The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

Can you imagine the potential for conspiracy?

The chad non-guild roleplayer vs the virgin guilded. How do we even compare?

:walking_man: v :muscle: :sunglasses:


We deliberately avoid any and all mention of High Command except in very vague terms (ie “High Command has ordered that we [do plotline already established in lore]”) to avoid the accusations of power playing.

Approximately 105% of the time, people who push authority based on NPCs they’ve created or lore characters that will never acknowledge them (“I speak for Silvermoon” types) forget that roleplay is not a story in which they are the main character and around which other characters must bend.


High Command Ordered me to make a cup of tea.

Quite amazed how Kelduril managed to avoid every single comment in this thread that put him against the wall, be it simply because it is some argumentive logic or a random lore remark that splintered his attempt to bash/discredit others.


We stopped a while ago. Why are you trying to stir sh$@ on an alt?

Because I am an alt :poop:poster :weary: :ok_hand:

Well at least you’re honest

For military guilds that participate in the faction’s hierarchy, I’d say it’s pretty necessary to reference ‘High Command’ when beginning most plots and stories. There always has to be someone higher up on the ladder dictacting where you go and who you fight.

But after that, there’s presumably some kind of freedom for that unit to decide how to accomplish this task.

In this case, the task is, “Keep the Horde secure from dissidents and the rebellious,” and the means to do so is, “Have that Orc with the (arguably) subversive rhetoric arrested for x and y reason.”

It’s awkward to speak on behalf of big shot NPCs, but that kind of behaviour seems to be remaining very much true to the current climate in Sylvanas’ Horde.


You know what, sure, one or two. I do need to level up that paladin after all.

That’s an Alliance paladin, yes?

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I have a priest Alliance side I could do to actually do stuff on, really slacking with unlocking Dark Iron (LADDAE) and Kul Tirans.

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Yup, Dark iron. Poke me on bnet yeah? [Removed Bnet]

Obligatory Och

OCH!!! In ten characters

The Forsaken, Sylvanas, and your principles.

i really just want someone to KILL - ME

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holy moly this thread was a wild ride from start to finish. came out of curiosity, stayed for the circus. blows my mind how narrow minded some of the folk on AD are. there’s nothing wrong with humbling yourself and admitting you’re wrong. an admirable trait, even if you were wrong to begin with. but lmao to just type reply over and over denying things proven or explained to you is legit anti-vaxx mom level ignorant


as perroy said once many moons ago, anti-Rotgarde movements do the best recruitment

Banrhun was right, you’re literally tsundere!!!