What the duck?
Telling others what they deserve is arrogance .
whats my profil got to do with anything .
Linked the post where blizzard said system is wrong hmmm your the posion mister.
Which your abusive comments you are the poison.
Abusive when you people cant be bothered to search and read posts …
When you start the war against a complete server you can get it.
Warforging was originally brought in to try to boost 25m raiding when it offered same rewards as 10m. It was thunderforging in Throne of Thunder at first. It’s steadily gotten more extreme since then. Gone from +6 ilvls, then we had +5 ilvl/socket/tertiaries and finally titanforging came in legion prepatch.
Casual players were nothing to do with this systems introduction. Just for clarity.
Oh please spare me iam ex argent dawn for a reason the arrogance is huge on the horde where as alliance are kind and nice people
But in the meantime you do not want to read the humble posts of the AD’ ers. You only read what you want to read. Generalisations. You offend a complete server. So go wash your mouth.
I say what i want when people cant even be bothered to read linked posts and tell others what the deserve its rude and arrogant .I offended HORDE only READ
When you offend me you can get it back into your face.
Where is HORDE in this? And what does it matter it is ONLY HORDE? You offend a large player group.
Never seen it.
Will you make a toon to demonstrate that?
There is so much truth in this. Its funny how those people which complain the most about this system aren’t anything more than wannabe mythic raiders and not the people from high end guilds, with a lot of them being on 1/2 mythic kills currently and without the single cutting edge achievement in their armory. I guess how they think that the solution for their frustration of not achieving high things in the raiding is in the bragging about the gear they received in the face of casual players….
That must be really rare, whilst I’ve seen TF in M0 I don’t think it’s common for it to go to 415.
Yet it still does. Like a week ago I was helping a friend in FH and for someone in the group the dice trinket dropped on 410 ilvl so wtf srsly?!
I’ve done 26 runs (5-12)on my feral to get a 390 and those runs werent as faceroll.
WF/tf should go since only those are agreeing with it whose not even playing the game
I know it can happen, I don’t like TF/WF I think it’s a horrible system. It ruins gear progression or a sense of feeling good about the drops you get imo.
If titanforged system will be removed from the game the people will start asking that the mythic + content as a separate progression path to the raiding starts at the high levels offering gear equal to the mythic raiding.
Blizzard must really like the TF system, to introduce what is essentially WF/TF to quest rewards in all zones up to WoD?
Pretty much shows it’s here to stay, like it or not.
I dont think he’s talking about getting a single piece to 415.
Tho I didnt even see that happen aswell
Blizzard loves pruning also which killed PvP and halfway pve also since it was a layers which made a difference between bad/good/better players. Yet they lost like 5-6mill subs.
Working as intended I guess