The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

Is it baseless if the negativity is formed from how they portray themselves on the forums, the mobbing of anyone with a negative opinion or critiscm of how they do something, the meme spamming and so on?


The first one is my bad then, sorry. I remembered a double quote early on with Mrs. paladin.

Hurr Perroy’s not on my radar because I’m better than him and all this drama.

Or I will be blunt in stating something that many people might disagree with: Forsaken RP is not my piece of cake. Thus, I am not really always looking to interact with the leader of a big Forsaken RP guild.

Did you just question my personhood, or am I not “people” to you?

This statement she made is about as “offensive” as a stop sign. Do you also get offended at a stop sign suggesting to slow down and limit your enjoyment.

Her statement boils down to: “ignore the elements you dislike. Accept that some will do the same in return.” Which is a reasonable suggestion.


Can I ask a single question?.. why does this thread keep dragging on with this weird ‘’’’drama’’’’ kink when there’s no drama involved, really? From my sideline view neither side really has an OOC issue with what the other has done and the reason why we all play this game is to enjoy it, right?

RP is at its best when those IC scenarios spawn more events and consequences, so that your story experience feels cohesive and responsive, Rogmasha’s arrest being just that. I refuse to believe anyone and someone saying they’d rather exist in a bubble where rebellious parts of the society are completely ignored by the law enforcements. Like, Rebel RP makes 0 sense if there’s no rebelling involved and so do the law enforcements shenanigans. Those two must collaborate if they want to fulfil their RP roles.

Bottom line: Rogmasha and the Frozen Paw Clan are chill, the Stygian Legion and Perroy are chill, could we just stop at the 500 post mark and let this thread die, considering it’s pretty pointless.


Oh no they use memes on the forums! Guess they’re all awful RPers!

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Man this post is rlly based I’m willing to exclude this from the “Big nerd who needs fresh air” rule

got back in, now i reply… now we both must go outside for some fresh air again…

Damn hoisted on my own petard

I’m posting from a nice bench outside in the Sun. Haha.

My understanding is that the thread is meant to discuss a particular topic in relation to the big hoo-ha rather than solely about said hoo-ha.

But tbh I’m just getting flashbacks to MoP. I swear we’ve all been here before. Nearly the exact same discussion was had back then. The exact same points. This reinforces my theory we’re stuck in a time loop.

See you in three expansions when the Horde rebels against Gallywyx!

This makes me wonder why there are no IC theatre groups that do IC roleplay and IC plays.
Re-enacting lore events but with IC actors that are roleplayers. Surely Silvermoon or Stormwind or Suramar got one or more theatres?


There’s a difference between the occasional meme and post after post of it, done to get a thread shut down, isn’t there?

As I said, my negative opinion on them is based on how they portray themselves on the forums, that is entirely thier own conduct.

Yet somehow it’s all unjustified?


You couldn’t have picked a better day for it.

Ah of course! And though I’m an advocate of fluid RP and understand why SL didn’t announce themselves OOC (I, too, have faced the annoyance of metagaming on many-a-occasion because I gave OOC warning) I do understand the frustration of the event planner.

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dude, it’s bugging me. is sindri purposefully made to look like ll cool j

(for ref )

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Awfully presumptuous, don’t you think?

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From what I’ve observed here and there, a decent proportion of ‘rebel roleplayers’ dislike how the ‘loyalist roleplayers’ roleplay and a similar number of ‘loyalist roleplayers’ dislike how the ‘rebel roleplayers’ roleplay. Collaboration is going to be almost impossible if both sides disagree with how the opposing side plays its role.

This is anecdotal vagueposting without any screenshots to back it up, but some members of the Whiteclaw Communion and the Stygian Legion don’t really seem able to get along. It’s reached the point where it really might be more productive if these two communities perform their respective roleplay independently of each other, and stay away from whatever event, campaign or hub that the other group is involved in.

This segregation might generate less roleplay, but it’ll also generate less of this nonsense.


Now and then there have been. The problem with running them as guild is they’re quite hard to maintain, so sadly seldom last long.


Wouldn’t the healthier option still be to not assume the worst until proven otherwise? Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, but considering the amount of us vs them being perpetuated in this thread (and most of it being rather baseless), contributing to it and the ongoing :poop: flinging between these two groups like Lonecreek doesn’t make a very good impression for someone on the sidelines. That’s not to say that there isn’t flinging going on from the other side of the aisle, but usually the best thing you can do in situations like these is handling yourself with tact before blaming someone else for not being decent.

Comments like

are pretty counter-intuitive. I’ve been on the bad side of Perroy before and I can say without a shadow of doubt that I didn’t actually do anything. For context back in 2014 there was a weird clique war between Perroy and Saphitia and I just happened to be in the other one to play video games outside of WoW with friends. It got to the point where my attempt at making a guild (which didn’t last long and I consider it a learning experience in hindsight) got downvote nuked by the PCU (though back then it was just the Rotgarde) and ridiculed for not panning out as I had hoped as a first-time guild master without a real long term game plan. All of this because of association to someone by virtue of being in a blanket skype group dedicated to playing video games outside of WoW hosted by someone Perroy had beef with.

But the thing is that it’s healthier to not take things to heart and instead live and let live. The people largely involved for messing with my attempted guild aren’t part of Perroy’s guilds anymore to my knowledge and I’ve talked things out with him. I enjoy the game a lot more by being optimistic instead of overtly paranoid of Big Brand Guilds :atm:.

Doesn’t mean that being on their bad side always means you’re objectively wrong. Sometimes there’s misunderstandings, a theme in this thread.

And we shouldn’t really make the us vs them mentality worse by painting everyone who’s not part of the PCU as somehow intrinsically supporting ERP. I’m not part of it, nor have I really been (beyond one week in Rotgarde after which I determined that it’s just not my style of guild and that’s fine).

Yet still Ghorek and I were the ones who executed Order 66 on the Horde pandaren community back in 2015 because it became an ERP ring where new people were actively hounded and pressured to join.

Unironically all of the issues between PCU and “anti-PCU” could be solved by talking things out in a level-headed fashion instead of snide comments and assumptions from both sides. I talked it out. You can too. The greatest change comes from within :blush:

Edit: I lied, we nuked the pandaren community in 2015, not 2014 oops lol


There’s a difference between the occasional meme and post after post of it, done to get a thread shut down, isn’t there?
As I said, my negative opinion on them is based on how they portray themselves on the forums, that is entirely thier own conduct.
Yet somehow it’s all unjustified?

On how some people portray themselves on the forum you should add, the only thread shutdowns I’ve ever seen PCU members take part in is when it’s erp threads (bayerleyn thread for instance) in which it was torn to the ground by a vast majority of the community who took one look at it and thought,
“this is incredibly disturbing and vile.” and it was locked because of this. I’d argue that’s a good thing? Wouldn’t you?

Secondly, you’re not entitled to blanketing an entire community with the same brush simply because a few people post - on a silly internet forum - in a way you don’t find tasteful, interact with the people in the community for awhile and then make an informed decision on the matter.

Your opinion is incredibly unjustified, a small handful of people posting in a manner they want that you do not personally find comfortable is a pathetic and indefensible reason to paint an entire community filled with people of different views and cultures with the same distasteful brush.


Edit: I lied, we nuked the pandaren community in 2015, not 2014 oops lol

You were supposed to bring balance to the community not destroy it!

Edit 2: Toq is harassing me send help.

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Hi guys :wave: Highly qualified Alliance alt here. I wasn’t at this event but let me give an inflammatory opinion because I heard through my cousin’s uncle’s, bestmate who had a negative experience with a Rotgarde member’s nan’s, bingo mate said they were evil! ! !

It’s RP you doorknobs. Deal with it appropriately and save the essays for your BTEC’s and GCSE’s.