced changes imo. No one reacts to those. I don’t know why.
the simming did exist, yes, but you didn’t have to sim every single piece… because if you knew your stat priority, you knew, what was the upgrade… sometimes, it wasn’t even necessary to sim the gear, you did it once at the beginning of a raid tier and you knew your BIS gear, which you could work for…
now you have to sim every single piece, to see, what gear you need next… every single time you get something, because one piece procced too low or too high messes up your stats
you should have seen my bank during Legion… I had several pieces more than once on different item levels, just to balance out my stats, after a piece procced wrong…
The thing for me is that without the current gearing system in the game, I would get my character maxed sooner, and without the additional ways of progression like its the atm the m+ content which offers the ways to progress your character above the heroic level after I would clear the raiding content I wouldn’t have anything to do in regards to my character progression until the new content would come out. The only people which would have in that system the longer progression are mythic raiders and none else. I’m not altoholic either, I just like to play one character in the game and to focus on it. And not everyone plays in the game the dps specs, and this game is old now and people play their classes for some time and a lot of them know already how to optimize their dps.
well, this is easily solvable by having higher m+ keys reward higher loot, so m+ isn’t capped at 400 instead it is capped by mythic raid gear for example, if +10 rewards you with 400, +15 should reward you with 415
and to balance that out, M+ needs a lockout system, like raiding…
and my Idea for this would be, connect the lockout with raiding, so for example, we currently have 11 raid bosses as current content, so the lockout would be 11 M+15 per week (Blizzard said, that they see 1 M+ as 1 Boss encounter, so it would be fair to say, you can do 1 M+15 per current Raidboss per week)
M+ was born as an alternative to raiding, but at the moment it is a way more efficient way to gear up than raiding, because raiding has a lockout, while M+ doesn’t
I have a feeling that you would sim your gear one way or another even if we would have some other gearing system implemented in the game. And honestly I very much doubt that majority of the players do sim every single piece now ( the stat priority is known for most classes and specs atm ), especially those which didn’t even touched mythic content like yourself ( be it the raiding or the m+ ). That would be something the people which go for the world first do, and I doubt that you are the one of those players.
well, as a healer I don’t exactly sim… simcraft doesn’t work for healers, but I go through multiple spredsheets, to compare the azerite gear… I have to do this with every single azerite piece I get…
then I have to keep every other piece I get 400 item level and above, to balance out stats… then I need to calculate, which piece balances out the stats for a wrong procced piece I got…
like I said, my bank was full of gear in legion, for every single slot, just to balance out my stats again…
(for example I got a nice little upgrade +10 item levels… but it misses haste… so I am below the perfect haste stat for me… now I go to the guild bank, look for every piece with haste, look how much other stats these pieces have and I have to look that I don’t lose to much int… )
in MoP this was simple, I looked up the balanced stats from multiple guides and theory crafters, then I decided for some custom stats, I find comfortable (especially haste to low haste feels bad, to much haste feels bad too) and I would calculate the best gear I can get… after that I would just work for it and I wouldn’t need to keep multiple pieces of the same gear
Yes! Yes! I’ve always wanted this kind of progression!
Replace main gearing progression with player effort progression. Reduce RNG progression to a supplementary role.
As you raid or do content, you should be able to build up currency to buy the items that you need. Vendor gear should be upgradable and this upgrade system should use the same currecny as buying the gear.
“Warforging” and “Titanforging” should only come from non-vendor/token gear and should boost progression by giving you 1 or 2 levels of upgrade without having to pay using the currency.
Raid, Dungeon and PvP drops should all be cheaper to upgrade than vendor gear and different “levels” of vendor gear should only be able to be unlocked once certain criteria are met - Certain Raid or Dungeon difficulties. Certain PvP ranking. That sort of thing.
exactly, you don’t deserve it, you got it out of sheer luck.
And eople will be chasing that elusive carrot so long as it exists.
I agree with OP. Do away with Titanforging, make warforging (+10-15 ilvls) the maximum it can ever get. you get this real feel bad moment when you kill the end boss on a raid and you get a normal version of a trinket, then little Timmy goes into LFR, goes AFK on the same boss, they kill it, he loots the same trinket and it titanforges past the one you got on your heroic kill, can anyone say that’s really fair? you seem to think so. as a filthy casual, I strongly disagree. I should never get mythic loot from doing LFR, I should work for it, it gives me a sense of achievement, like my gear is worth something. the best feeling I have ever gotten while playing the game, was getting my full Tier 2 set in Vanilla, it was a sense of acomplishment, I worked for it, it wasn’t just handed to me.
I’m not narrowminded. I explained clearly why I find fault with the system and how it takes away any rewarding feeling of completing content when you are constantly just waiting on RNG to give you some fat titanforge. I also can understand why some who play more casually would like it. See that, I can understand other’s point of view. I don’t blindly hate another part of the player base for no good reason.
I play to enjoy the game. Part of that is to take part in raiding and mythic plus but that’s not exclusively why I play the game. However in the context of both Raiding and Mythic plus the loot system is horrible.
I have never had to sim every item of gear in this way to even see if it’s an upgrade. Simming is not new no. But you used to be able to work to a list of BiS gear and aim for it and fulfil it. Now it’s RNG fest on everything. Even trinkets are a nightmare. I have to sim every drop. Loot is not exciting. I can’t even tell others in raid team straight away if an item is something I can give away or not because I have to sim it.
This didn’t happen in the past because TF wasn’t there to skew all data.
New here and i don’t know how to quote, so i’ll just say i’m answerig to the last sugavac comment on simming.
Like i said in my previous comment on this thread there is almost no way that you’ll know an item is an upgrade right away by just seeing it right now, if you want to be sure you have to sim it because stat priority changes when you gain stats, dunno if you didn’t know that but they have a stat sim just for that. So yeah, if you care about gear and maximising your stats/dps (taking into account you know how to play your class etc…) you will have to sim, there’s no other way, i have to sim every piece of gear i get in three different combinations because of the set and the stat distribution of the items. I’m also gonna repeat that if you don’t care about gear you shouldn’t care about what happens to TF/WF just go play lottery that’s the same thing you just enjoy the random once in a while higher number that you’re gonne equip without even knowing how it’ll affect you. technically my char would be 412 ilvl but i’m 407 because those give me the stats i need and let me do my rotation how i like it, i’m not just gonna put every higher piece of gear i get on, that’s just dumb.
You mean mindless sheeps who parrot what their favorite streamer says for money?
Not really, I was just doing weekly islands. Didn’t care about defensive ones since i really rarely die by my fault. I have about 98.9% of survivability in raids over a course of 2 months (about 250 attempts).
Haven’t done WQ in really long time. Not farmin azerite at all.
Nope, azerite gear straight up replaced tier sets.
Legendaries were totally scrapped idea because of sh*tstorm on forums of 9001 magnitude.
You still have talents.
It didn’t fail anything. Actually azerite gear in 8.2 will should be the best idea blizzard had from MoP.
Pretty much you must be insane. People may have additional azerite gear in bags but having 32 items just to play pve and pvp was dumb.
It doesn’t make sense at all, not everyone is asking for pvp vendors, stop speaking for everyone it lowers your credibility to some super low levels.
Read previous posts from other players, apparently it does.
Stop pushing your idea of “fun” to others.
So damn fun to have nothing to do for half a year at least.
Doesn’t hurt them in the slightest.
Yeah too much of MoS if they were forced to run them 20 times a day… too much
My co-officer actually did that. Run MoS boosting random keys to grind AP for whole day.
No, people don’t like that because that means no motivation to do anything at all.
Im done, people like you are the problem of this game:
M8 i may agree to some of the things you say, but i think you should at least review your statement on pvp, it does work differently then all the other content and there’s no reason why there shouldn’t be a vendor, i mean i don’t know of they should have different gear but they already get gear, it’s just random instead of on a vendor which is retarded seeing as the excuse blizzard gave for no pvp vendor was herp derp people can’t find him(???). You can disagree and despise his way of thinking but try to stay as objective as you can, you can find good things even in garbage ( btw i’m not calling the other guy garbage, it’s just an example and i probably agree with him more than i do with Sharja
Edit: grammar again, i should stop posting at 1:30 am lol.
Your info about Blizz opinion on forging realy doesnt comes from “fan source only” its true. Blizzard knows about forging issues for pretty long time, thats also reason why they are changing max and min forge ilvl cap almost every patch and why they changed its proc rate, few times.
Because people endlessly complained about it. Blizzard didn’t remove it by a whim, there were several issues with separating pvp gear from pve. One of them was issues with balance. Second one was keeping full separate set of gear in your bags. And few other ones like being able to quickly gear up forcing pve players to do pvp (since it was more efficient).
I still remember doing ashran because it was the fastest way to gear up alt.
So no, I don’t think getting pvp vendor will solve the issues. I do agree that current situation is not good either but I dont have good solution to this ATM. I just think “getting pvp vendor” will not solve them.
I will explain again. Blizzard had a summit where they invited certain content creators. They flew them out to HQ for a weekend. Those invited people have then have been sharing the information via their various fan sites, youtube etc etc.