I didn’t see it as a personal attack. It was actually an accurate and fair assessment given the manner in which you worded your posts and represented yourself. The same way in which I have previously poorly worded my posts making me appear in a certain light.
Indeed, and all it has done is flipped everything on its head. So now you have others not having fun.
It is a typical knee jerk reaction and solution by blizz in all honesty. But you also need to look at the title of threads and perhaps spend a little more time understanding what a person is trying to convey and put some worth in instead of coming with a quick draw firing down “Haw haw im having fun so NO!!! go away” which is the representation you have given yourself on these forums over the last couple of years.
Perhaps being more constructive and putting forward posts that are more palatable…
Well that’s the thing, I’ve been trying that and all I ever get from the ‘haters’ is ridicule, flaming and whatnot. It tends to drag you down.
I enjoy the system and I don’t want to lose it if there’s not a good alternative. And there’s STILL people just coming to threads and going ‘it sucks, remove it’.
I’ve been constructive. I’ve offered a perfectly fine solution, which fixes some of the biggest gripes some people have with TF. But it seems many just don’t want to hear it.
I’m sick and tired of it tbh. But I think it’s important enough to me for me to defend it and keep defending it. Hence the snappy nature of some of my comments when it comes to this topic.
it takes a relatively short period of time to form a habit but a much longer period to break one.
The way I see it, and this is from looking at peoples posts, is that random boosting of gear far beyond the next difficulty up out of sheer randomness is the biggest problem people have with the system.
The same way I can see that people only sticking to world content and past content take issue in there is nothing to do once you done it and got gear. After all, do it once it gives gear = dead quest.
Hence striking for a middle ground, such as what I suggested above. It gives world content life (not indefinite off course) while also not invalidating higher content.
Also I suggested removing a large portion of pure randomness by only having a +5 (round numbers) possible forging with +20 from valor upgrade, and by adding sockets back to gear permanently instead of randomly.
This way it gives you gear you can upgrade and is stronger than the base gear you get, it can also forge a little, and it means those in mythic or heroic dont feel like those in lfr or normal or so get geared for letting their 1 year old sit watching the screen while they go do housework.
And it’s comments like that last bit that I’m sick and tired of too.
People need to stop looking down on content that doesn’t appeal to them. There’s no need for little pokes like that. Really there’s not.
A mythic raid isn’t better content than a WQ. It’s just different. And appeals to other types of players. Stop with the insults, please.
Aye and I agreed with it. That would be an acceptable system.
I just don’t think Blizzard will do something like that, honestly.
That comment was merely written to show what a portion of that playerbase think/feel/say.
It is not my own particular viewpoint however. But I do understand it is annoying.
Uh… this again? Don’t you people ever learn that this thing won’t change its mind about Titanforge? That stated it likes to use cheat in games, refuses to do anything more difficult than world quest (raiding, pvp, mythic+) but demands high end gear.
Like Dejarous said: Tahra in nutshell. Ignore it and move on.
At this point there are so many avenues for the casual player to get gear I really don’t think TF/WF is needed any more.
I personally hate it and it makes loot feel disappointing. It adds more RNG upon RNG. Some RNG is expected but it’s got ridiculous now. The only RNG should be will I get a drop from this boss or not.
In my case TF/WF is just a part of the problem. Once I’ve geared my warrior to 410 on mythic+ only there are only few reasons to raid. I “accidentaly” overgeared content I’d like to do. There are no more “OOOH IT DROPPED” feeling since item now HAS to titanforge to get the excitement.
For once I agree with you. Gear is just a means to an end. No point in chasing some titanforges.
Don’t joke around. I play competitively and mistakes in rotation have way higher impact on performance than just gear. Just check warcraft logs and see top 20 players. Some of them have like 413 or even less… Most competetive playes by now should be at ~417 which is really close to just mythic gear.
Off course rotation mistakes impact your performance. Talking about top 20 players or top 100 is a whole new kettle of fish. Many have sponsors and a team that’s been together for years, which is not easily replaced.
Also there is competitive and there is full time job competitive. I mean there is no way I could invest close to the time those guys do. My wife and kids wouldn’t let me hear the end of it.
But on the same token you cannot say it is fine. The other angle is tuning, for the top x% players its not an issue, but for other mere mortals it feels like content is tuned around having gear scores above the instance sometimes.
I have 9 WF/TF items in total right now, which is about the same as you on your lock, and yet somehow im still behind where the avg heroic raider is gear wise. Which feels odd, if you get me.
See my hordie and this mage… Mage is 403/404 potential (if no more forging) and horde char 403. they only did HC dungeons for profession quest. The only group content, warfronts don’t even count. It may show up as 399 but it’s somehwere between 401 and 402 atm (bad stats). I already overgeared everything except the content you need experience for (mythic raiding, high M+), I have none on those chars. Forging needs to go at 1st time, people complain at the 8.2 system (well it’s basicly just valor upgrades from MoP but oke) but there is no more forging, you get what you get depending on your effort.
HC warfront being lower IL than HC raid is also good, but oh boy don’t read the article on WoWhead. It’s just full of: “We casuals don’t like manually making groups!”. Well then don’t and do the AFKfronts and receive 370 or 395 gear instead. 8.2 is making alot of these casuals (for me it’s content you do) mad and them threathening but like was said:
But it’s needed, hopefully we can get rid of forging and random sockets complety next expac. Nothing feels so bad as not receiving it when others do… “Your 415 sucks! Mine was 425+ socket! Also for progress we need to ditch several melee, so since you got no forging and we did around the same dps… YOU’RE BENCHED!”. Only RNG should be the boss drops not if you get lucky with forging and sockets. It will also make me play alts again, ever since titanforging came in I only maintained 1 alt through raiding in Legion and I utterly refuse in BfA. Had 2-3 (paladin, mage, hunter and monk) in MoP and Cata.
If Bliz wants to keep forging ingame, simple bring back valor upgrades. It’s the same but that one is effort > quarenteed reward instead of complety random.
Seriously this has been explain countless times, since legion. I don’t know why someone is willing to persist in the same mistake FOR YEARS, what exactly did TF do you that made you gave up on your mental faculties.
First of all your character doesn’t have a single TF item on it, your ilevel is the result of other factors that have nothing to do with TF.
Secondly it’s the end of a season, all the raids have been out for ages, WQ rewards have been increased, people had a lot of time to collect on M+ caches, warfront rewards, world bosses, etc.
Back in legion people were complaining after the release of Argus, when they had access to new world boss, new WQ and argunite gear, that their gear was on par with the current raid at the time, Tomb of Sargeras.
Compare yourself with a raider 3-4 weeks after a new raid is released and we’ll see a different story.
Lastly, just cause you have ilvl 400 equipped doesn’t mean you have the same gear as a HC raider, again after years of engaging with this system people still thing only WQ and LFR gear can warforge.
Personally I hate titanforging, but it’s unlikely they’ll ever remove it. It’s meant to keep players doing WQs/Warfronts/LFR/etc. subbed for the whole patch - nothing more, nothing less. It’s the carrot on the stick for non competitive players, and I cannot argue for a change that will probably cause a possible revenue loss.
I think what we have here is a double edged sword scenario.
In the same way you feel removing it would lose revenue from casual players stopping subs, it has been mentioned and blamed for many other players already having done just that from the more competitive community.
It is because of this people try and persuade them to look at a more middle ground that is more palatable by both communities instead of a solution that is or will rub one or the other up the wrong way.
The whole ilvl spectrum shifts, when you get a TF it’s base ilvl + 15, if you’re getting a belt in LFR then it’s a normal item, if you’re in heroic then the same belt would be mythic ilevel.
If you only play normal raids and get some TF that makes your gear equal to heroic raid, it doesn’t mean there is no point in doing heroic raids. If you were to do heroic that same item would have been mythic level.
I just thought why not. Other alts all were doing full HC gear from dungeons (yes every alt ahd atleast full end time dungeons gear). There is zero motivation now not noly due to forging, random sockets but also all other avenues being a way easier to gear them. I forced myself in Legion to atleast have 1 alt raid ready (never was needed but I had that ranged ready if needed for a switch), now I don’t bother doing anything with them. When you take away the forging this will improve morale and give purpose to actually running the things, Increasing the feeling of rewarding content. Like I said if they are so desperate for forging, just bring back valor upgrades. Same principle but atleast that’s effort based.
I’m more than okay that the majority of my chars won’t get ghigher than 400-415 benthic items, you know atleast it will feel natural instead of having them reach the mythic IL levels (430-445 in 8.2), instead they will be normal (415). I will be actually able to see just by gear which chars do the more difficult content. Heck it could push me to say: “Let’s join HC alt nights once again! Atleast the gear will be worth it!”. But it will be a wait and see. If the currency drops way too often where it’s too easy to get 415-430 benthic gear it won’t give me that feeling and I just don’t bother, again. Kinda sad though that most if not all bentic gear will be useless till I upgrade it to 405, 410 or 415 already though.