The Titanforge Problem - A Potential Fix

While I don’t see the need to cap titanforging more than it already is(during Legion I had 1 major titanforge ever on my main, and 1 on one of my army of alts), and that was from LFR Antrous(ilvl 915?) to 940. At the time I was raiding heroic and had equally good or better bracers, so that 940 went straight to the vendor after learning the apperance. As a heroic raider I remained about 15 ilvl’s average, below mythic raiders.

This expansion I’ve only had minor titanforges so far. About 15-20 ilvl every time. Pretty much not noticeable, so that cap is pretty much already there, since the major forges are extremely rare, so why cap it? There is no way in the world, any casual players can reach the itemlevel of a mythic raider/mythic+ pusher unless their character is seriously broken(extremely lucky at highy unlikely levels).

It’s just math, and current math says major titanforges are far too rare for casual or lower tier raiders to be able to catch up with mythic raiders in gear before a tier is pretty much over. Heck, I raid heroic only(and do the occational mythic+), and I’m one of the highest ilvl in my guild at 406… 415 is mythic level aye? I’m nowhere close to catching up, and here people worry about “LFR heroes”?

But other than that, I very much agree with you. Especially this sentence;

…and obviously this, which is pretty much what I supported in my first paragraph;


says the one whose profile is hidden.

Part of your argument is based on ethos. The OP has completed the last raid at the heroic level. What about you ?

If you think about it, gear today reset every tier. Gear has always been a never ending path to reach a non existing cap. Do you ever remember capping your gear within a time frame in the past? Pretty sure I never capped my full character sheet, but maybe I was unlucky. I could cap certain items, but I do not recall ever being able to cap my full sheet with all BiS, even without titanforging or warforging.

This I can agree on. The random sockets actually make me forget to gem even(in fact I think I might have an empty gem slot as I type this, when thinking about it), and it makes gemming feel less interesting. Perhaps it should work more like enchanting, where you have spesific slots that you would always put a gem in, much like you always have slots you are able to enchant. I would have thought belt, rings and necks would be logical items to always gem(though would probably have to move the current ring enchants to something other than rings). That’s just an example based on the current system though.


By the amount of (heroic) nighthold runs, I already outgeared Tomb of Sargeras in Legion…

And now I am also already wearing 3 pieces titanforged +20. When you play a lot you get a lot. My M+ weekly sucks, but just the amount of M+ dungeons while trying to push to the all +15 achievement is handing over titanforged pieces.

A couple of weeks ago I got the 415 hands piece from Mythic Champions. Guess what happened with that item :sweat_smile:

I don’t get this it all, if I do heroic raiding I expect heroic level gear, I shouldn’t expect nor would I deserve Mythic grade or above gear from doing that content, Warforging for example actually bridges that gap already where it can go to 415 from 400 so you could get lucky on a few items and probably jump into mythic raids more easily.

It’s not about who someone is to judge that, the game is the one judging that and that’s what needs to be tempered, it’s a bad joke right now.

Ion Hazakostas doesn’t want to remove Titan Forging he thinks it’s awesome…I’d slap the stupid out of him if I seen him again for his reasoning.

The problem really is this, I can flat run Mythic-0 5 man dungeons only and get 415 ilvl thanks to titan forging. that’s not ok.
Skipping essentially 4 teirs normal/heroic/mythic raids and mythic+ content by doing just 1 tier and getting lucky.

The lack of fixed gem slots is a serious problem too.

The argument really comes down to this for me, a drop that doesn’t wf/tf is pretty much a let down, that isn’t good for the game when you do a mythic boss get the 2 handed sword you want and look at it going…oh it’s just a normal one meh.

That too me is more damaging to the game than most things.

But like everything that’s my opinion.


But when you raid that, you should also expect to get titanforges above the average itemlevel you can obtain. Those titanforges are also a part of that loot table.

Warforging which I think should stay, covers that.

Titan forging is the issue.


Exactly what I also always say. Make +5 warforge and +10 titanforge if you want to keep both names. And remove socket-forging and done :slight_smile:


I agree on the sockets so much…I dropped JC as a proff on my main because It was worthless.

But there’s no reason to lower the cap of warforging…it can still be +15:)

At the moment +10 is warforging and +15 and higher titanforging :wink:

huh…I thought wf was +15…well just goes to show how much I pay attention to that…

But there in lies the problem for me…I see it and go didn’t tf, check against what I have better yay/nay vendor or wear with little thought beyond that.

My other gripe is when something does Titanforge, I got a belt in season 1 mythic+ Titanforged to 395 for prot spec, I got a replacement for that belt 2 weeks ago after nearly 6-7 months due to stats.
likewise I had titanforged legs from Mythrax?? i think I got them from normal Uldir and I had them until about 4 weeks ago, I got those within the first 1-2 weeks of Uldir coming out…

Imho it breaks the premise of the game.

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The titanforging has been already nerfed down since Legion, the current is fine.

I’m tired to see the people like the OP which think how they have the right to speak in the name of majority of the raiders when they don’t. As a heroic raider and someone who is pushing m+ content I think that I deserve every drop I get. The current system is just doing what its supposed to do and is giving the people of all levels of play a reason to continue playing and advancing their characters in an MMORPG, the reality is that they would much sooner get stuck and get into the situation that they cant do that within one season ( tier ) if it wouldn’t exist in the game. And with how the current game works in the m+ the level of gear the people have is influencing on how far they can progress in that content, the mythic raiders already have advantage in that field because they do have both the gear from m+ content and the raid one which is higher at the base level already than anything other players could get + they have much easier time to form a more skilled party for those runs.

The fact that titanforging exist in a current implementation is not influencing the raiding progression since Blizzard already stated the few times before how when it does create the raiding content how it does not create it with the titanforging in mind.

For all the claims how LFR and normal players are decked out in current tier mythic level gear there is no proof of this. If it existed we’d see armory links and screenshots constantly. We don’t. We’ve all seen the same handful of images of an LFR piece titanforging to a decent ilevel, but it’s such a rarity that nobody has several LFR or normal pieces like that. If you run heroic every week all tier you can expect to have a couple mythic level titanforged pieces but that is not a common thing. No actual data to the contrary. Pretty easy to see from armory links that people who run heroic all tier will have a few nice pieces. Who gives a d*** ? Mythic raiders shouldn’t care about that because all their pieces are at least that level or higher. Players shouldn’t be obsessed about does LFR or normal player wins the lottery or a heroic player works all tier to get a couple nice pieces. The TF issue is overblown by certain type of players and a case of special snowflake syndrome from a couple of youtubers.


There is also another matter regarding TF. I won’t call myself an m+ spammer or anything but I pretty much do them every day around 4-5 dungs in average. And in average I get a worthwhile TF(Getting a 415 while doing +10s and above. I don’t consider a WF +5 “worthwhile” :D) around once in 2-3 weeks…in average.

So where do people suddenly get the idea that if you spam 0-+5s you will get an average gear ilevel 415 in a matter of days? Are they really THAT lucky? And if a person indeed gets an TF 415 item once a month…its already an catastrophe for some?

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It is not a catastrophe but it is plain stupid. I am still using a 405 item from a +5 first week this season. It outgears +10 loot. It was literally the lowest dungeon I have done this season while helping out a guild group getting a weekly chest. I had run myself tons of higher keys that week. Base loot was capped at 385, and then the titanforged item is coming from a +5 :man_facepalming: And again; I am still using it!

Well yeah that can happen, but one single drop is not portraying the entire system, you still get in reality way more good pieces from the higher content than the lower one. And someone who is doing the highest content in the game is getting geared faster than anyone else. And mythic raiding still is giving overall best gear in the game.

it is not 1 single drop. I got 2 more items (420) by dungeons. And then you get a 415 from mythic raiding in the same slot. I am also wondering my 410 shield with a socket (dungeon) is actually better than my mythic raiding 415 shield :smiley:

Yeah, you don’t speak for anyone but yourself, and since most complains on this topic are NOT from high end raiders, it’s safe to say most of them don’t give a damn about titanforging one way or another, which makes sense, they already get the best gear in the game.

As for the nature of this topic, i don’t know how people take it upon themselves to decide who deserves what in this game. Saying someone doesn’t deserve something is very subjective.


Dunno where they get it from, I said it’s possible only but it would take a long time to do and would require a lot of luck. Days no, weeks no, months…possibly.

The chance for 420 piece is pretty low in the game and doesn’t happen often, and for you to get it you usually need to run high content, I guess how you did plenty of the m+ to get something like that. The mythic raiders get 415 as a base level while lets say heroic ones get 400, and than they have the chance just like everyone else on top of that to get titanforging to, which in end leads to that that they have overall best gear in the game, higher than the other players.

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You can basically spam +10’s… Allthough I did not do that. I progress raiderio for getting the +15 all dungeon achievement. But +15 is the same loot as +10. I think I just play the game? :thinking: