"The victims must not pursue justice" - a storyline by Blizzard

i think its just a matter of not enough time and poor planning
its like blizzard has allot of nice ideas but either want to rush them ( look at n zoth who could have had his own expension rather then a patch addition )
or they want to many things at once ( like bfa were the faction conflict got drown in the zanadalari and kultiras story lines or legion were we helped more the locals then actually fighting the legion)

i literally think blizzard had some ideas for shadowlands but needed a plot tread and wanted to end bfa with a faction conflict that the expansion was suppose about and the night els were merely the sacrifice for that but didn’t looked more behind that and what it did to the night elf community.

using real life logic here like " but how do you feel if your family get murderd etc" is not going to work since wow story world is on lose treads as it is and hold together by plot armor.
they have this amassing idea for this cherry cake but only present the cherry which could be cause by pressure of shareholders and such to release on time plush the current situation with the employers rights and the abuse going on probably doesn’t help either.

atm it seem they focus on what can bring them the most cash the quickest and if a story is good enough then its ready to go and they wont worry on minor details that only impact those who are infested into the story ( which i find sad myself to as i love a good world building)

take for example my current race the vulpera and how much controversy it brought when it got released .
i really love the vulpera and made me sad there was so much hate towards it at the beginning but i cannot blame the haters since they never had any good buildup or backstory lore to begin with and like void elfs were just put in as a easy way to cash in on the feelings of those who like them ( myself included) but if there was more lore around them maby like something with the wild god fox from the war of the ancient i think the controversy was allot more toned down .

to conclude i think the story so far has already written out and i fear that we will just " move on " after this ( specially with sylvanass soul restored and the way there going with that) its best to maby take the story a tad less serious to preserve your own sanity

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I think you’ve got that completely backwards.

This way of telling stories is actually resulting in you partaking in a 5 year long story about Sylvanas while thousands stories have unfolded all over the Warcraft world, and you don’t get to see the vast majority of them or their results. Literally the whole Azeroth planet - every single continent - is currently in various stages of out of date.

So instead of getting one story from a book and most of the world from the game, you’re getting one story from the game and the whole rest of Azeroth from a book.

This is an improvement… how, exactly?

Yes it is. Your character has no agency.

We know how great the story can be, but Blizzard usually says:
“Oh, we haven’t got time…”

For me, my reaction to that is:
“Oh here we go again.”

And lets face it - Danuser and Co. don’t want to lose Windrunner. I bet it was killing him just to end face-ache Blightcaller.

I would be enraged and want to tear them to pieces with my bare hands.

My personal view is that the most satisfying end to the Sylvanas story would be for her to (finally) die and her soul to be sent to Revendreth and given to the Accuser for redemption. I think it would send a very good message that everyone should face justice for their crimes, but no-one is so lost that we should just ‘throw them into the Maw’.

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To be honest - I’d support that.

Garrosh was originally sent to Revendreth despite what he did to Theramore and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

But, that said: I don’t like the vibe of this whole story in the Shadowlands. I mean, Arthas kills Humans and Elves and destroys a Human and Elf city - goes to the Maw.
Sylvanas kills Humans and Elves and destroys an Elf city (I don’t think Gilneas was destroyed) and is seemingly getting away with it.

I mean, Queen Azshara as well. It’s like the destruction that she wrought upon Kalimdor should be forgotten. Look at those night elves, begging for their queen to save them. To those who didn’t know the lore, you’d think “Oh god, those people need saving!” But to those who know the story, those very night elves were the ones who championed the coming of the Legion, the destruction of the Empire and the killing of millions of Elves, along with Earthen, Tauren and Dragons.

Didn’t she use the plague there?

Yeah, but recent story suggests that the alliance now holds the land?

I wonder if it’s the land, that is furthest away from the Greymane Wall, plus the city?

Or maybe it was cleansed somehow.

What did they do? Call dear old Alexstrasza…? :rofl:

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He’s pretty much built up to come back anyway so…

Sylvanas will have her happiest ending and most likely free Nathanos or something

Okay, and why should Sylvanas be allowed to be alive and thrive then completely skipping the justice part?

I agree that the trend of showing that a character ‘isn’t so bad’ by creating a worse one isn’t a good one. We should be dealing with the ‘big bad’ rather than letting it escape consequences because it comes over to our side and helps us defeat the ‘new, bigger bad’.

Illidan 2.0 - or am I just being silly?

At this stage, I’m betting that Queen Azshara will be Illidan 3.0.

I mean, elf women can get away with killing lots of people…that’s the thing here.

Where did I say that?

I hope there’s Illidan 3.0, it’s kind of a waste to leave him fighting Sargeras forever.

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Let’s be honest, he did it a favour! It was hidious and out of place.

That will be Illidan 4.0

Gotta let Sylvanas and Azshara be redeemed first :wink:

Arcane residue hasn’t done much for the marshland either.

I don’t know if that will suffice, but the more accountability the better.

To be fair, we have seen what Blizzard terms as ‘justice’ in the novel ‘War Crimes’ (Which apparently was based on real life war crimes, except it really wasn’t.)

I’m pretty sure you can’t charge a person of war crimes when they are a child with no involvement in said crimes, are unaware of them, and were on a completely different planet at the time.

But apparently Alliance justice works that way, so it is kind of understandable that the Horde are unwilling to submit to ‘justice’ when said justice is trumped up charges that would not stand up in any court of law.

Now Sylvanas is guilty, and that Mary-Sue needs to die, but then so does Jaina who has committed some of the crimes that Garrosh was charged with, but neither will actually face justice.

Vengeance is an entirely different concept than Justice. I mean one could argue that Sylvanas is facing justice, her Loyalists are free game, both Alliance and Horde hate them, she is trapped in the Shadowlands, because if she returns to Azeroth, then everyone will kill her, the world is her enemy.

The way I see it going is a Bolvar situation, she does not become the new Arbiter, because frankly she is an idiot, and is in no place to judge anyone. She -might- become the new Jailor, because Steve Danuser would weep tears if his internet waifu got killed off, but either way, whether killed or removed from the story, she is well past her sell-by date, and should be removed.

The same is true of Jaina, but she will never die because of Christie Golden.

And you just know that everyone is going to forgive Anduin…

I don’t want the Kaldorei to seek ‘justice’ for Sylvanas’ actions. I want them to be fierce and savage like in WCIII, I want them to gun for -Vengeance…


In Garrosh’s horde maybe, but the current(End of BFA) Horde council are pretty much done with fighting the alliance as far as I know.

Arthas was always a victim.
Garrosh, as evil as he was. Only ran the horde the only way he knows, Thrall is the hidden big-bad of Cata/MoP as he set Garrosh on this path instead of say, choosing Vol’Jin.

Anduin is a victim of circumstances, just like Arthas. As he is being controlled against his will. Though we’ve yet to see if Anduin will relish in his newfound powers or not. The moment he does however, without the jailer controlling him. Is when he becomes a bad guy.