The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

Isn’t that how society (sadly) works though? Guilty with association and all that stuff that’s flung around.

“Actively avoid it”

It being the previous sentence of “creating rp”, and the context is me calling your guild a bubble (which it evidently is).

It wasn’t an issue to me. I just pointed you were being dishonest about it. I stated twice that it’s not an insult, it’s an observation.

You said yourself that SOME have been doing smacktalking. That’s enough for me to associate their actions with the rest of your guild.

Again, lie with dogs, wake up with fleas.

Paranoia isn’t the word you are looking for, it’s association.

If you admit you’re going to try and be better about something, obviously you admit an apology. Why else share it in public?

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Since I find their actions distasteful, actions which continue over the course of months and years, without rebuke from the community they represent, why am I not entitled to assume that they represent the norm for the community that harbours them?

Basically long story short, if you have a problem where you think that your community is being unjustly regarded as aggressive, puerile and generally a bunch of bum holes, it would be best to bring up sharp those of your community that go on the forums and act, exactly in the way you claim you are being unjustly seen as, no?

Good or bad, you represent the guild whose tag you wear.


Guilty by association. Why are we having this concept?

Read Telaryns post again and think.

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I don’t know why this guilty by association is so important here.
This is not a court room. This isn’t some gang turf war (or I hope it isn’t).
I avoid joining guilds because of this sort of crap, partially.


Pretty much this.

Why not?

If a member of your guild does x things and there’s no punishment/repercussion for it, obviously you assume they condone it.

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Imagine having various opinions that can be pro- and anti-PCU. Will that make the system and people, who cannot live without labeling the others, go 404?


What you mean like the people who need to stack and unstack cups and flick the lightswitch on and off when they enter a room?

don’t be rude towards aerilen…


His life is rude enough to him already, it doesn’t require me


wtf… guys…


Personally I rarely if ever ignore people- But that doesn’t mean I just magically forget what’s happened to me in the past.

I don’t really stop interacting with people who talk smack about me for one (if I did I’d be out of RP) and more often than not I let things go.

That doesn’t mean I don’t point out some dodgy behaviour x group has known to do on the forums, or if confronted about it.

That’s a nice attempt to salvage what you said and getting caught with your pants down, but you get points for trying. :ok_hand:

It clearly is, since this is such a big issue you so desperately wish to pursue. Since, clearly, you wish to prove I am dishonest about it despite not having presented a single piece of evidence to point it out. As I stated before, there is no empirical (you introduced the term yourself) means to prove it to begin with. And actually, it is an insult if you call someone a liar.

Since the rest of your post is just an attempt to go “no u” at this point, I’ll narrow it down to this and call it a day: With the above comment, we have come full circle regarding my first post in which I literally state that no malicious intent was spread in any of the Discord chats that were accused while some people try ever so hard to paint an entire guild or community black, as has been shown multiple times in this topic. Yet, some of you are so keen to believe that half of the server hates your guts that you end up going out of your way to actually make it so through narrative alone. And when someone butts in to offer an olive branch, you latch out and bite the hand off. If you really want to believe that, go on ahead. But this putting words in other peoples’ mouths is frankly a poor way to try and prove your point. Peace. :wave:


Leaves out context

Gets called on it

“haha ur just tryin’ 2 salvage what u said”

Or you could just admit that you misread/misinterpreted something, crazy idea, right?


If you take anything out of Telaryn’s powerful and based post, it’s this. RP on Argent Dawn isn’t a war; there isn’t a hero or a villain. Most people - even those who make silly posts on the forums - are ultimately just here to play and enjoy themselves.

I’ve personally spent more than enough time pursuing e-feuds and grudges, so I’m pretty aware of how it ends up dominating your time if you let it. Back in the golden age of forums :poop:posting and drama threads, I barely RPed - I spent a lot of time trash-talking and sniping people instead.

Let me tell you something, bros. It’s not a worthwhile use of your time. My name is Loras, and I’m an alco-- forum memelord.


God I remember when Telaryn, unironically posted “Aerilen is a nice guy off the forums”. My street cred has never recovered since.

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Can we sticky this to this thread because several posters on both sides of this divide could do with following this. The lack of humility and ability to accept where someone may have jumped the gun or generalised unfairly is basically the fuel that drives this thread.



You didn’t have street cred to begin with…


You use it as your pick-up line with women often enough, to be fair.

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:smile: :tophat::ok_hand:

I tip my hat.