The Titanforge Problem - A Potential Fix

Posts as such are getting me snapped. You get get 7k TR in about 1 month. By that time when you could start gathering TR you would have at least 6 azerite pieces exactly the ones you want.

Not to mention there are some 415 from first 3 bosses on mythic (easily puggable)

It’s simple. Roll back to the time when titanforging was not a thing. The most stupid game mechanic ever

Titanforging was used to save 25 man raids back then… Now, it’s still ingame to keep casuals subscribed… It’s not here gameplay wise, just a financial descision, nothing more… It hurts the game for sure but nowadays Blizz prefer quick bucks over quality…

No it is not hurting the game in the slightest. It has literally zero impact on the game.

It does. Maybe not in the way you can imagine but it does…

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I used to enjoy raiding and pushing Mythic (Heroic back in MoP before it was renamed to make Flex less taboo). I spent a lot of legion fighting an uphill battle against others (others constantly receiving high TF items and with sockets). The most sockets I have ever had was 3. And I was spending a lot of time farming raids, M+ etc.

I got to BFA hoping it had changed, and within a short period of time saw the same pattern emerging. So took a break.
I am now casually playing heroic, mostly racking my brains as to what to do next. I want to enjoy the game, but for me TF, sockets, etc is all ruining the game, which is actually having an impact.
The best loot system by far if we are to strike a middle ground, was SoO in MoP. Warforge by +6 end of story. Impossible to go higher from WF , no TF. Set sockets on gear which allow me to play with my stats, and a Valor upgrade system to boost each item by a max of 20 ilvl.

Btw, before its pointed out, I used to play US servers too, and the majority of my prog is there.

Then why don’t you just play YOUR game and not look at what OTHERS are getting?

Then you didn’t look well enough… TF was horribly nerfed in several ways;
The proc rate was nerfed to a degree where it’s not dependable to be farmed, so you should just ignore it and IF it happens, it’s a bonus. Nothing more, nothing less.
Also the fact that 5 slots cannot TF is a huge nerf. 5 slots that are boring as heck once you get the max you can get.

That’s not a middleground. That’s trying to brute force your way onto everyone. Anything that removes TF without providing a GOOD alternative, is NOT a compromise or a middleground; it’s a one sided way of looking at things.

A true middleground is what I proposed:

Limit the proc to +20.
Remove sockets possibility from the proc.

Also; not TF itself, but related to the balance; things like Warfronts should not reward quite as high rewards as they have been.

Not that person, but obviously because if you play competetively, if everyone around you is getting way better loot then you you’re going to end up on the bench because everyone outperforms you due to gear so it puts a stress on you to keep gearing and if everyone arounds you just lucks out to the point where you’re left behind, this becomes an issue which your reply is no solution or answer too


You’re trying to tell someone that their individual experience wasn’t actually what they experienced


I do, but its tough to ignore watching someone who very clearly never does mythic or higher keys being sat in lfr or even as a pug you bring for numbers sake to a normal drop one of or the best item from the boss when everyone else goes empty handed or with baseline.

Firstly I didnt say I was struggling to find so looking has nothing to do with it. Just because it was nerfed as a % chance it is still perfectly possible for the system to repeatedly pay out if by sheer chance it lands on the “Pay Out” square. And my experience (notice im not talking about yours but mine) I see people drop this stuff regular. Just this week collectively in guild we have witnessed 4-5 people dropping 420-425 (with sockets) items in places like Normal Bod to +10 M+.

This is the problem with people these days. They are so used to being force fed everything for pretty much no effort. They cannot fathom that some people enjoy working for something, but perhaps not if it is being undermined left and right.

If I recall, you Tahara enjoy doing WQ’s and LFR and have no interest in anything else anywhere correct ?
WQ items are limited anyway in how high they can proc, so if they could proc say a max of +5 (to keep things round) and then you could even use valor to upgrade this for another +20 you are still getting +25.
the difference being is you need to do a few little tasks to get the currency to upgrade them.
And the currency doesnt need to be locked to instances.

But I do understand that for you this might be too much like hard work… doing WQ’s for Valor to upgrade gear, even though you already do WQ’s anyway to ride the TF train from gear rewards.

Youd have thought that since the start of Legion he would have tired a little right…

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Yeah I get that. That’s why I suggested another way of playing the game.
I see it so often; people having problems with certain aspects of the game or certain game systems BECAUSE they play ‘competitively’. Imo it’s that way of playing that’s causing the problems. :thinking:

He claimed that TF in BfA is the same as it was in Legion. Which simply isn’t the case. :man_shrugging:
He can still hate it of course, that’s up to him. But to claim nothing’s been changed is simply not true.

No personal attacks please.

It’s not a personal attack? It’s my assessment of your approach here. The post that defined you was where you expressed disbelief that people could enjoy challenging content.

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I don’t get that way of thinking. I couldn’t care less what someone else is getting. If I’m having fun and feel I get rewarded for what I do, then it’s all good.

Okay, but then you’re STILL paying too much attention to what others get imo.

There’s a big difference though between ‘working for something’ and ‘essentially having a 2nd job’. What that ‘work’ constitutes is different for many people. I don’t want free gear. I don’t mind doing work to earn a reward. BUT, and this is the important part, I want that work to be FUN for me because at the end of the day this is a GAME, which is meant to be played for FUN.

Not entirely. Let’s just say I don’t enjoy raiding besides LFR. I don’t do mythics. And I don’t do PvP. The rest of the content I do. So that’s more than only WQs and LFR.

Yeah, but that’s not what you said. In MoP you couldn’t upgrade an item in such a way.

Yeah, that would be fine.

No. It’s not too much work. Don’t act like I’m lazy.
I put a lot of time and effort into a game I enjoy. But the most important thing for me is FUN. I’m not doing content I hate just for the reward. Maybe, I’d do that once or twice if I REALLY want the reward, but I certainly wouldn’t do that on a regular basis.

But before TF there was no problem ? What is more, before TF if you only did LFR or daily quests (TF and WQ’s came at the same time so mentioning Dailies inplace of WQ’s) you could still do it just fine.
The game was not broken. Now we all understand that once you got the gear thats it there was no point to do the dailies, and hence I say chance of WF to +5 with a valor upgrade system that gives another +20 on top which gives a reason to still do dailies, per se.

But TF has caused me to change the way I play the game and as a result enjoy it less.

Just to point out I said “I got to BFA hoping it had changed, and within a short period of time saw the same pattern emerging. So took a break.”
I honestly thought people would be able to read it within context and understand it was what I was seeing, ergo my actual experience and not me trying to tell others this is what everyone was experiencing.

It is. And there was no reason whatsoever for that reply. It was off topic and it WAS a personal attack.

Okay, well 2 notes:

  1. It’s a wrong assessment. And it’s insulting.
  2. There is no reason to give a reply with that and only that as its topic. It serves no other purpose than to try and attack my character. I.E. a personal attack.

Not disbelief. I just don’t have that mindset and I don’t understand that mindset.
I can definitely believe it. But I have my own ideas on what makes a good game. Different than yours. So again, why does that warrant personal attacks?
It doesn’t.

Not broken, but way less fun and rewarding for certain players.
So I’m GLAD they added it. It made the game more fun and rewarding for people like me. I’m quite willing to accept a new system, but flat out removing it is unacceptable; your fun does not trump my fun.

And yeah before someone comments on that last bit; my fun doesn’t trump your fun either. That’s why I’m more than willing to make compromises. But there are limits.

Actually you could. The difference though was you had to run heroic dungeons for valor. But at first they gave you +5, then another +5 and later down the road they opened it up more to give a total of +20 on your gear.

My thinking is, if I am running the content to be competitive and busting a gut and getting nothing more than baseline (and I know I have some 420 and 415 on right now, but I got lucky in being gifted the 415 and the 420 back was a BoE) while others (be they others at mythic level or casuals) get high TF items, I am at a permanent disadvantage and there is nothing I can do.
So my ability to do said competitive content is now in danger of not being possible because people always go for better gear among players on the same level.

Indeed. And with a system allowing upgrades like valor did, you spent a little time each week (only ever took me an hour and half to cap) getting the currency. If I did this in one go or spread was my choice too., but right now TF is destroying my fun of the game just to give others that 10 second long buzz for helping 10 turtles get to the water or running in a circle, if you get me.

So pretty much (outside of old content for which you dont effectively need top end gear either)

Sorry just going by your posts ive seen in the past.

BOOOOOM ok now apply this right here from my angle but consider that what was fun is now hated because what used to be rewarding no longer is unless the current system smiles upon me.

Fair enough

He expressed what he saw, that’s a personal experience

Edit: seems Mac pointed that out himself

Aye, I misinterpreted it. My bad.