The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

Well, since apparently I have to post on my relevant Hordie to not be out of hand dismissed as “Some Alliance Paladin”, here we are. I, on this character, HAVE been involved in the Whiteclaw Hub RP, albeit briefly, so perhaps we can put that dead strawman to bed now, hm?

Then again, I don’t really have much more to add; I’ve tried to open a two-sided debate and discussion, I’ve been more than willing to say “Ok, I got the wrong end of the stick, fair one” and held back from being rude and the like.

And you’ve just been a rude, arrogant verbal thug about it. So, I’d wish you ‘Good Day’, but then I’d be the liar :sunglasses:


I’m beginning to think that at the root, this is an argument on philosophies/outlooks on RP in general, and I can kinda see 2 major types here:

You got people who view RP as something competitive - even in the framework of an inherently consensual activity it’s mostly about conflict/winning and advancing their char/group’s story. Whether involved people have a good or bad time is secondary (“not all RP is always pleasant”), it’s very “IC-comes-first” and how much of that IC competitive drive seeps out, toxically, OOC - is up to people to judge.

And then you got people who view RP as cooperative first of all - even in scenarios of conflict, although they tend to happen less in those circles - who’ll be more up to OOC discussion/compromise, scripting certain things ahead and first of all making sure the attendees are satisfied - to the extent of putting reins on their char’s motivations and actions, or having the story be too tame/consequence-free for some.

You can find both types everywhere and often mixed - I’m not coding specific player groups here, although they may have tendencies to one or other type.

Just my observation.


It’s not shafted, really. Like I said, nobody’s forcing them to stop their initiative simply because Rogmasha isn’t present IC- For all I know she could even use an alt, or somebody else (the other organizers) could take initiative and whatnot.

But I agree. It didn’t please everyone- And that’s fine. You can’t please everyone.

I am to this date completely mind boggled by this idea.

Of course you have a motif to advance your character’s story- But that doesn’t mean it’s done by gutting others- Sometimes that does happen though, unintentionally more than intentionally I’ve found.

I also don’t understand why do you think it’s about winning. Stygian’s failed several times when it comes to their IC objectives (including Rogmasha’s capture).


Best thing to take away from this is to learn what went wrong and adapt for future interactions. Personally I favour spontaneous RP and I’m really interested to see how Rogmasha’s story turns out in light of this. But I know not everyone feels the same. I’d rather people be excellent to each other.

The comment from Ignorak about how you can’t trust the otherside with information because they’ll metagame it lowkey comes across as really competitive on an OOC level, even if that might not have been the intention.


A rogue had been following them for a while, weeks infact. Since Felwood / Crossroads.

Even injuring Rogmasha herself, Nolvur, Alryette, Celise, Erithur and Voh’desh. + Others. (Source, Himself)

They also knew OOC he was giving information.

Although not planned as a warning, perhaps you should’ve known something was coming. Warnings come and go.



It comes down to feeling whether it’s worth or not to try and make it more enjoyable to others- I don’t feel that’s the case here personally. Some people are upset but I don’t really care. I feel that the overall net was positive over negative, but that’s just my opinion.

I seem to recall very well that there was some cleansing RP done by the whiteclaws- So I guess they just mopped it up, and whenever I go to xroads these days it’s infact the same old xroads instead of being chernobyl.

There’s no compromise because rly you can decide for yourself how you wanna view xroads. To me it’s xroads, not chernobyl, but you’re free to RP it that way.


I know you’re altposting and I’m almost certain that I could guess your guild tag but the thing with the crossroads was one guy (Atahalni) throwing the Darkshore-grade detoxified grenade (that you get as an item) that had absolutely no lasting consequences

The town remained inhabited and the character who it was thrown at survived

What a strange gotcha

They aren’t actually shafted - you can /who Val’sharah now and see that the show is very much going on (in fact with a few extra attendees from what I have been told)

I don’t think it is fair to expect every roleplay conflict to be preceded by every person in the area being contacted for their permission. You may disagree and that is cool but also I don’t think you’re going to sell this to me


Yet you were not involved in the event in question. Relogging your alt won’t change that your complaints are purely hypothetical

I have a human paladin alt, you know


I don’t care

It does and I don’t really agree with it. There has been some metagaming but not from the parties involved on Friday - that wasn’t the reason for the lack of big OOC warning at all


Of course, and I feel most of the ruffled feathers here come from precisely the “unintentional” part and lack of OOC communication in such cases.

Oh, I’m not calling Stygians poweremoters who win every time, or digging at them for taking Rog in, that’s all fine. My issues lie purely with how jarring that was for the hub’s population and their plans/events since it wasn’t communicated properly - perhaps out of the aforementioned competitive drive to make it surprising/prevent metagaming/etc.
Purely subjectively, I think players’ satisfaction, even outside of your group, comes first, and would prefer something like that happen with some pre-planning at least among the higher-ups involved, and I feel that’s a general sentiment here.

In any case, these were general musings on what I notice recurrently, rather than a reaction to that accident, plenty’s been said on that by now.


I like how right after my comment of people getting upsetti spaghetti on behalf of others we’ve already circled back to people doing just that, sprinkled through the last 50 comments.


hey @tehya did your first post in this get deleted wtf


In actual seriousness, I am the most important person on this server because My mom says I’m pretty special.


Tell me that Rogue’s name doesn’t begin with ‘K’

What the hell? Yes, yes it did. Apparently I voiced an illegal opinion, I guess?

I’m gonna ask support, this has me curious.

Edit: Turns out, it got taken down because a lot of people reported it. Which means I was right.


This is the Red-Pilled post.

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Yes, it does.


What I’m curious about this whole thing is the “chain of command” idea. Who’s giving orders out to capture or kill persons?

I know it can be agreed between players but other people are involved by proxy. It’s confusing to see “we have orders to do x against y enemies.” when its just thrust on you without even a smidgen of explanation?

Did Someone say Thrust?


excuse me what

The voices in my head


I had no idea sylvanas was inside your head.