The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

She lives rent free in many people’s heads in this expansion


I suppose the voice of Anduin will be telling me to convert you all to the Light soon.

The absolute rent free state of some people’s heads itt :rofl:


oopsie i just dropped my magical ring in this stream i sure hope it doesn’t flow down into the anduin


Please don’t defile my king like this.

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We listen to elements you know :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

yeah but both my mom and grandma say i’m pretty speical

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That’s nothing. Strangers on the street regularly tell me how they think the inside of my head is super special!

We have to demistify the idea that you can just ignore players the moment things don’t go your way. Yes, players have the power to ignore, but considering RP thrives around a sense of community, especially in the Horde, telling others that it’s either your way or the /ignore function equals listening with a deaf ear to people’s requests and input. There are many layers of depth in the criticism which is being offered and the replies don’t do justice to them.

Also. While I can see that a surprise attack can be seen as more immersive, from the feedback on these forums it seems this experience was limited to the attackers rather than the ambushed, whose emotions border between the “eh, it’s fine but it should have been executed differently” and the “I wasn’t comfortable with it”.
Personally, I recall the stygians are known for their strong and efficient OOC coordination among themselves, so I think the whole “speaking with others is unimmersive” is, while maybe true, still avoiding the issues that were presented, especially if this rule isn’t applied in other contexts.

Sure, it might not be exactly in the group’s style, but this isn’t all about one group. It’s worth listening to people’s input and not take it as a challenge to your authority, or a competition. What people are doing here is offering feedback.

Overall, it seems like the feedback for this initiative isn’t being listened to as it should. People expressing discomfort are just dismissed. Which is unfair.


RENT FREE :sunglasses:


This was not coordinated OOC at all actually, most of the guilds who were called in from various places weren’t even aware that we were going to hunt them down until moments before we set off, I certainly wasn’t! Unfortunately it’s hard to pull off rebels vs military RP efficiently because whilst I understand that it was rather rude to dive into Kotur’s event and ruin his content, I can also understand that this was an extremely rare chance where IC circumstances lined up and Rogmasha had relatively few defenders in what is supposed to be a Horde settlement.

However nuanced the rebels cause is, there are some inviduals who are purely of the mind to kill anyone loyal to Sylvanas, this isn’t about honour this is about rebelling, and some who I quite honestly think are just doing it because they think they have a chance to get at a collaboration of guilds somehow by riding the coat tails of this plot which overall, both sides were originally cool with.

This has resulted in the plot getting much more let’s say, vicious, because previous attempts have resulted in things which involved trying to fire on Horde forces, random teleportations, strangely knowing where the loyalist forces are coming from without scouts and everything melting into everyones favourite thing which no one ever gets right, scrying basically allowing people to find whatever they want whenever they want which ruins any sense of mystery.

There are conflicting views from both sides to the point where it’s very hard to please everyone, and trust me, there have been many attempts at finding compromise and efforts to make the RP as fair and interesting as possible.


What I don’t understand is why people are hating on the PCU for this. The only person who has any right to be miffed is the guy who had all the events planned and had all his hard work come to nothing because of the drama - because to be honest, I’d be a little miffed if that happened to me regardless of IC justification, having ran event-heavy guilds previously I know how much effort someone can put into crafting a storyline. Other than that, it’s all just RP that from what I’ve seen has been of a fairly high quality.

Seems like this little bit of ruckus was just an excuse for people to lash out at Perroy and his gang and it’s all a storm in a teacup.


I don’t think the guy and his gang really help themselves by displaying an attitude that comes down to ‘everyone is haters, we are always perfect, our way of RP is the only correct way of doing things’.

Especially when it comes to common OOC that they will show to other members of their ‘gang’ but not to others whom must accept that their way is the right way, else they shall be drowned in memes like some sort of goon squad?


I’d like to preface this by saying that I don’t know Perroy on a personal level and have only interacted with him on the forums through upvotes and the occassional reply. Chances are he doesn’t recognize me as anything more than a face in a crowd. He and I agree on some things, disagree on others. Hell we had a several page argument on the forums about his War of Thorns RP-PvP campaign.


I can without a doubt say that PCU RP is objectively some of the best RP on the server. Their adherence to lore, the quality the officer-team expect from their membership, their contributions to the server… All these things are top notch and I can only wish more of the server behaved like they do. Yes, their way of RP is the correct way of doing things. If you gets on the bad side of the PCU on an OOC level chances are, you’re in the wrong.


For as long as I can remember there’s been a constant self sabotage/hypocrisy from the anti-RG and friends crowd. Even if their arguements could be seen as viable, said arguements crumbled as soon as they were revealed to be less than stellar individuals themselves.

At least give it a proper go for the sake of entertainment and get someone who ain’t some sort of deviant to spearhead your cause (if you can even call it that).

It used to be entertaining, now it’s stale and boring. =(


To speak of consent, we were given none when we planned our IC scouting in the barrens a while ago, in fact, we got heavily metagamed initially via discord chats and ingame whispers (from some people in this thread actually). A lot of guilds otherwise ‘not invited’ to our roleplay inserted themselves into it nonetheless. We had rogues hiding in stealth on the barracks listening to conversations (they ignored IC confrontation), trial characters in the air tracking our every move, some alts yelling and taunting us at every turn. In my opinion, many of the people who came to the ‘rescue’ were more motivated by OOC dislike for some players and guilds involved than the actual roleplay narrative itself. We even had players we have repeatedly told we do not want to roleplay with inserting themselves into our conflict roleplay, despite numerous requests not to; forcing us to cancel our arranged plans because we do not want to interact with them.

The sad thing about it all, however, were the great deal of mean-spirited comments directed at our community while simultaneously trying to roleplay at us both ingame and via discord. During the time, I was very confused as to why they would bother.

The last event we asked to attend to pursue our rebel RP narrative via OOC consent resulted in us being metagamed, again, and our plans ruined because people were given the OOC heads up what we were about, where we were and when we were coming. We had people reveal our disguised spies because they see the guild tag under their names, people walking up to them saying “Hmph … you smell like a damn grunt vigilantly / rotgarde rotter to me …”

We’ve had people most recently rogue stalk us via /who’ing our locations and discovering secret places involving our prisoner RP. We had people instantly reveal our ‘Rogmasha is dead’ shock twist by exposing it due to people being told they’re not dead OOC. In fact, I was informed the other-day someone had apparently swabbed a bloodied tabard I was holding to prove of Rogmasha’s demise on a NPC as part of some scrying effort. This emote never came my way, neither was I asked in whispers or even approached by a player character when this stunt was going on aka – it never happened.

The problem for me is balancing immersion and consent without being completely messed about by people wanting to metagame the roleplay.

Anyway, regarding character consent? Every rebel we have ever captured (barring Rogmasha) doesn’t appear to accept character death, those we take as prisoners escape jail an hour or two into capture. That’s fine though, it’s not a huge deal. It’s not really my place to demand something of anyone regarding character fate. I have experienced players, very angrily, demanding forced character deaths on the opposite team however – both in a discord channel and ingame. I think people ought to be more respectful and not harass someone because they don’t want their character to die.

If I am to agree with consent on all things then a lot of my RP has been ruined in such a way. Nevertheless, my policy is to roll along with it regardless if people are fuelled more by OOC than IC, or it doesn’t go ‘as planned’.

I can’t help but feel it’s hypocritical to be given all the blame, especially when we’ve actually gone out of our way to be as courteous as can be.


Stale and boring. Your words.

I was saying to a friend the other day:

“I think roleplayers just look for a reason to be outraged and transfer OOC disputes into IC tbh; I don’t think the people being hyper vocal are genuinely that engaged in what has happened as they make themself out to be.”

Genuinely never known anyone to hold grudges like people on this realm, over the smallest of things that then get bigger and bigger due to the bitterness and attempting to validate hatred through crappy pseudo IC/OOC antics.

Exhale people, let it go. It’s healthier. Stop going aggro on people on behalf of someone else who has already voiced their opinion, no one likes a busy body. If you genuinely disagree with a crowd or feel disgruntled by them that much then surely avoiding them would be better for you?

Regardless. Exhale. Let it go.


Maravillosa Jugada


I thought I’d throw in my own two cents as we don’t really seem to be getting anywhere with the general topic in discussion.

I play Dirok, a Frozen Paw Clan Warrior that’s currently aiding in establishing a task force to peruse leads on Rogmasha as well as opposing Mister Phillip Perroys Ideology! This is purely off knowledge in character, which currently stands as nothing, of course out of character I know where she’s being held but I don’t go and act on it because that’s not what the community is about and the Rotgarde know where we are out of character but haven’t just sent out forces to slay us all which they could quite easily do.

Now despite me opposing Perroy on one toon, I may have other toons that would likely think “Wait… He’s loyal to Sylvanas, he’s somebody I should follow” (Likely on a Forsaken) and you don’t see us at each others throats, we’re still friends like I am with many of folk regardless of their in character ideology, White Paw or Stygian because it’s a game and they’re fictional characters.

To think this was all done with malicious intent is a bit Daft, if it was Rogmasha wouldn’t have agreed to it, I can whole heartedly assure you, they did not know we had events and I recall speaking with Pullo in voice in the Chillzone, RG and Hand will accept consequences at some point just like we will its not some one way agreed conspiracy.

What’s happened has happened we’ll learn to plan and evolve around it like we are doing now, there use to be in day in time in 2008 on the Sha’tar where somebody would come up with an all out rebellion against a guild you was in and you’d have to deal with it there and then.

We’re all people guys, I get some are more passionate about their characters than others but this is getting a little out of hands, I enjoy the time I spend in character with each and every one of you and the friendships that come of it out of character, that’s what makes me happy being a part of this community

Peace and love and all that stuff my guys! Let’s tuck away the arguing