The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

This is just awful to read.

People in the whiteclaw wanted to get away from the inner horde conflict RP. It came back to them. It wasnt properly communicated. That’s the story. Expectations and outcome clearly didnt meet for allot of people.

But instead people here spit on each other, ripping arguments out to ridicule each other. Folks are framed and getting words put into their mouth, which they didnt use.



Finds my Keyboard in an adoption centre, brings it to a nice, rich home where I pretend to love it, then abuse it until it will no longer work in society. Every step of the way making it feel more like trash and less powerful.

Both reasonable criticisms to raise.

On OOC communication: we do a lot of OOC compromise for most of our plots, compromise which is rarely returned. You could describe the event schedule of entire guilds with just the ones we have abandoned due to IC action.

Aggrievement (I’m not convinced it’s a word or how to spell it but I’m rolling with it): When a fugitive enters a group, that group has two options. Either shelter them which invites conflict from the force hunting them, or remove the fugitive. You can’t have it both ways without completely isolating that roleplay from the Legion (via OOC communication which we would likely have accepted and have done with various guilds and groups). We can’t help hurt feelings based on a story progressing exactly as one should expect it to.



Looks at Hearthstone Deck

I like it!

Throws Keyboard at Dudflex


I never said I am perfect. Yes, when I thought it appropriate, I confronted you about the points I disagree with. At the same time, as you pointed out, I’m willing to bring the discussion to other people who I disagree with. In other words, I have my own views on things, and I am willing to speak and stand out for them.

If they clash with you, or rather someone else, I am likely to speak my mind. At the same time, I’ve never taken such an attitude in-game against you and your lot, and always kept any disagreement verbal - on the forums. Besides. Like now, it’s usually you who confront me, rather than the other way around.

More importantly, this is not about me. So maybe we should all just drop the whole “let’s attack people’s credibility”, because in this entire thread I haven’t attacked you. I’m not trying to say you’re a bad person. I am not hunting you, okay?

The fact I wasn’t there doesn’t prevent me from making a judgement on the matter: people can extrapolate meaning from proper context and form an opinion. If said opinion is right or wrong, however, it’s another case.

I’ve been reading the threads before I replied and I believe I expressed a relevant point. I’m not trying to get you. I don’t want to attack the Rotgarde, you have the same right to RP and enjoy the game as everyone else.

I wouldn’t know.
I believe many people felt an huge sense of discomfort; and a good number of posts are pointing at that. Why they are very cautious in expressing what they feel is another affair. If you believe there aren’t any individuals expressing discomfort we’re reading two different threads.
But I’m not going to address this particular point any further, because it wouldn’t do anyone a favor.


Then you could have avoided a reply in the first place. It’s not like I was quoting you or demanding your attention.

I don’t.

The whole point of evaluating feedback is that you weight whether it matters or not.

Flailing arms about and REEEEing about your welfare RP being gone is not a valid concern, therefore it’s dismissed as such.

All feedback absolutely isn’t valid and this is the point why you value it.

The victim card’s all well and good but in order to use it you have to actually discern accusations from reality.

Bubble RP wasn’t an insult. That was a statement- Now you can argue whether I’m wrong about that, but having seen your group skipping clear of most/all server events or initiatives save for a few events, I’d argue that point holds water.

Dishonest is about the fact that your guild has on several occasions meta’d information and engaged in RP with us- Even when making it absolutely clear that you don’t in fact want to RP with us.

Vagueposting because you can’t pinpoint your issue (because there is no credible issue, as pointed out) and because you fail to point out who have done wrong, but rather go “some have done wrong”, like that’d be somehow better. Spit it out, get it over with.

Disingenuine because when the floor from your argument (the traveling hub question) is stripped from it, the only reason why’d you post about it is to go exactly how Gobbert showcased it “I’m not one to comment, but…” on the people/group

Failure to argue, as pointed out, for the validity of your viewpoints.

Lie with dogs, you wake up with fleas.


Oh, I’ll show you!

Gives my Keyboard a Child acting career that will go nowhere.



Uses Goblin Trader Card

“I got deals!”

Looks through new Cards


Uses Tirion Fordring Card, making it wack my Keyboard with the Ashbringer, before throwing both of them at Dudflex


The only thing I’m getting from this as an outsider:
the only way to avoid this is not roleplaying with any of these groups, given that interacting with one of them will get you on some kind of list with the other (or with some individuals, at least).
Or at least staying at a healthy distance.


Okay you win, you truly are the best Keyboard warrior.


There’s a really simple solution to this.

Everyone else can go back to RP as normal, and focus on that.

PCU can go off to do their thing, ignoring everyone else and being ignored in turn.
After all, we were told, in plain, simple terms.
“We dont care”.


If you don’t want to roleplay with the Stygian Legion, just don’t roleplay with the Stygian Legion, or with people that roleplay with the Stygian Legion, and you’ll have zero chance of running into the Stygian Legion.

That’s a really easy solution to the problem, isn’t it?


Thanks for your opinion Kaytlinne 120 human paladin.


Don’t use logic on the internet.

It’s against the rules.

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But what if I want to RP with both the Stygies and the anti-Stygies because I don’t care about ooc politics?


On OOC communication: And that’s all well and good, but the point that keeps being raised is that people would prefer a degree of forewarning in future; it’s my experience, for example, that while you’re all perfectly civil once OOC discussion does start it’s usually only at the point that things have already escalated, and one party feels backed into a corner. There’s also a sense, deliberately fostered or not, that “if you don’t do things our way you’re a bad RPer, because your only options now are Comply or Break Character / Continuity and that second thing is awful.” This is not helped by Perroy openly stating, as he has done here,“not agreeing with me = not cool”.

I will say I was pleasantly surprised by our recent interactions re. Sun Hawks choosing not to engage with RP we’re not going to enjoy, and subsequent decision to avoid/ignore each other. I hope we can keep things as civil moving forwards.

Grievance: Except that you can; either by the aforementioned OOC communication, or by ‘reading the room’. If a group has gone out of its way to remove itself from your vicinity and run alternate plot somewhere else, maybe… just let them?

Still, hindsight is 20:20, and different people have different priorities in RP.

Thanks for the measured response Dreadbore :slight_smile:


Wasn’t the point of the Whiteclaw stuff to stay away from the Stygians for a lot of people? Just sticking to less used zones and having more traditional Horde RP.

Seems staying away isn’t an option if they decide that your RP is anti-Sylvanas and needs to be stopped.


Why are you a gnome? Your name sounds Dark Iron.

Something seems a little off about your avatar.


Dunno. Logging on and off doesn’t work. I’m not even in that guild anymore.