The Titanforge Problem - A Potential Fix

Then why do we need a gearing system at all? And WF/TF. When gear doesn’t matter anyway?

It is fun to have a goal and to work forwards to it.


I’m not speaking here about upgrades in general, but about the obsession with having all the BIS…

It is not an obsession. It is just setting realistic goals and having fun working towards it.


Bullcrap, the goals are in the clearing of the content and getting good enough gear to do that, and not in getting all the BIS.

I hope I am allowed to set my own goals in the game, and not use yours. Wrong kind of fun :thinking:

I have all kind of goals. Like weekly a level on my heart. Or curves at the end of the tier, or having all +15’s done this season in time. And also gearing goals. But that is my personal fun. I do not tell others they have to take mine.


Setting your goals is a good goal to have in the game. But Blizzard needs to also consider how implementing anything to the game affects the entire playerbase and its RPG type of the progression and enjoyment in the game, not just those types of the people which go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning thinking how they need to have all BIS.

I play pretty casual, as you can see. No mythic raiding and heroic progression. I set realistic goals for myself. Not BiS Mythic gear. It has nothing to do with ‘Need to have all BiS’.

When it is about profiting of TF, I am actually a player who really is profiting from that system. Still I totally dislike it.


If they really want to keep TF for whatever reason then cap it at 5 ilvl’s below normal raid gear. That way it’s a catch-up mechanic that doesn’t near invalidate the entry tiers of small and large scale organized PvE (M+ and raiding).

Personally i’d prefer if they did away with all this RNG in gearing but TF and random sockets are the real main issues in that regard.


Well in your earlier posts you just defended that elitistic mindset about the BIS. And you are ofc allowed to your own opinion about which plenty of others people like me disagree about.

And I don’t understand that people can’t see that having goals to reach with gearing is so hard to comprehend. That now it’s never done, it’s never complete.

That loot isn’t rewarding any more. That it just creates constant disappointment.

A system that worked great until Legion then they introduced this horrific system.


I create my own realistic BiS list. What is elitistic about that? Yes, people like to work towards a goal like that!

It is BS that players are categorized as filthy casuals, or elitist jerks and therefore it is not their statement(argument that is attacked, but their progression.
If a non raider keeps an eye on raiders perspective, I am totally fine with listening to their argument. If a mythic raider complains about current systems and keeps an eye on the non raider perspective I think it is great. If a normal raider makes a good point, why he is torn in character progression, because the easier content he does rewards better gear than the more difficult content he does, while respecting non raiders and mythic progression raiders, why should I care what bosses he killed?

I am annoyed, about you telling people they don’t deserve to voice their opinions because they have X amount of progress.
If they make a good point their progress does not matter.

I agree that the whole “other people didn’t deserve gear as good gear as I have” is more than annoying, but I think a lot of it comes down to “I should do less challenging content because the chance to get good gear is higher there” (and look at warfronts, there clearly is blatantly easy content rewarding high end gear).
Pick their points and don’t make them to shut up because they are elitist heroic raiders, but because their downtalking is BS (and yes, I think it is, but some of OP’s ideas sound good and are worth reiterating to improve them).

As you said, this is a topic voiced every week since years and only now Blizzard acknowledges this is an issue.
OPs proposal is not new, but since there are only unofficial statements, because Blizzard has no plan on a system that succeeds the current gearing system it is a current topic and I don’t mind if some ideas are reiterated.

It is not about having BiS in all slots, it is about having a goal you can at least partially achieve.
Currently any non mythic raider is not realistically able to get one maxed out BiS item, because getting a BiS item, then 5+ steps of forging plus a socket (and maybe even a tertiary) is close to impossible. I would happily settle with 410 (as I only do heroic raiding and M+10 to M+12) on most of my gear and 3 or 4 pieces are BiS.
But as I will likely get better non BiS items than what I can aim as a baseline and I won’t get anything realistically maxed out, I have nothing to aim for. There is no probable middle ground I can aim for, because I will either get several pieces that are better or I won’t realistically get it at all.
I want to be able to finish some slots, not all, just a few.


For ++++ sake the problem is not that people wish to get some BIS items, the problem is how when they think how they can’t get the BIS in every single slot for their character is bad, and when they think how titanforging affects the raiding progress when Blizzard openly stated how that is not the case, and when they want to force the change for their selfish reasons for the entire playerbase, just because of them. The gear in game should never be considered as an end goal but just as an tool to achieve the things in the game.

No. SOME people have issues with it.


Not up to players to decide who deserve what.

‘right’? What elitist talk is this?
Your agenda is clear.

I will. Titanforging is a great system. There are a few problems for a subset of players, but they can be easily solved with 2 adjustments; limit the amount of ilvl a TF can give to about 20. Remove sockets from the RNG table.

There. Solved.

Yeah? You see so many players who never raid being better geared than mythic raiders, do you? Hyperbole nonsense.



For that small subset of players yeah it works. For the rest it really doesn’t.
Stop being so damned egocentric. The solution I gave above SOLVES the TF problem SOME people have with it, but it keeps this wonderful system in the game.

+10 is not enough. End of story. It really is that simple. +10 makes the system obsolete so it might as well be removed. With +20 at least there’s a notable change if, and that’s a BIG if because +20 would be RARE, you get a max proc.

Again. +10 is NOTHING. It’s not noticeable and not worth going after except for those fanatic min maxers… oh wait… I sense a theme here… Oh right, you are JUST THINKING OF PEOPLE WHO PLAY LIKE YOU! Right… Because there’s no players who play different than you and their fun, their opinions, they don’t matter. Right?


It doesn’t.

Feedback given. I don’t want it to suck either.
But your ‘suck’ is different than my ‘suck’.
There has to be a middle ground here and not, like you are suggesting, only things that benefit a certain group of players.

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As a non mythic raider for the content you do I would argue how you don’t even need BIS stuff, you can play at a pretty optimal level in a content you are doing without having any BIS to be honest. And where is the proof in that the heroic raiders for example can’t get any BIS item, for the level at which they play? I would like to see that.

It’s a crap system. End of.

RNG in terms of what loot you get is one thing. Add another RNG for the amount of stats it’s another.

I prefer a steady progression system in terms of emblems or points and vendors. Let me chose what I want to farm.

Catchup mechanics are ok as far as a few item levels, the gaps they are throwing out now is too much.


Having to sim every single drop I get to see if it’s an upgrade is a terrible system and that is what TF does.


Look. In legion I as a max heroic raider, made a BiS list of 2 legendaries + 4 out of 6 set pieces (best secondary stats), + best trinkets (from raid or M+) and other pieces with making your balance in stats. That is how you had idea of how you wanted your gear looked like. Specific items. A BiS list. eventhough items were from heroic instead of mythic raiding.

Working towards something like this is fun. Unfortunately TF is half destroying this system. It is getting more RNG since you can not ignore a crazy TF item that you actually did not really wanted, but you can not help it. It happened.

And now in BFA we lost legendaries and set pieces. Azerite gear is even an RNG vendor. Everything is RNG. Just everthing. You can not set any goal at all. Gearing is gone.

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And we have now nerfed titanforging system compared to the one in the Legion. I’m missing the tier sets from the raiding content to, artifact weapons and the system were removed thanks to the some people in the community which didn’t liked those things.

Well, when you make something better by lowering the chance and so happening less, isn’t that a sign to remove it? Lowering chances means it is still happening.