Usually when it comes to “looting quests” more than 2 people is slowing down the whole process. Bigger groups is better for “killing quests” but not for loot.
Took me maby 15min.
Crppy droprate at start and then i got the last 3 on the 3 murlocs.
Rng in a nutshell…you could kill 10000 of them and not get a single drop…and on the next 400 you would get 400…
For this Humbert’s Sword i killed 100+ dwarfs. Now i hate dwarfs!
For me its something about it.
I can farm zillion dwarfs, raptors or w/e mob as long as i know there is a chance the item i want drops. Ofc density of mob is a factor… cba walking 200yards between each.mob when farming…
First mob i killed after loggin on yesterday dropped a blue wand req lvl22 and a wooping 27dps “wood” something. So fun
I think Wolf Kabob requires cooking skill aswell 50 - or maybe higher.
Think you maybe right , it turned up when I returned after getting rid of all the Chunks of Boar Meat gathered during the Quest for Pig Guts (or was it Snouts or some other seemingly unessential bodypart ? ).
Interesting to note, it makes sense, they must have changed it later (pretty sure all Cooking quests just popped up during Wrath when I did most of the Quests).
Thanks for the tip, going to work on Cooking more now (and Classic would lack content, hah!)
The issue with said “xp gains” inbetween getting proper items to drop is, that a lot of people are competitive about those as well.
So not only is it that items have the drop rates going into ridiculous numbers in reality, then there’s also a factor of very high demand for those, making most of the spawns of said mobs crowded all the time.
More of it - grouping up for said quests only makes things harder, since drops are shared between all looting characters evenly. Only the “surplus” sometimes is lootable by a party member. Bringing an example from today. I’ve met a very kind warrior to group up with (as a druid). We started the quest at the same time. Killed mobs together all the time. He finished his 15 quest item count quick, while mine took at least three times as much AFTER he was done and bored to death already. Only sticking with me cause he was a cool guy.
Strangely enough I got it inside of 30 minutes - I avoided the Yeti’s in the “Gank” Cave and killed the ones in Alterec, I guess the RNG gods smiled on me. Makes up for spending about 2 hours trying to find 12 Murlocs that hadn’t been decapitated before I needed to loot their heads.
Rookie numbers.
Try getting the Cat’s Eye Emerald in the Barrens and then get back to me.
It took me 2 hours of constantly killing Venture Co workers and I lost track of the numbers. It must have been well into triple figures. The drop rate on that quest is nothing short of appalling.
Wowhead says the drop rate is 7% which I find mind blowing. Certainly not my experience.
Honourable mention goes out to ‘Hidden Enemies’ in Durotar where you have to get a ‘Lieutenants Insignia’. The drop rate on that one is equally as awful.
I automatically skip all collect quests because of this
RNG still works My son grinded a zillion to get Cat’s Eye Emerald. I killed 5.
Things like that cannot make me want to quit - I should have quit ages ago as i STILL have not got Headless Horseman’s mount!
But giving Guard Parker his lunch and NOT being beset by spiders - which he does not help me kill, looking on, enjoying his lunch to the sounds of me dying - that can make me want to quit. The world is woefully overpopulated. 15 tines as many players online (compared to Retail) mashed into a much smaller world and almost evenly distributed over all level brackets makes for a world where I am frustrated in every turn and twist. I want to see more mobs than players on my screen!

Wowhead says the drop rate is 7% which I find mind blowing.
Wowhead seems to have the original comments on those drop rates as well, and here’s where things are smelling fishy for me: I recently did the quest for the manes of Woodpaw Gnolls in Feralas. Comments talk about a good drop rate unequivocally.
I killed about fifteen gnolls for my first mane. I then proceeded to genocide the entire mane-having Gnoll population (carefully only those types that actually drop the manes, because they are mixed in with those that do not) for close to an hour for the other nine manes.
Similarly the Yeti Hides quests in Feralas and the Akiris Reeds quest in Strangethorn - all three quests had me kill mobs far in excess of what I both remembered, and what wowhead gives as an average to kill. For some time, the drop rate of Black Pearls from the clams the Naga dropped actually had me have more black Pearls than quest items. Same for the Silver Key for Rackmoore’s treasure. i did that quest five times or so during Vanilla, never had to kill more than five mobs for it. This time around, I killed mobs for around half an hour (so 40+ mobs, because they’re spaced far, and are all in water) before it finally dropped.
Other quests align perfectly with my experience (the Silithid Parts quest in Shimmering Flats, Kron’s Amulet in Durotar, Cat’s Eye Emerald in Barrens, Samophlange Manual also in Barrens, Helcular’s Rod in Hillsbrad Foothills. etc.).
…Conclusion: No idea, but while most of the Classic experience is really mirroring my Vanilla experience, some quest drop rates seem out of whack. Oh, and Gouge/Kidney Shot does not work like it used to in Vanilla. Targets are not supposed to change their facing when you use those skills, but they very regularly do, presenting the rogue their backs without the rogue needing to move. Definitely not Vanilla behaviour. Needs fixing ASAP.
Killing mobs is xp, I got no problem with it
Had no bad luck as yet with drop rates. Every such quest is designed specifically this way to make you grind and think you are questing. As for crowded areas well… that’s the point of getting a bit ahead of the chief mass. Never seen “players more than mobs” once i got outside of barrens.

Had no bad luck as yet with drop rates. Every such quest is designed specifically this way to make you grind and think you are questing. As for crowded areas well… that’s the point of getting a bit ahead of the chief mass. Never seen “players more than mobs” once i got outside of barrens.
Yes that migt be true - the outside Barrens-thing. I am slow, old can’t hurry, can’t get ahead. Haven’t time nor inclination to hurry. I will be forever swamped by ppl making and levelling alts.
I constantly feel like I did when the DKs came out. I was in Zangarmarch by then. Suddenly everything was trampled, shot, massacred by DK’s. I spent days just herbing all the swamp monsters - making a minor fortune and levelling herbalism through the roof It mercifully only lasted for a week or so until everyboy had levelled their DK’s past my then level. But this just seems to go on and on and on. I tried rerolling on a low-pop server (choosing PvE even if I don’t do PvE at all (slow = dead) I still saw more players than mobs. And when layers are not anymore? Help. I want more servers!
Random drops are random.
I did the same quests last night as it happened, and it took around 30+ boars to get all the ingredients, around 17 buzzards and maybe 10 murlocs.
But so what? It’s not like I get a prize for completing the quests quickly. If I wasn’t kill them for those quests, I’d be killing different mobs for another.
During the course of the quests I got maybe 60 light leather, coin, a couple of green items and some XP; so I don’t consider that time wasted at all.
The only really anoying part is the fact that my bags fill up so quickly with junk.
Yes, sometimes you are not that lucky with these items, however, on other days you loot everything in a couple of kills.
What I usually do when I am not lucky with the drops is that I go somewhere else for a while and do some other quests and then come back. In most of the cases it works and quest items start dropping.
Without FAP potions, I hate mages.
Then i got a trinket anti cc when the time came and t’was k

Most of our gaming sessions end after several hours of being unable to finish a single loot quest, paired with frustration, boredom, tiredness, and a feeling of futility. So now I’m just thinking of leveling routes that avoid loot quests so the two of us can actually play the game.
Coming back to this thread, last night’s gaming session for me and my gf was 2 hours of doing the Battle for Hillsbrad chain, and by the time we had finished the chain we both had a total of 8 Hillsbrad human skulls. So then we had to explicitly farm mobs for skulls for another 1 hour. That’s 3 hours for a single drop quest that is supposed to be done as a side quest with Battle for Hillsbrad.
No one can convince me that these drops are normal. No one can convince me that this is how it was in vanilla.
That’s because you’re ahead. The majority of the players on my realm, Gandling, are currently between 20 and 40lvl (checking with Census). Every zone that I go to is “more players than mobs”.