The ultimate ragequit reasons - Classic

Getting ganked in STV by 2 horde 5 levels higher then me 3 times in a row, had to take a 5 minute breather after that.

I enjoy killing the mobs required to get all the drops :man_shrugging:

You’re saying the current system adds depth to game by building in knowledge of what is worth it and what isn’t?

How many people do you think would enjoy fishing IRL if every time they cast a line they pulled in a fish?

This is how it is supposed to be. I killed 100 plus yeti for 2 pristine yeti horns.

Dropped from the first yeti for me

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That reminds me of the good’ol darklegacy

It gets tedious very quickly and thus I play it sparingly.

Lol I love the wording of this part

Classic is tough. It’s tedious, it’s frustrating at times.

But that to me is what makes everything I do feel like something .It’s a great feeling finally getting done with a quest, even though you might question yourself if it was worth it or not.

Everything you do gets you one step closer to the goal that you’ve set for yourself. If things get frustrating you can always take a break and do something else, whether it’s in game or IRL.

I’ve seen the current mentality of the players in this game, people screaming for no Dungeon finder, but they are still in one group grinding dungeons to 60.

To me it’s about the journey to 60, it’s a huge part of this game and of the experience. But I still don’t look forward to finding a Creeper Ichor or Gray Bear tongues on one of my alts again, then again the quest is called Elixir of Suffering.

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Dear hero,

please get me 3 boar arses and 4 tentacle-squid bones. I wish to cook a lovely cheesburger for my sick wife.


Yaya those quests xD the grind is painful at times but thank god these quests for the most part are very optional xD
Cooking in classic requires strong nerves :slight_smile:

I find it ironic that in the quest text a lot of the quest drops like the defias bandanas are supposed to be “proof you killed the mobs” but somehow most of them do not have them.

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On my server, while levelling through Westfall, people were literally giving the mats away in general chat.

I think that’s the critical point you’ve missed; people yearned for classic for the social aspect, and that’s what was at play when I quested there. Perhaps people are still stuck in the ‘solo’ mindset that BfA brings, but that’s the key aspect that separates them.

I don’t mind the grind too much.

I’d rather grind q items during leveling than slave-labouring for pointless rep for a faction whose butts I saved, but somehow they still think I’m a scrub, because apparently they are in a workgroup with other factions who need to unanimously decide that I am allowed to fly only when everyone thinks I’m the most awesome dude in the region.

I’ll stick to collecting bear ässes from ässless bears, because the stupidity of that is quite simple and not as WTF as the above.


Ok, I thought I’ll open totally separate conversation regarding my issue but this one covers pretty much most of my experience and the atmosphere is civil so I’ll stick to it here…

I did play Vanilla back then, for 15 years my experience is not post-WotLK where the drop rates were kind of balanced between Vanilla and Retail (now) yet still low. So I generally don’t mind grinding 20-ish more minutes for a Quest. And I made it to level 40 before rage-quiet and even considering quieting Classic at all.

I’m a warrior… I have this famous quest called Cyclonian:

a) 8 Liferoots - leave some gold in AH.

b) 3x8 charms from water, fire and air elementals in Arathi - according to wowhead the drop rate is ~46% (even 70+), of course it’s way less and you farm like a crazy person for hours until you genuinely become a crazy person. But don’t even think that I’m the only one around there… Those charms are not BoP and everyone can grind them. Mostly warriors for quest, some dudes were helping friends and guildies and some dudes were trying to get rich as you can put them in AH and the prices are ~60s per 1 which imo is ridiculous but who am I to judge.

c) 30 Bloodscalp Tusks from the trolls in STV which are the same ID quest items as the other 9 from the quest in BB. That makes total of 39 troll tusks. And guess what, most of the trolls don’t even have tusks… Why we cannot pick that appearance on the Create Character screen? :frowning: And guess something else… The demand of trolls in STV is huuuuge. There are hundreds of trolls spawns and each of it is waited by a player. Good luck with that…

Ye, the above is just a bunch of whining… For a grown up casual player with a family I cannot put a side more than 2-3 hours per day for WoW. Doing this quest took me about 2-3 days. At the end, proud and relaxed, filled with that rewarding feeling of achievement, I go to return the quest. At least 3 other warriors were there jumping around, finishing their quests which involves short event with the NPC during which it’s not ‘interactable’ and it’s busy. Somehow between these scenes I clicked “Complete” but the NPC decided to comply with some other warr’s request so it took my items and started talking to him. At the end I had no completed quest but taken items. You can imagine how thrilled and furious I got. No relog, no reload, no disabled addons, no mail, nothing… Just screwed. I did the logical thing and opened a ticket. 48h later i still have no answer.

One thing I feel is certain here… Even when the support team reaches me, I won’t receive the help I need, only sympathy. Which at this point is way too late. The question in front of me was should I regrind the quest again or just leave it and make my piece with it. I simply cannot spend another 3 days in grind. No human being should. There is no fun in that… Low spawn, enormous respawn timers, ridiculous drop rates and a whole crowd waiting… Where is the fun? What’s the role of layering, who would vote against it? Does it even work?
So ye, the fun and hype for Classic is done for me. It just got too much for me… First there was the queue which, let’s be honest, it’s policy of a certain private server. Then it was this poor layering plus tons of lag and crashes… like private servers. Then it was falling through the floor mobs and visual glitches and all that kind of bugs which are, again, typical for a private server. At the end I lost hell of a lot due to a bug and the support team is not even around to hear me. Well, that last part is worse than a private server for me. Where to find a reason to continue?

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You should get a new quest once you’ve handed in the items. This is for getting the axe, he wont just leave after pressing complete unless someone else started the next quest.

I see no problem in low drop chance, my concerns are more toward population density.
This game is not design for this amount of players per server, the number for best or optimal gaming experience according to Kevin Jordan is 2,5k - 3k max and i believe that we have much higher number. Game is designed well for its time but definitely not to be in these conditions we have today.
Not to mention that game is fresh and there are lots of players in every level bracket, thus bottleneck effect is amplified.
In other word i don’t mind if i have to eliminate 20 mobs for 1 drop, if there is enough mobs for me to finish quest in reasonable time, but here problem is that every other player and his grandmother are competing with you for every mob out there and with such a low drop chance, this game sometimes feels like a nightmare.


I know what you mean, and at some point I felt the same during Vanilla. Then me and a lot of other people complained in the forums and Blizzard listened to us. What we got from all our complaints and suggestions for improvements was Retail. Today I know, that maybe sometimes you might get frustrated because of the drop rates, but that is much less of an inconvenience than the boredom that you will experience in Retail, when everything drops with the first or second kill.

I feel the same, I was spent quite some time earlier trying to explain to someone that this player bottleneck effect is not an intended classic wow feature but a side effect of more players than the NPC population can entertain at the same time.

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Questgiver: “Prove to me that you thinned their numbers by bringing me 10 Bandanas.”

Character: commits genocide on the same camp multiple times to aquire 10 Bandanas

Yeah, “thinned their numbers” indeed.

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Some of the droprates probably have a connction to the grinding part of classic. There isn’t really enough quests to get you efficiently to 60, so personally I appreciate those low droprate quests this time around, for the simple reason that it means I can even out my mindless grinding a little. I think I grinded my way from 58-60 in vanilla, and the lack of quests started at 55 iirc.

No because the reason the droprates are so low on certain mobs is due to a lot of experience in classic coming from grinding mobs. Quests are a secondary thing, mob grinding is the first, and it’s a requirement to hit 60 regardless.