I mean, I’m quite happy to be told by those involved that I am wrong. I only dipped my toes in from time to time due to RL constraints and multiple characters to juggle. C’est la vie.
What you described is the general impression I got from people attending the events. And one of the biggest gripes. If there were a few people who were edgy, then it was certainly not an official thing.
A non-pvp situation. Oops. I can narrow down from that that you don’t play in a system that has much PVP as there is zero OOC communication before PVP actions are enacted and there is a referee to enforce the consequences of the action on the player.
Not at all analogous to this situation in any way, unless you’re implying that we run the server plot which is flattering but false.
Drachenfest in Germany is a non PvP event? With the entire premise being a war between player characters for supremacy of the setting for a year?
There are 8 camps with a total of 3,000+ members that are all in the competition, and a sizeable portion of player is “anti-LARP union - for more war on Drachenfest.”
Of course PvP actions require announcement and communication.
I can roll a vapor poison and a paralytic agent into your character’s tent and kill them and everyone in the immediate vicinity without ever giving you any ooc heads up or warning.
I can roll a vapor poison and a paralytic agent into your character’s tent and kill them and everyone in the immediate vicinity without ever giving you any ooc heads up or warning.
You can kill my character, but you cannot start a full out camp war without previously having a referee being informed to be there and actually check whether the camp is in a state to be involved.
You need to balance OOC and IC. There were instances between 2010 - 2012 when we ignored this and it led to major issues between the camps. Never again since.
We actually have OOC conversations about how to protect the “evil” camps from being attacked first thing in the morning by being outnumbered 1:10. They are not having fun. It is IC consequential that paladins smite those camps, but not nice for the participants. So we are trying to find OOC compromises to solve this ICly justifiable issue.
What about when forcing the consequences on one character turns out to force a certain kind of RP (some were trying to avoid) on several others? That’s the issue here. nobody is claiming Rog should have been immune. People are saying a little heads up might have allowed people involved who aren’t rog to prepare,adjust and generally feel less like their RP was collatoral damage because “IC consequences” and the desire to enforce them at that point.
You can argue that through association with Rog the other players should have been aware of possible consequences. Point stands if we’re assuming that there’s surely, in addition to rog being “communicated with” a chaise action they should have been communicated with also, as their events were affected. Rog is not the only ndividual here.
Way I see it the argument “spontaneous surprise” is being utilised here. I get the angle. You have to ask though whether that decision was actually smart at all given how many other players were having their RP affected. I’d argue it was not smart, and defenses of it are retrospective of it that sense.
From my perspective (I stand ready to be corrected by those involved) when taking the decision of acting spontaneously rogs enjoyment and some of the frozen paws enjoyment were thought of when taking this as a justifiable risk, as were the the enjoyment of those involved in executing the order. No thought was given to anyone else involved however, and the lame “ic consequences” offered as a defense shows that, because this is not about dodging consequences. This is about is it justifiable to enforce them at a time when it would actively disrupt the planned rp of others without any form of communication with them.
To that I say no. It just comes across as tiering RP to me. That other rp isn’t as significant as enforcing the consequences therefore these people didn’t warrant even a minimal heads up. I’m all for enforcing consequences, just don’t abandon decorum when doing so.
Only intellectual dwarves try to quote big books and theories on a forum for a fantasy dragonslayer RPG designed for the 12+ audience
Sounds to me like ur still trapped in Plato’s cave and haven’t become 100% enlightened like me… after all as Socrates (the smartest man in the world) once said: all I know is I know nothing so in many ways by not quoting some boring book at you I’ve been revealed as a Titan of the Mind
If both the major characters (ie. me / rogmasha) this thread is about are people you avoid then why ever must we be treated to your pseud walls of text man
My RP is not your cup of tea but I don’t have any interest in passing you the kettle. In fact I didn’t realise you even existed in my café until about 2 minutes ago
Did you even read my post, brainiac?
It’s a really typical internet technique to call someone passive aggressive
I am just being rude to you - you don’t need to rebrand it for me with a longer word
You repost this a lot but once again to save you the time scroll up -
There are certainly moderate characters who just want to avoid trouble in that faction but there are also characters in it who have gone as far as killing Horde soldiers / talking to Alliance officers about how best to team up against Sylvanas
On an IC level, those lines are blurred - do you think hard-bitten loyalist characters would take the view that #NotAllWhiteclaws are up to no good, having (in some cases) had friends get killed by them
I am not quibbling IC motive here. BUT, as much as you can also repost your point of “I don’t like OOC in my IC” as much as you like, the reasoning behind the hub was as much an OOC decision as it was an IC one, vis a vs “We don’t want a repeat of pre-SoO rebellion RP and all the issues that dragged in with it”.
There are other players and other humans-behind-keyboards involved in all this. As a basic level of respect, accepting that those people might feel differently to you and yours and working on a compromise that leaves the majority on both sides happy is the ideal outcome here.
And, since you wanted me to not be so ‘passive aggressive’ in posts, I will say it outright; you and the majority of PCU posters here give a very firm impression that you don’t give a single toss about other players stances when it comes to RP, and have no intention of looking for compromise. Which is kind of rude and disrespectful (along with against the spirit of RP) if that is the case. By all means, tell me I am grabbing the wrong end of the stick here; I’m only human, going off of what I see and read.
We don’t though. Several RP-pvp campaigns have ended up without premature decision/plan of what’s going to exactly happen (or the plan has been made as the thing has happened).
You sound like the type of guy who’d genuinely put that into their CV.
I’m unsure what does LARP experience have to do with MMORPG but ok.
Sure. But communication doesn’t always mean premature planning- Sometimes it can be (and is done) on the spot. Sure it’s more surprising and less predictable, but that’s the whole point of it, isn’t it?
Surprise + unpredictability vs stability & familiarity.
There wasn’t actually any issue so there’s that.
Nobody’s holding them at gunpoint to return back to “usual rp”, whatever that is. They can decide for themselves.
It’s almost like a group is fanatically loyal to their warchief (a thing not dissimilar to the lore events going on atm!), up to the point that it clouds their judgement/end justifies the means for them.
IC grievances can be handled IC, instead of being made into an OOC problem.
That being said, you can probably have a gut feeling whether the people you RP with are open for the opportunity- Which was the case here.
Well you’ve still some to learn if this is the extent of your communication skills.
“I don’t care about you so I post about you”.
never heard of you sorry
No, you really can’t. You come in to the discussion with a set-up mind that you know what others are like and you know their answer prematurely, and then dig in trenches when this (and the obvious flaws) in your argument are pointed out.
You get what you give.
Not at all, and like it’s been shown here, that empathy was given (As we didn’t just murder everyone on the spot).
Contrary to what you might be feeling from the posts, I have watched and discussed with officers in PCU just how to work with other guilds to come to compromises that result in outcomes that leave both sides satisfied.
As you can imagine it’s not always possible to please everyone in every situation. But there is always a lot of discussion behind the scenes when there are conflicting views, unhappy guilds, or just generally people who want to review what’s happened IC and perhaps steer the story on a different course.
As far as I know (having spoken to Rogmasha about five minutes ago) the person we were doing that roleplay with is content. I do have some regrets that it derailed another person’s plans, but I wasn’t really aware of them being there / having those plans and honestly think that it’s cool to go with the flow of a roleplay scene even if it forces a few scheduling changes. I have had to cancel many events (as an example) to have my guild(s) react as they would IC to riot RP in Orgrimmar (and I was certainly not contacted OOC beforehand, and that is fine and based)
I know that you and any number of Alliance paladin RPers may have some big opinions on it but once again I’m gonna have to remind you that they’re not so important. My concern is the fun of the people in my group and the people we are RPing that. I don’t need your permission and will forget about your posts within 45 seconds of closing my browser
In your case that is accurate - your stance is unimportant. You were not involved in this RP and have no recourse at all when it comes to it happening
But there’s the big Q: Was this summit promoted as an RPPvP event? Was RPPvP expected at all by the attendees?
I can’t claim to know specifics but if I turned up to an event expecting XYZ and then suddenly it became an RPPvP event out of nowhere I’d be a bit miffed. (RPPvP meaning direct player conflict in this case, it’s still quite different to RPing in a co-operative environment against NPCs). At least in a campaign there is the expectation that your camp could be attacked on a whim, plan or no.
Sure many of them may have been ‘rebels’, but that doesn’t mean they want to necessarily RPPvP. Maybe they’d like to RP as rebels but deal with loyalist NPC threats rather than players? The same way we usually use NPC threats for antagonists/enemies in 99% of RP events. Maybe that’s why they took it miles and miles away from any major RP hubs? So they’re not in the face of loyalist players who, rightfully, would react to their presence?