The unfortunate truth

The original wow developers, jeff kaplan and kevin jordan for example, had more talent, passion, and integrity in their little finger than the current classic wow team have in their entire body.

Sod is a failure, som was a failure. You have a very easy job: re-release the best game of all time without messing it up, but you cant do it.


The job is even easier.



Remove new pvp rank system
Remove chronoboons displacers
Bring back dispelleed wbuffs
Remove new guild ui
Remove alience wcb

These are aganst the spirit of original vanilla experience! Classic era must be 100% identical to its original vanilla state without chronoboons etc stuff


i don’t realy get the dogmatic view when it comes to alliance getting the same wb as horde.

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where is my dwarf shaman?

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Incoming in phase 5 , 6 maybe

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Alliance are more effective raid cleaners than horde even without wcb because of paladins

Yes and ? what is your point here.

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That giving alliance wcb in unfair to horde?

Game already have 2 factions that both have access to unique classes.

You worries alliance getting the same wb is unfair for horde ? what are you talking about, there is no competition in pve, balance is an non-issue. you don’t compare horde and alliance parse on warcraft log for a reason.


And horde is more effective in pvp , with strong racials. So it makes sens that alience is pve and horde pvp balanced

alliance is the stronger pvp race if we’re talking about group content because of their sheer ability to enable other classes with freedom and bops. the game was never meant to be 100% balanced and there was good reason alliance never had rend buff and that reason never disappeared. even with that aside, the door to changes need to stay shut before the floodgates open.

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I wish i was inmune to stun as well. Just to feel how much weaker horde is at pvp.

I agree paly are op in early phase but later on it’s much more about who has most geared caster and sham count as one alliance don’t have.

guess what? shamans and priests can purge freedom and bops… :nerd_face:

while alliance can’t purge Free Action Potions that the rich horde pop 24/7 (alliance don’t have enough priests, while horde have more than enough priests and shamans spamming purge)

people at blizz like touching things they cant help themselfs… even had a law suit about it once

and with the unfearable Forsaken rogues’s pressure, alliance’s priests struggle a lot compared to horde’s priests

The problem with this is that Era is Piggybacking off the SOD client. So changes in SOD that would take work to undo for Era are uneconomical to invest time into to undo, because Era’s playerbase is tiny and utterly irrelevant.

when Wotlk classic released, their was a massive Era hype, because Wotlk was overestimated, a lot of people returned to Era, and then SoD pop in the map.

Vanilla and TBC were the best Classics

You mean a few hundred people across reddit and ingame? Maybe even a few thousand? Era is a tiny rounding error on the game, the only reason they haven’t shut it down yet is PR and organizational Inertia.

Legendary Lamborgimli Veni Vidi Vici on y’all hypocrits

Hasta la vista baby


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